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Erectile dysfunction may be a condition that happens mostly in men. a person cannot maintain an erect penis during sexual activity i.e the penis doesn't have the firmness required for penetration during intercourse.

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  1. What is the way to get rid of erectile dysfunction? WHAT IS ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? Erectile dysfunction may be a condition that happens mostly in men. a person cannot maintain an erect penis during sexual activity i.e the penis doesn't have the firmness required for penetration during intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is common for a few men, therefore, frequent occurrence of erection problems isn't considered as an extreme case. Male erecticle dysfunction might end in stress, reduction in self- esteem, loss of confidence, and possible crashing of relationships. In most cases, the lack to possess an erection are often a results of an underlying medical condition that needs urgent medical attention. Consultation is given by the doctor to proffer possible solutions to the situation. In cases of underlying conditions leading to male erecticle dysfunction, treating the underlying condition can help reverse the dysfunction. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION CAUSES Erectile dysfunction is claimed to be psychological and this will be influenced by cases familiar with the following: 1. Supply of nerve. 2. The flow of blood. 3. Hormonal imbalance. Causes of male erecticle dysfunction are often categorized into the physical cause, psychological problem, lifestyle, and medications. you can buy sildenafil citrate •Erectile dysfunction for a few cases are often attributed to health conditions present within the patient. These health conditions are:Physical Causes 1. High level of cholesterol within the system. 2. Atherosclerosis, which is that the clogging of the blood vessels, thereby, impeding flow. 3. Disease within the heart. 4. Obesity. 5. Presence of high vital sign. 6. Diabetes. 7. Series of sclerosis. 8. Parkinson’s disease. 9. A metabolic syndrome involving high levels of insulin, spiked vital sign, and excess body fat. 10. Peyronie’s disease. 11. Low testosterone. 12. Previous surgeries round the pelvic region. 13. Sleeping disorders. Psychological Cause

  2. Erectile dysfunction is usually influenced by the actions within the brain that triggers several events causing an erection, beginning with the emotions of sex. Factors which will be liable for causing male erecticle dysfunction include: 1. Stress. 2. Poor communication with a partner. 3. Depression. 4. Anxiety. 5. Several psychological state conditions. 6. Fear of intimacy. 7. Guilt Medication Certain medications may result within the inability to take care of firmness for intercourse thanks to side effects encountered while taking the medication. Medications which will act as side effects resulting to the dysfunction include: 1. Tranquillizers or sedatives wont to calm the nerves and make a patient sleep can influence male erecticle dysfunction. 2. Medications used for maintaining vital sign can prompt the condition. 3. Anti-depressants. 4. Medications employed by patients with ulcers. 5. Anti-androgens utilized for patients diagnosed with prostatic adenocarcinoma can instigate the condition. 6. Medications are taken to reduce the speed of hunger i.e appetite suppressants. Lifestyle The lifestyle of a patient can greatly affect the erectile capabilities of a person. Certain habits leading to this condition include: • Abuse of certain drugs. • Usage of medicine that aren't legal. • Smoking. • Overweight. • Physically inactive. • Excess consumption of alcohol. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION RISK FACTORS During the maturation stage of the person, as he grows older, the urge for sex reduces leading to the extended rate of getting firm when stimulated. More stimulation to the male genitalia could be needed to sustain an erection. Risk factors related to male erecticle dysfunction include: 1. Patients with obesity. 2. Medical conditions like heart condition or diabetes. 3. Use of tobacco restricting the flow of blood to the arteries and veins which is fatal to the health condition which contributes to male erecticle dysfunction. 4. Damages to nerves that are liable for erections.

  3. 5. Previous surgery on the pelvic region may result within the condition. 6. Mental situation can contribute to the reduction in libido. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION COMPLICATIONS Complications encountered thanks to male erecticle dysfunction includes: • Stress. • Anxiety. • Low self-confidence. • Poor sex life. • Inability to impregnate your spouse. • Problems within the relationship. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION SYMPTOMS Erectile dysfunction symptoms are few and specific. The symptoms of male erecticle dysfunction include: 1. Low sex. 2. Inability to possess an erection. 3. Inability to take care of an erection. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION PREVENTION Living a healthy life plays a crucial role in preventing male erecticle dysfunction. Therefore, support a healthy lifestyle and managing an existing defect properly can help to an extent. Few ways of preventing male erecticle dysfunction are: 1. Exercising regularly. 2. Abstinence from smoking and drinking excessively. 3. Avoiding the usage of illegal drugs. 4. In cases of underlying conditions, following prescriptions and shut monitoring of the condition is paramount for prevention of the male erecticle dysfunction. 5. Visiting the clinic for normal checkups and tests is advisable. 6. Stress-reducing processes should be performed. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION DIAGNOSIS Erectile dysfunction are often diagnosed by physical examination alongside previous medical conditions. •Physical Examination This involves taking note of the guts rate and therefore the lungs. The vital sign is checked, the testicles and penis are examined. A rectal exam are often done to check for prostate. •Psychological History The questionnaire is given to a patient to fill supported the symptoms and history. Responses can aid deductions supported the severity of the male erecticle dysfunction. Other tests are often conducted to diagnose male erecticle dysfunction. These tests are: •Injection Test Medication is run into the penis to prompt an erection. This allows the doctor to research the erection capabilities of the patient and the way long it takes to return to the bottom state. •Ultrasound

  4. Blood vessels within the penis are examined to watch any problem within the penile blood flow. •Urine Test A urine sample is taken to check for diabetes and underlying conditions. •Blood Test Blood are going to be extracted to check for conditions like diabetes, thyroid issues, levels of testosterone, and heart diseases. •Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT) Test This involves a tool that utilizes a battery as an external source worn on the thigh to research the standard of the nocturnal erection. This device is claimed to be portable and data is recorded for further examination. HOW TO CURE male erecticle dysfunction NATURALLY AND PERMANENTLY Several male erecticle dysfunction patients have overcome the condition in ways in which don't include medicine. As a result, a serious means of treatment advised for patients with male erecticle dysfunction is that the use of natural alternative methods. You can generic sildenafil citrate 50mg from onlinegenericmedicine.To know more information click here

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