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Get it ! huh?

Get it ! huh?. Get It! (defined). Simplify Fundamentals All directions. Complexity often adds value…. …but people complicate things…. …so…embrace AND simplify. Fundamentals?. Fundamentals. All directions?. INWARD UPWARD DOWNWARD SIDEWARD OUTWARD. INWARD—Be Real.

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Get it ! huh?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Get it!huh?

  2. Get It! (defined) Simplify Fundamentals All directions

  3. Complexity often adds value…

  4. …but people complicate things…

  5. …so…embrace AND simplify

  6. Fundamentals?

  7. Fundamentals


  9. INWARD—Be Real • Admit What Your Colleagues Already Know about You • Take a Hard Look at Your Core Values • Balance Ego and Modesty Put Your Stake in the Ground, Firmly Develop Your Signature Style

  10. 3 Balance Ego and Modesty

  11. UPWARD—Exceed Expectations • Understand Your Manager’s Core Values • What if Your Boss is the CEO? • Learn to Fly at 30,000 Feet, Even if You’re Not a Frequent Flyer • Articulate Defensible Points of View • Stay Focused in the Face of Being Overwhelmed • Avoid Surprises at All Costs

  12. 11Avoid Surprises at All Costs What specific surprises most frustrate your boss, or business partners? • Missed commitments or deadlines • Failure to follow a process, causing rework (again) • Keeping quiet in a meeting but then speaking up later, after a decision is made • Saying “I’ve known that (insert name) wasn’t performing all along…” The SECRET? Talent + Over-Communication

  13. DOWNWARD—Create Accountability • Upgrade Talent as if Your Career Depended on It • Clarify and Align Priorities • Reduce Uncertainty • Delegate “Unreasonably” • Obsess over Metrics

  14. 12Upgrade Talent as if Your Career Depended on It

  15. 15 Delegate “Unreasonably” Your message when you delegate— “This assignment will stretch your skills. I will sweat blood to work alongside you to help you succeed.” • An A-player’s response— “Its about time you challenged me!” • An B-player’s response— “This is exciting IF you support me, provide resources and hold me accountable for what I can control.” • An C-player’s response— “You’re nuts.” (I will overpromise and under-deliver).

  16. SIDEWARD—Influence Others • Understand the Real Motives of Your Colleagues • Listen ’til It Stops Hurting • Elevate Self-Esteem • Develop Trusting Relationships • Generate Controversy to Gain Respect

  17. 21 Generate Controversy to Gain Respect The paradox: you increase respect by skillfully— • Giving critical feedback to an employee • Challenging peers when they miss a commitment • Telling your boss that two metrics conflict • Increasing delivery requirements for a supplier • Raising prices with customers Tips: • boost your courage with data, not emotions • Remind yourself regularly….”What do I really stand for?”

  18. OUTWARD—Develop Business Acumen • Get Strategy • Embrace Customer and Shareholder Reality • Become Financially Astute

  19. 23 Embrace Customer and Shareholder Reality You must— • …get inside the customers’ heads! Not just what they say, but their unstated needs, reflecting what they see and think. • …be able to articulate how customers perceive your company: • exceeding their needs • adding value, compared with competitors • …be able to articulate shareholder needs and how they perceive your company’s performance.

  20. 30% book discounts available to FISA member companies For discount code: neil@witmerassociates.com

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