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ECAC Vocabulary 2.5.12 (week 2/13/12). Unctuous Vacuous Subjugate Vortex Antebellum Diffident Nonsectarian Fiduciary Recapitulate Vehement. Unctuous (adjective). unc·tu·ous/ˈəNG(k)CHo͞oəs/
ECAC Vocabulary 2.5.12 (week 2/13/12) • Unctuous • Vacuous • Subjugate • Vortex • Antebellum • Diffident • Nonsectarian • Fiduciary • Recapitulate • Vehement
Unctuous (adjective) • unc·tu·ous/ˈəNG(k)CHo͞oəs/ • 1.(of a person) Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily: "anxious to please in an unctuous way". • Synonyms: phony – ingratiating – obsequious – creepy • After the car salesman went out of his way to flatter her with unctuous comments, she decided to leave the car lot and locate a dealership with a more direct customer approach.
Vacuous (adjective) • vac·u·ous/ˈvakyo͞oəs/Adjective: 1.Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless: "a vacuous smile". • 2.Empty. • Synonyms: vacant - empty - inane - void - blank - hollow - idle • Because of his vacuous expression, it was clear that the motivational speaker had lost his passion and become jaded.
Subjugate (verb) • sub·ju·gate/ˈsəbjəˌgāt/Verb: 1.Bring under domination or control, esp. by conquest. • 2.Make someone or something subordinate to. • Synonyms: subdue - subject - enslave - conquer - vanquish - submit • Under the evil queen’s control, the army was forced to attack the surrounding villages and subjugate all citizens.
Vortex (noun) • vor·tex/ˈvôrˌteks/ • 1.A mass of whirling fluid or air, esp. a whirlpool or whirlwind. • 2.Something regarded as a whirling mass. • Synonyms: whirlpool - eddy - whirl - swirl - maelstrom - gulf • In the latest novel by the up and coming science fiction author, a transparent vortex is responsible for the missing fisherman.
Antebellum (adjective) • an·te·bel·lum/ˌantēˈbeləm/ • Occurring or existing before a particular war, esp. the American Civil War. • Synonyms: prewar – eighteenth-century – colonial • Although Antebellum homes are a stunning example of southern architecture, they are also a reminder of a period in U.S. history when vile atrocities were committed again black Americans.
Diffident (adjective) • dif·fi·dent/ˈdifidənt/ • Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence. • Synonyms: shy - timid - bashful - sheepish - shamefaced – coy – reticent • Joe’s diffident nature made it difficult for her to pursue an acting career.
Nonsectarian (adjective) • non·sec·tar·i·an/ˌnänsekˈte(ə)rēən/Adjective: • Not involving or relating to a specific religious sect or political group. • The club claimed to be nonsectarian; however, the president accepted funding from a large number of republican members.
Fiduciary (noun) • fi·du·ci·ar·y/fəˈdo͞oSHēˌerē/ • Involving trust, esp. with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary. • Synonyms: trustee - confidant • Her aunt will act as a fiduciary of the estate until Sally becomes an adult.
Recapitulate (verb) • re·ca·pit·u·late/ˌrēkəˈpiCHəˌlāt/ • Summarize and state again the main points of: "he began to recapitulate his argument with care". • Synonyms: summarize - sum up - recap – abstract – reiterate • When giving a speech, you should always recapitulate your points in order to have the greatest affect on the audience.
Vehement (adjective) • ve·he·ment/ˈvēəmənt/ • Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense: "vehement criticism". • Synonyms: violent - intense - passionate - hot - fierce – keen – fervent • The celebrity was vehement in renouncing the accusation that she had stolen jewelry.