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Breast Cancer Treatment in India | Oncology India have a specialized Top Breast Cancer Specialist in Bangalore to cure breast cancer related issues.<br><br>To Know More,<br>Click Here,<br>http://www.oncologyinternational.com/surviving-stage-4-breast-cancer-possible/
Surviving Stage 4 Breast Cancer: Is It Possible? By Dr. Murali Subramanian
Breast Cancer Treatment in India | Oncology India doctors says that according to the statistics nearly 25% percent of patients survive a minimum of four two five years after being diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer.The chances of long term survival depend on the nature of the subtypes of Breast Cancer. Some forms are aggressive in nature and some may come with fewer options of treatment. And the more the cancer is localised to a particular portion of the body in this case to the bones the better are the chances of survival.
Let us understand Stage 4 Breast Cancer? • At Stage 4 of the breast cancer the cancer would have advanced from breast to the other parts of the body and is known as the Metastatic Breast Cancer. • Typically Stage4 cancer develops gradually from the time of initial cancer diagnosis. And in few cases the cancer would have developed already into stage 4 by the time it’s diagnosed.
Get Professional Treatment • At Stage4 it’s crucial that you get associated with a well experienced Oncologist in Bangalore and work towards getting a systematic treatment plan developed for yourself. • Your Oncologist may recommend one of the below treatment options depending on your medical history and many other related factors. • Chemotherapy • Hormone therapy • Radiation therapy • Surgical Treatment
An Ideal Diet Helps • Stage4 of this cancer may lead to a series of either a gain or loss in the weight, however good dietary control can reduce its affects. • Breast Cancer Treatment in India; at Oncology India doctors says that according to the studies it indicates that the Weight gain through breast cancer can be rapid in comparison to a normal weight gain.
Changes in the Diet • A Healthy diet plan instead of a strict diet plan is interestingly recommended at Stage 4 of the Breast Cancer. A diet that boosts immunity and also one that comes with lot of nutrients. • We have listed a few good food habits that may help: • In order to reduce Nausea chooses multiple smaller portioned meals. This also maintains your energy levels throughout the day.
Overcoming Nausea There are some very effective foods that can help you overcome Nausea when it’s really causing trouble: • Ginger : either through food or through a drink • Reheated foods: they tend to lose odour that becomes a trigger for nausea. • Lemonade is an old friend against nausea - which many know and prefer using
Exercise – No It’s Not Late • Exercise is vital for mental and physical health. As fatigue is a common symptom associated with stage 4 breast cancer, you can choose that time where you are most energetic for this. • At Stage4 of Breast Cancer exercise though may not have any direct benefits in treating, it certainly comes with its own advantages: • Helps you reduce excess body fat • Strengthens the body • Boots your energy levels • Keeps stress levels under check
Consider Getting Some Social and Emotional Support • You must know for a fact you are not alone. There are many support groups online and offline having other people with breast cancer. • And why forget your primary support group which is your family and friends. • They play a major role too with regards to social and emotional support.
Outlook • There is a lot of research going on across the globe on the various possible treatment options for Stage 4 Breast Cancer. • Even you may choose to contribute to this by taking part in clinical trials in order to help the scientists discover some possible potential cures that are less known today.
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