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Introduction to Your OUSD Email and OUSD Technology Applications. Ann Kruze, Coordinator for Instructional Technology (510) 879-8540 Ann.kruze@ousd.k12.ca.us. Leah Jensen, Instructional Technologist (510) 551-6023 leah.jensen@ousd.k12.ca.us. Karen Muska, Instructional Technologist
Introduction to Your OUSD Email and OUSD Technology Applications Ann Kruze, Coordinator for Instructional Technology (510) 879-8540 Ann.kruze@ousd.k12.ca.us Leah Jensen, Instructional Technologist (510) 551-6023 leah.jensen@ousd.k12.ca.us Karen Muska, Instructional Technologist (510) 879-8581 Karen.muska@ousd.k12.ca.us Instructional Services 8/09
Learning Targets After today, you will know how to: • Navigate the OUSD Homepage and access the • Pacing Guides • Course Syllabi • Instructional Resources • Intranet • Contacts throughout the District • IT Help Desk Request Form • Sharepoint • Use OUSD E-mail Instructional Services 8/09
Why use OUSD E-Mail? • Professional vs. Personal • Record of communication • Username and Password Login is the ‘Magic Key’ to all District Applications & Resources Instructional Services 8/09
Where do I find Pacing Guides for Elementary?Go to the OUSD Website, www.ousd.12.ca.us. Click on the TEACHERS tab. Instructional Services 8/09
Click on the English Language Arts tab. Then click on your grade level. For middle and high school pacing guides and course syllabi, click on the appropriate content tab. Instructional Services 8/09
Your pacing guide will appear in a PDF format that you can save or print out. Instructional Services 8/09
Where do I find Instructional Resources? From the OUSD homepage, click on the Teachers tab and scroll down. Edusoft is the student data assessment system, DonorsChoose.org provides funding for classrooms, netTrekker, d.i., is an education-friendly search engine, Revolution is a CAHSEE prep resource and OUSD Libraries gives you access to all the Virtual Library Homepages in the district plus links to all the District Subscribed Databases. Instructional Services 8/09
How do I access the Intranet? From the OUSD Homepage, click on OUSD Intranet on the left side of the screen. Instructional Services 8/09
In the Username field, type in ousdnet\firstname.lastname and your OUSD E-Mail password in the password field. Then click OK. Instructional Services 8/09
Under Quick Links, you can find contacts under Staff Directory, submit an IT Help Desk Online Request, and login to any of the OUSD student data and information systems. Instructional Services 8/09
At the bottom of the main page are resources that require your OUSD E-Mail username and password. You can access Sharepoint under my teamsites. Instructional Services 8/09
To access your OUSD email account, go to the OUSD website (http://www.ousd.k12.ca.us). To access the best view of Outlook Web Access, use Internet Explorer 7 as your browser. If you are already updated to Internet Explorer 8, you might not be able to access the email. As an alternative, you can also use Firefox or Safari. • Click on the link “Email Login” Instructional Services 8/09
Next move your cursor over the “Click here for a secure logon to the OUSD Email System.” Click and a log-in Window will appear. Instructional Services 8/09
In the ‘Domain/User name’ field, type in ousdnet\(backlslash)firstname.lastname. Then type in your password. For ‘Client’, keep the Premium selected. Under ‘Security’, click on Public or shared Computer if you are on any other computer besides your personal computer. Otherwise, select Private Computer Ousdnet\firstname.lastname Instructional Services 8/09
After you are successfully logged in to your OUSD Outlook Web Access, your mailbox may look something like this: Instructional Services 8/09
These are your folders for your specific account – everyone has their own Calendar, Contacts,Deleted items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items, etc. Instructional Services 8/09
Go to the file menu, to New, then to Mail Message. • A new window will appear. Type the email address in the To… box or click To… in order to get to the Global Address List which contains the names of all OUSD email users. • The Cc…box is used to designate carbon copy recipients. • The Bcc (blind carbon copy) is used to send a copy to someone without the reader knowing it • Type in your subject (it’s always important to give your reader an idea of the purpose of your message) Create A Mail Message Instructional Services 8/09
Remember, if you do not know the email address of a OUSD employee just click on To: and the Global Address Directory will appear and you can search for the person by name. Instructional Services 8/09
Additional Features in Global Directory: Finding a name at a school site or department. Click in Office and type in the school name or department name. Then scroll down the list to find the person you need. Then click on Add recipient to: and then choose the field you prefer. Then close. Instructional Services 8/09
Replying to a message that is sent to you When someone sends you a message and you want to reply to it simply click on the “Reply” icon, or “Reply All” if multiple people are listed on the message. Another window will pop up and you can compose your message and then send it back to the original sender CAUTION: Be mindful when you click ‘Reply All’. Make sure your message is intended for All! Instructional Services 8/09
AttachmentsClick on the Attachments box to add a document to your email. Instructional Services 8/09
Your Outlook Web Access account also has a Calendar feature that allows you to create appointments and share information with colleagues Instructional Services 8/09
Your Outlook Web Access account also has a Contacts feature that allows you to keep addresses, phone numbers and email address all in one place. Instructional Services 8/09
When you are finished with you OUSD Outlook Web Access merely click on the “Log Off” icon to conclude your session Instructional Services 8/09
Support If you have any questions and/or need a more detailed walk through of our OUSD Instructional Resources, please contact: Ann Kruze, Coordinator for Instructional Technology (510) 879-8540 Ann.kruze@ousd.k12.ca.us Leah Jensen, Instructional Technologist (510) 551-6023 leah.jensen@ousd.k12.ca.us Karen Muska, Instructional Technologist (510) 879-8581 Karen.muska@ousd.k12.ca.us Instructional Services 8/09