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REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA UNIVERSITY “ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI” - BITOLA. ... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1). PRIUM – Promoting a Model of Integrated University in the Republic of Macedonia. EXCHANGE OF BEST PRACTICE SEMINAR Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje 12-13 November 2008.
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) PRIUM – Promoting a Model of Integrated University in the Republic of Macedonia EXCHANGE OF BEST PRACTICE SEMINAR Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje 12-13 November 2008 UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Prof. d-r Sasho Atanasoski, vice-rector
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Contemporary social changes, importance of knowledge and integrated university concept • Rapid, strong and comprehensive transformations and • changes in modern global society • Knowledge as a key factor of modern society development • Education system quality and efficiency in every country • have essential meaning of its prosperity • Reform processes in the education system of RM • Integrated university concept - presumption for efficient and • quality higher education system
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Transformation and integration processes of UKLO – Bitola until the Law on Higer Education was enacted in 2000 • Higher education in the Republic of Macedonia was functioning • within the frames of social system and common state – SFRJ • up to 1991 • Between 1991 and 2000 the process of transformation of • study plans and higher education institutions’ programs • within UKLO – Bitola was realized; international cooperation was • intensified and project cooperation with EU began to develop
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Transformation and integration processes of UKLO – Bitola until the Law on Higer Education was enacted in 2000 • Reform and integrative processes in higher education system • in RM during this period of time were developing very slow • mainly because of non-existence of new law frame that was • placed later on in 2000 with a great delay –10 years after • society system change and introduction of market economy • and parliamentary democracy
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Transformation and integration processes of UKLO – Bitola between 2000 and a new Law on Higer Education enacted in 2008 • The Law on Higher Education in 2000 and its modifications in • 2003 created legal presumptions for important institutional • changes, transformations and reforms in the higher education in RM • Enacting the Law in 2000 brought certain possibilities for • development of integrative functions of the University • through increased competences of University managerial bodies • RM and UKLO – Bitola within these frames got involved • in Bologna process
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Transformation and integration processes of UKLO – Bitola between 2000 and new Law on Higer Education enacted in 2008 • UKLO successfuly participated in the realization of many • TEMPUS projects • ECTS was introduced in UKLO – Bitola • Successful transformation of study and subject programs were • performed along with successful transformation of organization • and realization of education and scientific process of UKLO – • Bitola in accordance with EU standards for higher education • Evaluation and accreditation of UKLO – Bitola and its • higher education institutions were successfully realized
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Transformation and integration processes of UKLO – Bitola between 2000 and new Law on Higer Education enacted in 2008 • Competition in higher education was increased through • opening new public universities in Tetovo and Shtip, • the University of South – East Europe as public-private • University and many other private universities in RM that • have been organized as integrated universities, which proves • the fact that this concept of university organization becomes a • reality in our country
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Analysis of the process of realization of integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola until the new Law on Higher Education was enacted • The concept of integrated university of UKLO – Bitola was realized • slow and with no much success until enacting of the new Law on • Higher Education. The main reasons for this are as follows: • The Law on Higher Education from 2000 did not give enough • formal possibilities for introduction and development to the concept • of an integrated university • The possible legal premises were not completely used in the part • of creating and implementing effective modalities and mechanisms • for content integration and more effective usage of overall • capacities and development potentials by UKLO – Bitola
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Analysis of the process of realization of integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola until new Law on Higher Education was enacted • Long-lasting period of higher education institutions’ • functioning as legal subjects with complete legal subjectivity • and the resistance toward the concept of integrated university • due to dominant standings that this concept was not their interest • Delay in enacting the new Law on Higher Education that • should have been enacted few years earlier
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL New Law on Higher Education and the integrated university concept • By enacting of the Law on Higher Education all essential legal • presumtions for successful implementation of the concept of • integrated university are created mainly because of the following: • Only the University is a legal subject • University bodies and councils are organized and their competences • enable effective implementation of the concept of integrated • university • High level of harmonization of our higher education • system with EU higher education systems and Bologna process • objectives that beside other meanings include promotion and • implementation of the concept of integrated university is established
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Dilemmas about model of realization of the concept of integrated university What is the way for realization of the integrated university concept? • Through complete centralization • Through high level of centralization • Through low level of centralization
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Dilemmas about model of realization of the concept of integrated university UKLO’s answer to this crucial question is: For our University the best model of integrated university is the model that would not mean complete centralization nor domination of the principle of decentralization. Our standings are that the optimum balance between centralization and decentralization should be established or in other words this would mean establishing a combined system where the advantages of both centralization and decentralization could be used.
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Dilemmas about model of realization of the concept of integrated university The question is more concrete: How such a model of integrated university can be established?
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Creation, implementation and development of the integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola (legal aspects and mechanisms) • Defining integration principles as conditio sine qua non of future development where: • every member can advance and realize its own developing • potentials without obstacles • every member can contribute for University development • with its own potentials • the University as a whole with its overall potential will • enable a functional connection, greater efficiency, quality and • faster development of the University and its members, too
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Creation, implementation and development of the integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola (legal aspects and mechanisms) • Preparation of strategic and operative concepts for University integration in accordance with the new Law on Higher Education • Creationand implementation of a legal frame for effective integration in compliance with the new Law on Higher Education • Creation of mechanisms for following up and evaluation of the integration process
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Creation, implementation and development of the integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola (legal aspects and mechanisms) • Making use of possitive experiences from abroad in the processes of designing integrated university • Building a standardized conception with other state universities in order a complete support from the state to be assured in the processes of transformation, implementation and development of the integrated University • Improvement of organizational, administrative and financial • performances in function of successful integration and development of • the University • Introduction and effective implementation of a new form of organization and vertical and functional connection within the University in all areas and levels
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Creation, implementation and development of the integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola (essential elements and mechanisms) Beside the formal aspect of the process of creation and implementation of the model of integrated university not less important for successful implementation of this concept are the elements and mechanisms for effective content integration and university advancement in domains of:
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Creation, implementation and development of the integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola (essential elements and mechanisms) • Developing quality and integrated education activity • Intensifying and developing of the integrative scientific function • Development of integrated international cooperation and • successful internationalization and integration of UKLO – Bitola • in European and world higher education area • Intensifying, deepening and developing of integrative cooperation • of the University with state institutions, economy and • non-governmental sector • Development of integrated publishing activity
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Creation, implementation and development of the integrated university concept of UKLO – Bitola (essential elements and mechanisms) • Introduction and development of integrative system for • advancement and protection of students’ rights • Introduction and development of institutional forms and • mechanisms for effective implementation of the concept of • integrated university in all domains of university activities
... ЧЛЕНКИ НА УКЛО (1) UKLO - BITOLA TOWARDS INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MODEL Statute of UKLO – Bitola – normative frame for realization of the model of integrated university • Legal subject role and member units’ authorities • University autonomy • Activity, rights and obligations of the University and • its member units • Professional and administrative staff • Authorities and bodies of the University and its members • Development, financing and asset of the University • Higher education activity • Students