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QUALTITY ASSURANCE The Ministry of higher education in Syria. THE ROUNDTABLE MEETING OF QUALTITY ASSURANCE AGENCIES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF ISAMIC CONFERENCE MEMBER COUNTRIES ,13-15 NOVEMBER 2009. 1. OUTLINE. introduction about ministry of higher education institutes
OUTLINE • introduction about ministry of higher education institutes • national policy for quality assurance • Present situation • Proposed structure for quality assurance and accreditation • Challenges 3
The map for the higher education in Syria Universities belong to the government New colleges for the future universities Private universities - / 15/ private universities under structure - /5/
The Higher Committeefor Q & Accreditation: the Mission (Higher Council Decision 154,10/January/2005) • Setting up Self-assessment Methodologies and Procedures • Setting up Quality Standards • Establishing Self Assessment units in Universities • Ensuring the Transition Phase Leading to the Establishment of the QA&A Agency • Establishing Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency
Integrated Model for QA Transformation to Standard-based Ed Standardization of Programs The national framework for the advancement of quality of higher education
Towards an Integrated Model for QA Corrective action Corrective actions INPUTS Monitoring Mission OUTCOMES PROCESSES • students • building and equipments • teachers • Administration • finance • Achieve the mission • Achieve the Objectives • Customer satisfaction • graduates • researches • services • academic programs • research projects • community service Goals Expected Outcomes Stakeholders Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Labor market competitors 7 7 customers 7
Hierarchical shift towards standards Determine levels and their relationship to the National Academy of occupations and characterization of these professions On the national level N. Qualification Framework Is a reference guide for the field specialist allows the academic community as the nature of the academic programs and standards related to the field specialist Subject Benchmark Statement A set of standard information provided by each institution for each academic program On the level of the universities and programs ProgramSpecifications Among academic knowledge and concepts and skills required by Graduate Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) In accordance with the specifications of the program and educational outcomes targeted Progress Files of the Student
The methodology used in the transition • phase one: Top-downApproach • Preparation of universities to change • Create a critical mass for change • Create an environment and culture enthusiasm to change • phase two: Bottom – up Approach • Strengthen the independence of universities • The creation of institutional commitment to change and link the needs of each institution • Building the necessary capacity in each institution according to their needs 9
Foundation for making a quality assurance system • 23/July/2006 create Directorate of evaluation and accreditation in the Ministry • 11/September/2007 The formation of the Technical Committee for private universities • 26/November/2007 Making rules for Academic Accreditation and technical assistance to private universities and the conditions and cancellation • 11/February/2008 establish a Center to quality assurance in all University 10
The EU Vector • Upgrading the Higher Education System in Syria (UHES) • (The Quality Component) • - “Support to the Development and Monitoring of a Quality Assurance System for Higher Education in Syria” • - Main Activities: • - Support the development of the National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation; • - Define quality standards and minimum requirements for Accreditation • - Define a system for Quality Assurance and Accreditation for universities and intermediate institutes • - Define a system for Quality control of private institutions
ACCREDITATION POLICY IN THE SYRIAN H.E.S. ACCREDITATION FOR QA • Will be Commissioned by a National Agency • Will Ensure Quality Control (minimum standards), Accountability and Transparency, Quality Enhancement, Facilitates Student Mobility • Will be Compulsory for Private Providers, Later for Public Providers 12
(1):the functions of the National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (14/4/2007) • The national strategy for quality assurance and accreditation of educational programs and operational policies of this strategy • Develop appropriate mechanisms to ensure the information society and concerned by the level of educational institutions and their ability to provide educational services in accordance with the stated message of each institution. • Develop and update national standards for the quality of the educational process and programs and the various disciplines and the adoption of reference methods and comparisons of appropriate development in collaboration with the academic community and professional, and the adoption of the means of measurement that are compatible with the prevailing international standards
(2): the functions of the National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (14/4/2007( • Develop a mechanism of credit and implementation stages • Provide guidelines and advisory services to educational institutions and committees Calendar (self-evaluation guide is an example of this evidence) • Development of selection criteria and training of the evaluation committees and internal and external points of arbitration and the rules governing their work. • Selection and adoption of the evaluation committees and external bodies Arbitration local or foreign.
(3) the functions of the National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (14/4/2007( • Calendar final preparation of reports and accreditation of educational institutions and known to the community on a regular basis. • Or refuse to grant accreditation or to give a specific deadline for the reform of the failures. • Establish cooperative relations with other bodies and organizations to ensure quality and reliance on international and Arab level with a view to mutual recognition, and networking with these bodies and organizations to exchange knowledge, experiences.
The National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation: Objectivesand Mission • Raise the level of confidence of the community in the outcome of H.E • Support the quality assurance and accreditation process in accordance with internal requirements of universities • Review the H.E institutions through developmental engagements • Enhance capacity building in quality assurance • Facilitate the development and application of national reference standards for academic programs • Integrate a sustainable process combining the institution’s system for quality assurance with external processes for review and accreditation • Support continuing quality improvement • Cooperate regionally and internationally with similar agencies
Q PU1 PU1 Q PU1 PU1 PU1 The current status of quality assurance and accreditation in higher education system The current governance structure for quality assurance and accreditation in higher education Directorate of private universities Directorate of evaluation and accreditation Higher Committee for Quality and Accreditation Technical Committee for private universities Q DU Q AU Council of Higher Education Q Public Universities TU Private Universities Q BU Q Centers for Quality FU Q
Center for Quality Improvement Q Q PU1 DU Q PU2 AU Q PU3 Q TU PU4 Q BU PU5 Q FU Proposed structure for quality assurance and accreditation in higher education system National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (NCQAA) Center for evaluation and measurement Council of Higher Education Private Universities Public Universities Quality stations Q
Proposed structure for quality assurance and accreditation in higher education system Center for Quality Improvement Center for evaluation and measurement National Commission for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (NCQAA) Supervisory Board (Board of Trustees)Minister of Higher Education Chairman of the Commission assistant 2 6 professors academics from public universities Representatives of the productive sectors Department of Osteopathic Examination (national) university graduates, non-Syrian equivalence Tasks Standards and rules of certification and indicators Department exam Graduates of the Syrian universities professional Office / technical IT department Department of foreign language examinations Evidence, guidelines and procedures department of accreditation standard Department for training Service to ensure the quality of academic programs and academic standards of reference Training and qualification of auditors executive arm Administrative Office Director National Academic reference standards NARS Finance Department assistant Director Department of Management of Quality Assurance
Challenges • Capacity building (human - institutional) • Culture of quality and Accreditation? • Lack of confidence in the ability to improve • Resistance to change • The predominance of temporary solutions to long-term solutions 20