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PEDRO’S JOURNAL. A voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492- February 14, 1493 Pam Conrad. Task 1. Read through the next 10 slides and write down three things that really surprised you and tell why they surprised you. Record your thoughts on the sheet provided. . The Ships.
PEDRO’S JOURNAL A voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492- February 14, 1493 Pam Conrad
Task 1 Read through the next 10 slides and write down three things that really surprised you and tell why they surprised you. Record your thoughts on the sheet provided.
The Ships Christopher Columbus departed from Spain on August 3, 1492, on a fleet of three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Nina and Pinta were both smaller, sleeker ships, called caravels. Santa Maria was a larger, round-hulled ship, called a nao. Columbus himself sailed on, and piloted, the Santa Maria. Together, the three ships carried about 120 men, equipment and supplies.
Christopher Columbus’ Resume BORNBetween August 25th and October 31st, 1435 to 1460. 1451 is the most frequently given date.BIRTHPLACEColumbus said Genoa, Italy. MARITAL STATUSMarried Doña FelipaPerestrello e Moniz, 1479CHILDRENDiego, born to Doña Felipa, 1480, Madeira Islands. Fernando, born to Beatriz, 1488.WIDOWERDoña Felipa died between 1481 and 1485.SIGNIFICANT OTHERBeatriz Enríquez de Arana, after 1485.
DIEDMay 20, 1506, Valladolid, Spain, age-related.PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSBlonde hair (white after age 30), blue eyes, exceptionally keen sense of smell, excellent eyesight, perfect hearing. Perfect physical condition in 1492. Moderate in drink, food, and dress; never swore.EXPERIENCEWent to sea at age 14. May have been involved in naval engagement between Franco-Portuguese and Genoese Fleets in 1476. Made at least one voyage to England, possibly one to Iceland. Made four voyages to the New World: 1) September 8, 1492 to March 3, 1493; 2) October 7-10, 1493 to June 11, 1496; 3) May 30, 1498 to August 31, 1498 (Santo Domingo, see below for return to Spain); and 4) May 9, 1502 to November 7, 1504 [marooned in Jamaica -- June 25, 1503 to March 7, 1504].CRIMINAL RECORDArrested in Santo Domingo August 23, 1500. Sent to Spain in chains in October 1500. Released December 12, 1500 and summoned to court.
Who was on board? PINTA García AlonsoPedro de Arcos, from PalosBernal, servantDiego BermúdezJuan BermúdezAntón (Antonio) CalabrésMaestre Diego, surgeonChristóbalGarcíaXalmiento (Jalmiento, Sarmiento), pilotBartoloméGarcíaFrancisco GarcíaGallegoFrancisco García VallejoGarcía Hernández (Fernández), stewardJuan de Jérez (Xéres), from PalosFernando Méndes (Méndez, Mendel)Francisco Méndes (Méndez, Mendel)Alonso de PalosAlvaro Pérez Gil PérezJuan Pérez ViscainoMartín Alonso Pinzón, CaptainFrancisco Martín Pinzón, MasterDiego Martín PinzónJuan QuadradoChristóbal Quintero, OwnerJuan QuinteroGómez RascónJuan ReynalJuan Rodríquez BermejoPedro Tegero (Tejero, Terreros?)Rodrigo de TrianaJuan Veçano (Vezano)Juan Verde de Triana
NIÑAGarcía AlonsoMaestre Alonso, physicianJuan Arias, cabin boyJuan ArraesPero (Pedro) ArraesBartoloméGarcía, boatswainAlonso Gutiérrez QueridoAndrés de HuelvaDiego LorenzoRodrigo Monge (Monte)Alonso de Morales, carpenterFrancisco NiñoJuan Niño, Owner and MasterPero (Pedro) Alonso (Peralonso) Niño, pilotJuan OrtízGutiérrez PérezVicente YáñezPinzón, CaptainBartoloméRoldán, apprentice pilotJuan RomeroSancoRuíz (de Gama?)Pero (Pedro) Sánches (Sánchez)Miguel de Soria, servantPedro de SoriaFernando de Triana
Juan de JérezRodrigo de Jérez (Xérez)Diego LeálPedro de LepeDomingo de LequeitioLope (López), joinerJuan Martínes (Martínez) de AçoqueJuan Medina, tailorJuan de Moguer (criminal granted amnesty)Diego Pérez, painterJuan de la Plaça (Plaza)Jacomél RicoJuan Ruíz de la PeñaSancoRuíz (de Gama?), pilotDiego de Salcedo, servant of ColumbusJuan Sánchez, physicianRodrigo (Pedro?) Sánchez, Comptroller of fleetPedro de Terreros (Tejero), stewardPedro de Terreros, cabin boyBartolomé de Torres (criminal granted amnesty)Luis de Torres, interpreterMartín UrtubíaPedro de VillaDomingo VizcainoPedro Yzquierdo (criminal granted amnesty) SANTA MARIAPedro de AcevedoMaster Alonso, physicianDiego BermúdezPedro del BilbaoBartoloméBiues (Vives?)Cristóbal Caro, goldsmithChachú, boatswainAlonso ChoceroAlonso Clavijo (criminal granted amnesty)Cristóbal Colón, Captain-GeneralJuan de la Cosa, Owner and MasterAntonio de Cuellar, carpenterMaster Diego, boatswainRodrigo de EscobarRuíz (Ruy) FernándezGonzalo FrancoRodrigo Gallego, servantRuíz (Ruy) GarcíaFrancisco de HuelvaJuan, servantMaestre Juan
Excerpts from his journal… Thursday I I October He [sometimes Columbus refers to himself in the third person] steered west-southwest. They took much water aboard, more than they had taken in the whole voyage. They saw petrels and a green bulrush near the ship. The men of the caravel Pintasaw a cane and a stick, and took on board another small stick that appeared to have been worked with iron, and a piece of cane, and other vegetation originating on land, and a small plank. The men of the caravel Nina also saw other signs of land and a small stick loaded with barnacles. With these signs everyone breathed more easily and cheered up. On this day, up to sunset, they made 27 leagues.
Sunday 14 OctoberAs soon as it dawned I ordered the ship's boat and the launches of the caravels made ready and went north-northeast along the island in order to see what there was in the other part, which was the eastern part. And also to see the villages, and I soon saw two or three, as well as people, who all came to the beach calling to us and giving thanks to God. Some of them brought us water; others, other things to eat; others, when they saw that I did not care to go ashore, threw themselves into the sea swimming and came to us, and we understood that they were asking us if we had come from the heavens.
Task 2Columbus’s discovery was not celebrated during his lifetime. Many people in his day did not agree with his theories about the earth being round. It was not until three hundred years after his discovery that Columbus Day began to be celebrated. Columbus died not knowing how famous he would become. Make a list of pros (good points) and cons (bad points) pertaining to Columbus’ voyage. Which outweighs the other?Do you think that Columbus’s first voyage was a success based on the novel Pedro’s Journal? Write a paragraph, using the Yes Ma’am format using support from the lists you made.
Task 3If you’re finished with task 1 & 2, do some research on Columbus & record interesting facts on a blank sheet of paper to share. You may print any interesting pictures you find as well.