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Texas Consent Management: A Case Study in the Use of IHE Profiles

Texas Consent Management: A Case Study in the Use of IHE Profiles. Eric Heflin Chief Technology Officer Texas Health Services Authority. Target Audience and Scope. Targeted towards technical audiences: Systems integrators Software vendors Texas Local HIE Grant Program CTOs

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Texas Consent Management: A Case Study in the Use of IHE Profiles

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  1. Texas Consent Management: A Case Study in the Use of IHE Profiles Eric HeflinChief Technology Officer Texas Health Services Authority

  2. Target Audience and Scope • Targeted towards technical audiences: • Systems integrators • Software vendors • Texas Local HIE Grant Program CTOs • Other local HIE CTOs • System architects • Not intended for general consumer audience • Assuming familiarity with the IHE Consent Profiles (see references section for more information) • Scope: Defines and describes the primary design of the THSA’s proposed Texas State-Level Consent Architecture and the architecture proper • Should not be construed as legal advice • Not intended to advocate any specific approach to consent policy

  3. Context and Problem Statement • Context • Texas HIE Enterprise Architecture Blueprint (EAB), Summer 2011 • Consent management slated for delivery near the end of the 7-year plan • Asked Local HIEs, “what do they need the THSA to deploy because it will be difficult or even impossible for them to do?” • Resounding need to deploy state shared services for patient consent management across all Local HIEs • Expedited to year 1 to ensure the needs of the state’s local HIEs are being met • Problem Statement • Local HIEs need a method to determine if a patient has expressed an ‘opt-out’ or ‘opt-in’ preference for exchange between HIEs • Also need a way to determine if patients have acknowledged or exercised local fine-grained consent, authorization, or other policy • Automation of the access control decision is highly desirable and should be possible in most, if not all, cases using the envisioned services

  4. Priority Use Cases • Use cases identified and validated with THSA’s HIE stakeholders: • Patient wishes to express ‘all in’ or ‘all out’ consent • Patient within a Local HIE expresses authorization for use of his/her data for research purposes • A responding gateway needs to determine if a patient has expressed a consent preference that would prevent access to a record • Patient wishes to change his/her consent preferences • A Direct Project-based exchange participant emails a THSA consent document to the state consent service

  5. Draft Consent Use Cases

  6. High Level Components • State consent services leverage industry standard components and technologies • Advantage of leveraged approach is that state consent services re-use existing building blocks for new purpose, allowing for re-use of existing production products • IHE XDS.b used to act as an index to and optional storage of consent documents • IHE BPPC used to represent patient’s consent expression • Direct used to receive consent documents from non-HIE/non-EHR sources • PKI used to ensure security of each web services end-point, and to ensure communications channel is encrypted

  7. High Level Component Model

  8. Detailed Component Model

  9. State-Wide Consent Vocabulary • To enable automated access control decisions regarding the release of a patient’s medical record from one HIE to another HIE, it is necessary for each of those HIEs to understand each other’s policy • Necessary for each HIE to have the ability to decide if a given patient’s policy preference allows or disallows access • There must be a uniform vocabulary for each consent policy type used within the state • Vendor will be responsible for creating an inventory of each patient policy form for each Local HIE • Vendor will reconcile similar policy documents and create the smallest possible list of discrete policies • List will be turned into a list of policy vocabulary identifiers (OIDs) • Once OID has been created, only values from this list will be used by each patient’s consent acknowledgement BPPC document

  10. Consent Toolkit • THSA selected vendor will create an implementation “toolkit” of resources designed to simplify the policy implementation • Toolkit contents expected to contain: • Sample BPPC documents with and without optional scanned signature and digital signature components • A list of the current policy OIDs along with references to the officially-maintained statewide list of policy OIDs • Use cases with diagrams • Other documentation covering rules of use, scope, etc.

  11. Key Standards Used IHE PIX IHE PDQ IHE ATNA SN/SA/APP IHE CT IHE XDM/XDR • IHE BBPC • IHE XDS.b • IHE XCA • Direct (S/MIME) • IETF X.509/PKI • HL7 v2 • HL7 v3

  12. Detailed Use Case Diagrams • Intended to be illustrative, not authoritative • First Use Case • Patient has expressed a consent preference • Local practice captures consent in a method consistent with local policy and enters the consent preference into its EMR/EHR • EMR sends notification to Local HIE • Local HIE would record the preference and notify state consent repository using a mutually agreed-to format • State consent services would index and store the consent pointer

  13. First Use Case Diagram

  14. Second Use Case Diagram

  15. Business Rules • All communications will occur securely. • All data will be stored securely (using encryption). • Consent documents would only be stored in the state consent service if the document does not contain PHI. • If a given consent document contains PHI, then the state consent service will index the patient and document, but will not store the consent document. • Instead, a “pointer” or reference to the actual consent document will be indicated in the state consent service. • Each Local HIE must send the consent expression to the state consent service only if the expression impacts exchange between HIEs. • If the consent expression doesn’t impact HIE-to-HIE exchange, then the consent document does not need to be sent to the state consent service.

  16. XDS Mechanics/Metadata • XDS.b has metadata and objects beyond just the document itself • XDS.b (referenced as XDS) can have both a registry and a repository • XDS has the concept of a folder, submission, associations and document type Code, class Code, confidentiality Code, version, and availability Status • THSA seeking guidance from selected vendor(s) for appropriate methods to employ these concepts

  17. Enabling Local HIEs • Local Autonomy • Local HIEs will have an option, after the deployment of the state consent services, to continue to manage their patient policy acknowledgements in their current manner or to leverage the state consent services for their local policy acknowledgements • THSA supports storing consent acknowledgments only at the local HIE level, only at the state level, or in both locations • THSA only requires that Local HIEs: • Push the acknowledgement or acknowledgement placeholder notification to the state if the document acknowledge will impact exchange across HIE boundaries • Search and retrieve any patient acknowledgements or acknowledgement placeholders at the state level before making an HIE-to-HIE access control decision to ensure any patient preferences are honored

  18. The Future • Consumer Preferences • DNR, Living Wills, Medical Proxies, Advanced Directives, ethnic preferences, religious preferences, scope of expression • HISTP Security, Privacy and Infrastructure Workgroup draft requirements document • Data Segmentation • Monitoring closely • Rule-Based and Attribute-Based Preferences • OASIS XACML and/or OASIS XSPA • Expected to be able to accommodate XACML-based and XSPA-based preference expressions with minimal changes

  19. Summary • The THSA’s goal in moving forward with development and deployment of state-level consent architecture is to create a mechanism for patient consent management to enable exchange of information beyond the boundaries of each Local HIE • Leveraging existing technologies will allow for a cost effective and efficient solution that enables support of varying local approaches to patient consent preferences statewide • Interested in considering alternate approaches and encourage vendors to offer recommendations

  20. References • IHE Webinars • Texas white paper • YouTube video • IHE web site

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