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POETRY-1 (ENG403). LECTURE – 4. REVIEW OF LECTURE 3. Introduction The Knight The Squire The Yeoman The Prioress.

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  1. POETRY-1 (ENG403) LECTURE – 4

  2. REVIEW OF LECTURE 3 • Introduction • The Knight • The Squire • The Yeoman • The Prioress

  3. A monk ther was, a fair for the maistrie, L.165An outridere, that lovedevenerie,A manly man, to been an abbot able.Ful many a deyntee hors hadde he in stable,And whan he rood, men myghte his brydelheereGynglen in a whistlyngewyndalscleereAnd eek as loude as dooth the chapel belle. L.171 • Maistrie – superiority • Outridere – officer of monastry • Venerie – hunting • Deyntee – good choice • Rood – rode • Brydel – bridle of the horse • Heere – hear • Gynglen – jingle • Als Cleere – very clear

  4. Ther as this lord was kepere of the celle, L.172 The reule of seintmaure or of seintbeneit, By cause that it was old and somdelstreit This ilke monk leetoldethynges pace,And heeld after the newe world the space. L.176 • Ther as – where • Kepere – keeper • The celle – a subordinate monastery • Reule – rule • Seint maure–St. Maurus • Seint beneit-St.Benedict • Somdel - somewhat • Streit – narrow • Heeld – held • Space - course

  5. He yafnat of that text a pulled hen, L.177 That seith that hunters bethnathooly men, Ne that a monk, whan he is recchelees, Is liknedtil a fissh that is waterlees, -- This is to seyn, a monk out of his cloystre. L.181 • Yaf not – gave not • Of that text – scriptures • Beth – are • Ne that – not that he cared for the text that said • Waterlees –out of water • Seyn – says • Cloystre – cloystre

  6. But thilke text heeld he nat worth an oystre; L.182And I seyde his opinioun was good.What sholde he studie and make hymselven wood, Upon a book in cloystrealwey to poure, Or swynken with his handes, and laboure,As austyn bit? how shal the world be served? L.187 • Thilke-same • Heeld-held • nat worth an oystre-of no value • Seyde-said • Opinioun-opinion • What sholde-why should • Hymselven-himself • Wood-senseless • Poure-read • Swynken-hardwork • Austyn bit- augustine bid

  7. Lat austyn have his swynk to hym reserved! L.188Therfore he was a prikasour aright:Grehoundes he hadde as swift as fowel in flight; Of prikyng and of huntyng for the hareWas al his lust, for no cost wolde he spare. L.192 • Lat-let • Prikasour- practice pricking • Lust- desire

  8. I seigh his slevespurfiled at the hond L.193 With grys, and that the fyneste of a lond; And, for to festne his hood under his chyn, He hadde of gold ywroght a ful curious pyn; A love-knotte in the gretterendether was. His heed was balled, that shoon as any glas,And eek his face, as he hadde been enoynt. L.199 • Purfiled- dacorated at the edge • Grys- grey squirrel • the fyneste of a lond- the finest fur • Love knotte- a twisted loop • Gretter- larger • Balled – bald • Enoynt-anointed

  9. He was a lord ful fat and in good poynt; L.200 His eyen stepe, and rollynge in his heed, That stemed as a forneys of a leed; His bootessouple, his hors in greet estaat.Now certeinly he was a fair prelaat; He was nat pale as a forpynedgoost. L.205 • Poynt- condition • Stepe- bright • Souple- soft • Estaat- good condition • Prelaat- clergyman • forpyned goost- a ghost that has pined away

  10. A fat swan loved he best of any roost. L.206His palfrey was as broun as is a berye. L.207 • Roost- roast • Palfrey- small riding horse • Berye- berry

  11. THE MONK’S CHARACTER • Description • Humour

  12. A frerether was, a wantowne and a merye, L.208A lymytour, a fulsolempne man.In alle the ordresfoure is noon that kanSo muchel of daliaunce and fair langage.He haddemaadful many a mariageOf yongewommen at his owene cost. L.213 • Frere- friar • Wantowne- very gay • Merye- merry • Lymytour- the area of a friar • Solempne- important looking • Noon- none • Daliaunce- speech in a fine language • Maad- made • Owene- own

