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Plans for the H8 system test: 2001/2002

Plans for the H8 system test: 2001/2002. Goals for the 2001/2002 Test beam Beam layout Chamber Supports 2001 Schedule. H8: System Test. In H8 we should have a setup able to test all the aspects of our spectrometer from individual chambers to system aspects. Therefore we need:

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Plans for the H8 system test: 2001/2002

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  1. Plans for the H8 system test: 2001/2002 • Goals for the 2001/2002 Test beam • Beam layout • Chamber Supports • 2001 Schedule Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  2. H8: System Test • In H8 we should have a setup able to test all the aspects of our spectrometer from individual chambers to system aspects. • Therefore we need: • A Test station(Individual chambers from BIS to BOS on rot.support): • Provide R-T relation by autocalibration, measure resolution and chamber mechanical precision etc. • A Barrel and End Cap Sectors • Study system aspects: • alignement and DCS, DAQ, installation, groundings, • common behaviour of Trigger and Tracking chambers etc. One should not forget that at the end, all the chambers has to fit and work together. For this reason, the integration workshop next week is of utmost importance, to ensure that we have a first test before it is too late to make changes. George Mikenberg Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  3. Interested groups: MPI: Will Send and set up one BOS chamber, will partecipate in the data taking. Will partecipate in the 2002 tests Roma-Pavia: Will provide and set up one BIL chamber, Large effort on DAQ-1, Set up small area trigger and Tracker, will partecipate in the data taking. LMU: Will provide Hodo trigger, but for this year will not partecipate in the tests. Will be interested in the 2002 tests. NIKHEF : Will Provide chambers this year and the following year. They are also interested in the alignement. Frascati: Interested in testing one chamber this year, expressed interest also on electronics and DAQ-1. Greeks: Interested in the test, probably will provide a chamber but will contribute less in the data taking. Dubna: No chamber testing in 2001, could provide some help for the running of the 2001 test. In 2002 interest in testing one chamber in H8 Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  4. Beam Layout End Cap Sector Test Stand New Counting room Barrel Sector Old Counting Room Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  5. Test station Goals for 2001 • First Tests with beam tracks for the new Chambers complementary to cosmic set up. • Check of the chamber performances (tracking resolution, efficiency, strobed noise level, Gas Distribution….) • Check of the mechanical construction (wire position with respect with X-Tomo Results) • Check of the new electronics • Check of the new DAQ-1 Experimental requirements • Trigger :10*10 and Hodoscope (large area) • External Tracker • Different beam angles for autocalibration (rotating Support) Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  6. Time spectra for all tubes Resolution Displacement of wire from nominal position vs tube # Lay 2 Lay 3 Lay 4 Lay 5 Lay 6 Autocalibration Measurements Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  7. Test station Layout Modified Calypso Rotating Support: Can accommodate BIS, BIL, BOS chambers Dimensions: Width= 400 cm Height=475 cm Length=180 cm Trigger Hodoscope 60*100 cm2 Small area trigger 10*10 cm2 Tracker: 2 coordinates angular resolution ~ 2 mrad Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  8. Enlarged support BOS Former Calypso Support BIL 355 475 BIS 320 180 180 400 Rotation is possible for all chambers Rotating Support Maximum weight:450 Kg Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  9. BOS Test • The BOS chamber will be mounted on the rotating support. • It should provide the RT-Relation to the Barrel Sector Chamber. • Together with the Tracker should provide tracking to the other chambers. • There will be a significative portion of the chamber equipped with electronics. • The chamber could be set up in the H8 Area during August by MPI people and could be tested in the first week of September. • Typical test: • Autocalibration:Angular scan Dq ~100 small area trigger 30 KEvts/run • Autocalibration at large angles: Angular scan Dq ~200 @ 300 small area trigger 30 KEvts/run • T0, Noise, Chamber uniformity, Mechanical precision: Large Area trigger 2 MEvts Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  10. BIS Test • The BIS chamber will be mounted on the rotating support. • The chamber could be set up in the H8 Area in the second week of September by the Greek groups and could be tested in the third week of September. • Typical test: • Autocalibration:Angular scan Dq ~100 small area trigger 30 KEvts/run • Autocalibration at large angles: Angular scan Dq ~200 @ 300 small area trigger 30 KEvts/run • T0, Noise, Chamber uniformity, Mechanical precision: Large Area trigger 2 MEvts Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  11. Datcha Rails The main aim of the test of the barrel sector for this year will be to have three chambers mounted on the rails connected to gas system equipped with few electronic channels. Study of the installation issues, perform tracking within the sector and compare with the tracks given by the BOS-Tracker system. Barrel Sector Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  12. Barrel sector (2) BIL chamber: Rome Pavia Groups BML Frascati Group BOL NIKHEF Group Assume the chambers arrive at CERN fully equipped with Gas distribution, faraday cage and few mezanine boards installed. Install the chambers on the DATCHA Rails during August, set up gas connections, set up HV and LV connections, study the grounding and noise conditions on few read out channels. During September perform Data Taking together with the test station chambers. Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  13. Work to be Done: 2001 • Infrastruct.: Move counting room, Install new Gas system, Install DATCHA Rails, Modify Calypso rotating support, study interfaces between detectors and supports • Detectors: Install small area trigger, Recable Hodo Trigger, Recable and set up Tracker, Install Autocalibration Chambers, Install Sector chambers. • DAQ: Install DAQ-1 Hardware and Software • Monitoring: Implement monitoring task on DAQ-1 system • DCS: Implement at least the DCS ambient parameters reading. • Offline: Implement the new data format decoding, • and use data to test the calibration and tracking programs (e.g. CALIB). Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  14. Work Schedule Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  15. Goals for the Barrel Sector in 2002 • Install a full Barrel Sector: 2 BIL , 2 BML and 2 BOL chambers on DATCHA Rails, equippe the chambers with electronics. • Install new Gas Sysytem with recirculation • Install the full chamber DCS. • Install alignement system and test it with tracks • Install trigger stations together with BML and BOL, Study installation issues, working condition and interferences between the detectors. • Install first level trigger prototype and test with tracks • Complete the DAQ -1, RPC Read-Out, test of the first and high level triggers. Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  16. Possible Beam Layout:2002 20 GeV 50 GeV Magnet FullBarrel sector Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

  17. Why a Magnet? Possibility to replace the test station with a Magnet: Beam angular spread for Autocalibration. Test the alignement system with different tracks angle needed to test alignement in 3 dimensions. Need to use low momentum beams… Low rates? Ludovico Pontecorvo INFN Roma

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