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How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat

Read this post to learn everything about Snapchatu2019s hourglass, including when the hourglass icon appears, what it indicates, and how long the hourglass lasts on Snapchat.

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How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat

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  1. SNAPCHAT’SHOURGLASSTIMER SinceSnapchatisknownfor usingvariousemojisthat maynotalwaysbeclearin theirmeaning,onesymbol thathasgeneratedcuriosity isthe“Hourglass Timer”.

  2. TableofContents: 01 02 03 04 05 What istheHourglassSymbolonSnapchat? WhatDoestheHourglassTimerMeanon Snapchat? WhyDoYouSeeanHourglassinSnapchat? WhattoDoWhenYouSeeanHourglassIcon onSnapchat? HowLongDoestheHourglassLaston Snapchat?

  3. Whatisthe HourglassSymbol onSnapchat? TheHourglassicon onSnapchat is “⌛” 01 Thisindicates‘the amountoftime remaining’ 02 Itstaysbeforeyou Potentiallyloseyour SnapstreakonSnapchat withafriend. 03 You’llseethisiconnexttoyourprofileorontheprofileofthepersonyou’resharing thestreakwith! 04

  4. WhatDoestheHourglassTimerMeanonSnapchat? So,hopefully,itisclearthatthe hourglasstimer servesasatimelyreminder toallSnapstreak userslikeyouso thatyoucantake quickactionand ensurethe continuityof yourstreakon Snapchat. Thehourglass timeron Snapchat isthesymbolthat appearsnexttoyourfriend’s namewhenyoubothareona Snapstreak. Itwillappear whenyouandyourfriendhave acertainnumberofhoursto sendSnapsandcontinuethe streakbefore itends. Hourglass Timer Basically,thismeansthatif no moresnapsareexchanged withinacertaintimeframe,then theSnapstreakwillend.

  5. WhattoDoWhenYouSeean HourglassIcononSnapchat? Sincethehourglassicon isa warningthattheSnapstreak is at risk,userswhoseethe hourglassicon/timernexttoa friend’snameonSnapchat needtosendSnapstotheir Snapchatfriendsimmediately topreventtheSnapstreakfrom beingbroken. By responding swiftly, you cankeep your Snapchatstreakaliveandcontinueyour connection on thispopular socialmedia platform.

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