  13. Unto his ordre he was a noble post. L.214Fulwelbiloved and famulier was heWith frankeleyns over al in his contree,And eek with worthy wommen of the toun;For he hadde power of confessioun,As seydehymself, moore than a curat,For of his ordre he was licenciat. L.220 • Noble post- great authority • Biloved- loved • Famulier- familiar • Frankeleyns- big land ownersranting • Contree- country • Toun- town • Confessioun- power of granting absolution • Seyde- said • Curat- priest • Licenciat- licensed

  14. Fulswetelyherde he confessioun, L.221And plesaunt was his absolucioun:He was an esy man to yevepenaunce,Ther as he wiste to have a good pitaunce. L.224 • Swetely- attentively • Herde- heard • Cofessioun- confessions • Plesaunt- pleasant • Absolucioun-forgiving sense • Yeve- give • Penaunce- penence • Pitaunce- extra allowance

  15. For unto a povreordre for to yive L.225Is signe that a man is welyshryve;For if he yaf, he dorste make avaunt,He wiste that a man was repentaunt;For many a man so hard is of his herte,He may natwepe, althoghhymsooresmerte. L.230 • Povre- poor • Yshryve- confessed • He dorste- he durst make • Avaunt- boast • He may nat- he is not able to • soore smerte- it may trouble him

  16. Therfore in stede of wepynge and preyeres L.231Men mooteyeve silver to the povrefreres.His typet was ay farsedful of knyvesAnd pynnes, for to yeven faire wyves.And certeinly he hadde a murye note:Welkoude he synge and pleyen on a rote;Of yeddynges he baaroutrely the pris. L.237 • Men moote- one ought to • Typet- stuffed • Rote- fiddle • Yeddynges- songs • Pris- prize

  17. His nekke whit was as the flour-de-lys; L.238Therto he strong was as a champioun.He knew the taverneswel in every tounAnd everichhostiler and tappestereBet than a lazar or a beggestere; L.242 • Tappestere- a female tapster • Bet- better • Lazer- leper

  18. For unto swich a worthy man as he L. 243Acordednat, as by his facultee,To have with sike lazars aqueyntaunce.It is nat honest, it may natavaunce,For to deelen with no swichporaille,But al with riche and selleres of vitaille. L.248 • Facultee- abilities • Poraille- poor people • Riche- rich men and women

  19. And over al, ther as profit sholde arise, L.249Curteis he was and lowely of servyse.Thernas no man nowher so vertuous. He was the bestebeggere in his hous;(and yaf a certeyneferme for the graunt; L.252.1 • Ther as- where ever • Lowely- humble • Nas no man- never was • Vertuous- efficient • Hous- monastry

  20. Noon of his bretheren cam ther in his haunt;) L.252 For thogh a wydwehaddenoght a sho, So plesaunt was his in principio, Yet wolde he have a ferthyng, er he wente. His purchas was welbettre than his rente.And rage he koude, as it were right a whelp. L.257 • Wydwe- widow • Noght- not so much • Sho- shoe • Plesaunt- pleasant • Rage- sport • Whelp- a puppy

  21. In love-dayestherkoude he muchel help, L.258 For ther he was natlyk a cloysterer With a thredbare cope, as is a povrescoler, But he was lyk a maister or a pope. Of double worstede was his semycope, That rounded as a belle out of the presse. L.263. • Lyk- is like • Cloysterer- a clergyman • Cope- cloak • Povre scoler- poor scholar • Double worstede- worsted • Semycope- small cloak

  22. Somwhat he lipsed, for his wantownesse, L.264 To make his englisshsweete upon his tonge; And in his harpyng, whan that he haddesonge, His eyen twynkled in his heed aryght, As doon the sterres in the frosty nyght. This worthy lymytour was clepedhuberd. L.269 • Lipsed- stammered • Walntownesse- gayfulness • Harpyng- singing on a flute • Twynkled- glittered • Doon- do • Sterres- stars • Lymytour- friar • Cleped- called

