Features • I am 2m at my shoulders and I weigh 2300 kg, I am the largest rhino! I have Grey skin and a little bit of white hair on my back. I have two horns, made of a hair-like substance and I have a square muzzle for eating grass. I'm odd toed and have hoofed feet, and I am related to the horse. I have short legs and a short tail and poor eyesight. My horns grow from 2.5 to 8cm each year. 1.5m long is the longest horn. I can live up to 35 years. My population is now 7,500.
Habitat I live in grassy lands with lots of bushes and trees near lots of water. I don't migrate. I live in southern Africa and central Africa.
diet • I am a herbivore that eats plants. I have square lips that help me eat grass, trees, leaves and bushes. I sometimes graze on grass at night, and I can go four or five days withoal water
How young are born • I am born live, after developing for 547 days. Males and females fight during courtship, leading to wounds.
How do you take care of your offspring If a calf is threatened, the mother will fight for its calf. The baby drinks milk from its mother for over 12 months. The baby leaves its mother when it's 2 years old.
Natural enemies • My natural enemies are mostly humans but sometimes lions and crocodiles might try to hunt me too. I use my horns and body to protect myself. There are only four white rhinos left
Photo Credits http://flickr.com/photos/that_james/3745131985/ Madrid Zoo Rhino http://www.flickr.com/photos/that_james/3745131985/ Lion at Sunset http://visionthought.wordpress.com/2010/11/25/the-mark-of-the-lion-eye-of-the-tiger-the-esoteric-aspects-of-wesley-snipes-charlie-rangel/ www.davesdailydose.com/tag/sunset/ http://www.wildlifeextra.com/go/news/rhino-conservation234.html#cr http://www.gamereservehluhluwe.com/574/most-endangered-mammal-in-the-world-javan-rhino/ http://justinsullivan.com/dubbozoo/white-rhino.php