  23. A marchant was ther with a forked berd, L.270In mottelee, and hye on horse he sat;Upon his heed a flaundryssh bever hat,His bootes clasped faire and fetisly. His resons he spak ful solempnely,Sownynge alwey th' encrees of his wynnyng. L.275 • Berd- beard • Mottelee- dress of different colours • Hye- high • Heed- head • flaundryssh bever hat- a costly hat • faire and fetisly- fair and neatly

  24. He wolde the see were kept for any thyng L.276 Bitwixe middelburgh and orewelle.Wel koude he in eschaunge sheeldes selle.This worthy man ful wel his wit bisette:Ther wiste no wight that he was in dette, L.280 • Bitwixe- between • Bisette- employed

  25. So estatly was he of his governaunce L.281With his bargaynes and with his chevyssaunce.For sothe he was a worthy man with alle,But, sooth to seyn, I noot how men hym calle. L.284 • Chevyssaunce- usury

  26. A clerk ther was of oxenford also, L.285 That unto logyk hadde longe ygo. As leene was his hors as is a rake, And he nas nat right fat, I undertake, But looked holwe, and therto sobrely. L.289 • Clerk- scholar • Ygo- long go • Holwe- hollow • Soberly- sad

  27. Ful thredbare was his overeste courtepy; L.290For he hadde geten hym yet no benefice,Ne was so worldly for to have office.For hym was levere have at his beddes heedTwenty bookes, clad in blak or reed,Of aristotle and his philosophie,Than robes riche, or fithele, or gay sautrie. L.296 • overeste courtepy- his short gown • Geten hym- secured for himself • Benefice- church living • Office- secular work • robes riche- costly garments • Fithele- stringed musical instrument • Sautrie- a small harp

  28. But al be that he was a philosophre, L.297 Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre; But al that he myghte of his freendes hente, On bookes and on lernynge he it spente, And bisily gan for the soules preye Of hem that yaf hym wherwith to scoleye. L.302 • Al be- although • Philosophre – philosopher and alchemist • Cofre- coffer • Myghte- suceed in • Hente- get • Bisily- sincerely • Yaf- gave • Scoleye- to study

  29. Of studie took he moost cure and moost heede, L.303 Noght o word spak he moore than was neede, And that was seyd in forme and reverence, And short and quyk and ful of hy sentence; Sownynge in moral vertu was his speche, And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche. L.308 • Heede- attention • forme and reverence- propriety and modesty • Quyk- quick • Hy- high • Sentence- meaning • Sownynge- tending towards • Speche- talk • Teche- teach

  30. A sergeant of the lawe, war and wys, L.309 That often hadde been at the parvys, Ther was also, ful riche of excellence. Discreet he was and of greet reverence -- He semed swich, his wordes weren so wise. L.313 • sergeant of the lawe- sergeants-at-law • War and wys- prudent and wise • ful riche of excellence- distinguished

  31. Justice he was ful often in assise, L.314 By patente and by pleyn commissioun. For his science and for his heigh renoun, Of fees and robes hadde he many oon.So greet a purchasour was nowher noon: Al was fee symple to hym in effect; His purchasyng myghte nat been infect. L.320 • Science- knowledge • Purchasour- puyer up of land • Noone- none • Fee symple- owner’s absolute authority • in effect- in reality • Infect- invalid

  32. Nowher so bisy a man as he ther nas, L.321 And yet he semed bisier than he was. In termes hadde he caas and doomes alle That from the tyme of kyng william were falle. L.324 • Bisier- busier • Termes- terms (legal jargon)

  33. Therto he koude endite, and make a thyng, L.325 Ther koude no wight pynche at his writyng; And every statut koude he pleyn by rote. He rood but hoomly in a medlee cote. Girt with a ceint of silk, with barres smale; Of his array telle I no lenger tale. L.330 • Pynche- find fault with • Statut- statute • Koude- knew • By rote- by heart • medlee cote- a coat of many colours • Ceint- belt • Barres - metal ornaments

  34. A frankeleyn was in his compaignye. L.331 Whit was his berd as is the dayesye; Of his complexioun he was sangwyn. Wel loved he by the morwe a sop in wyn; L.334 • Frankeley- a wealthy country gentleman • by the morwe- every morning

  35. To lyven in delit was evere his wone, L.335 For he was epicurus owene sone, That heeld opinioun that pleyn delit Was verray felicitee parfit.An housholdere, and that a greet, was he; Seint julian he was in his contree. L.340 • Lyven- live • Delit- delight • Wone-Custom • Epicurus- Greek Philosopher • pleyn delit- plain diet • Verrily- truly • Felicitee- happiness • Housholdere- head of a house • Seint julian- a saint of hospitality

  36. His breed, his ale, was alweys after oon; L.341 A bettre envyned man was nowher noon. Withoute bake mete was nevere his hous Of fissh and flessh, and that so plentevous, It snewed in his hous of mete and drynke, Of alle deyntees that men koude thynke. L.346 • Breed- bread • Ale- wine • After oon- first class • A bettre envyned man- a better celler man • Noon- known • Plentevous- in plenty • Snewed – snowed • Deyntees- rare delicacies

  37. After the sondry sesons of the yeer, L.347 So chaunged he his mete and his soper. Ful many a fat partrich hadde he in muwe, And many a breem and many a luce in stuwe. Wo was his cook but if his sauce were Poynaunt and sharp, and redy al his geere. L.352 • Sondry- every • Soper- supper • Partrich- bird • Muwe- cage • Breem, Luce, Stuwe- Fish • Wo- sad

  38. His table dormant in his halle always L.353 Stood redy covered al the longe day. At sessiouns ther was he lord and sire; Ful ofte tyme he was knyght of the shire. L.356 • Table dormant- irremovable table • Sessiouns- meetings • Knyght of the shire- representative in the parliament

  39. An anlaas and a gipser al of silk L.357 Heeng at his girdel, whit as morne milk. A shirreve hadde he been, and a contour. Was nowher swich a worthy vavasour. L.360 • Anlaas- wood knife • Gipser- pouch • Shirreve- Governor of the country • Contour- accountant • Vavasour- king’s tenants

  40. An haberdasshere and a carpenter, L.361 A webbe, a dyere, and a tapycer, -- And they were clothed alle in o lyvereeOf a solempne and a greet fraternitee. L.364 • Haberdasshere- haberdasher • Webbe- weaver • Tapycer- upholsterer • Lyveree- a gild dress

  41. Ful fressh and newe hir geere apiked was; L.365 Hir knyves were chaped noght with bras But al with silver; wroght ful clene and weel Hire girdles and hir pouches everydeel. L.368 • Geere- apparel • Apiked- trimmed • Chaped- a plate was capped in metal

  42. Wel semed ech of hem a fair burgeys L.369 To sitten in a yeldehalle on a deys. Everich, for the wisdom that he kan, Was shaply for to been an alderman. L.372 • a fair burgeys- prosperous citizen • Yeldehalle- guild hall • Everich- each • Kan- know • Shaply- fit

  43. For catel hadde they ynogh and rente, L.373 And eek hir wyves wolde it wel assente; And elles certeyn were they to blame.It is ful fair to been ycleped madame, And goon to vigilies al bifore, And have a mantel roialliche ybore. L.378 • Catel- cattle • Rente- income from rent • Assente- agree • ful fair- very plesant • Goon to- to walk • Vigilies- vigils • Roialliche ybore- in a royal manner

  44. A cook they hadde with hem for the nones L.379 To boille the chiknes with the marybones,And poudre-marchant tart and galyngale.Wel koude he knowe a draughte of londoun ale. L.380 • They- the five burgesses • Nones- occasion • poudre-marchant- flavouring powder • Tart-sharp taste • Galyngale- the root of sweet cypress • londoun ale- London wine

  45. He koude rooste, and sethe, and broille, and frye, Maken mortreux, and wel bake a pye. L.384 But greet harm was it, as it thoughte me,That on his shyne a mormal hadde he. For blankmanger, that made he with the beste L.387 • Rooste- roast • Sethe- cook over fire • Mortreux- meat stew • Pye- pie • Mormal- cancerous sore • Blankmanger- made of cream & flour

  46. RECAP OF LECTURE • The Monk • The Friar • The Oxford Clerk • The Sergeant of Law • The Franklin • Haberdasher, Carpenter, Dyer, Weaver, tapycer • The Cook

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