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Program. The five presentations are dealing with: what are reference data (taxonomy) and what object information models (ontology)? data and documents what are templates, why and how do we use them? more on OIMs (Object Information Models) exchanging information vs handing over data

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  1. Program The five presentations are dealing with: • what are reference data (taxonomy) and what object information models (ontology)? • data and documents • what are templates, why and how do we use them? more on OIMs (Object Information Models) • exchanging information vs handing over data • what is the role of the Façades? what is a CPF (Confederation of Participating Façades), and how do we deal with security?

  2. ISO 15926A Data-centric world with Document views

  3. ISO 15926 is data-centric All information stored in any ISO 15926-7 "triple store" is stored in terms of: • Nodes - things with a URI#ID only • Templates - relationships (also with a URI#ID) that interrelate two or more Nodes or Templates These Nodes and Templates have no knowledge whatsoever of documents, they are pure data They may, however, be referred to from one or more document cells

  4. Resources and URIs [1] In order to communicate internally, a community agrees on a set of terms and their meanings One goal of the Web, since its inception, has been to build a global community in which any party can share information with any other party To achieve this goal, the Web makes use of a single global identification system: the URI (= Uniform Resource Identifier)

  5. Resources and URIs [2] Example of URI formats: • http://www.example.com • mailto:joe@example.org • ftp://example.org/aDirectory/aFile • news:comp.infosystems.www • tel:+1-816-555-1212 • ldap://ldap.example.org/c=GB?objectClass?one • urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog For each there is a different URI Scheme with the applicable protocols

  6. Resources and URIs [3] Information can be represented by relationships between objects and conceptsthat we know If we don't know them, we don't understand the information These 'objects' and 'concepts' are, in RDF, called 'resources'. They can be accessed from somewhere on the Internet by means of their URI + 'fragment', such as: http://www.example.com#R-493323 (a 'fragment' is a kind of 'bookmark')

  7. What are RDF Triples? RDF (= Resource Definition Framework is a W3C (= World Wide Web Consortium) standard that is based on predicate logic:

  8. RDF Triples and Triple Stores The triple of that example is: http://www.example.com#R-493323 http://www.example.com#hasAsPart http://www.example.com#R-295497 . ALL information, no exceptions, is represented in triple format Triples are stored in a Triple Store, in essence a one-table data base In ISO 15926-7 we call these Façades

  9. Templates An example of a template is ST-3401, that defines: • for an individual • what the indirect property is • where this indirect property is based on • what the numeric value is • and on what scale Example: <oim:ST-VESSEL-3401-003 rdf:ID="ME03_ST-43097"> <part7:possessor rdf:resource="#ME03-347621-20060124T1645Z"/> <!--V-101--> <part7:propertyType rdf:resource="http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#DesignPressure"/> <part7:basePropertyType rdf:resource="http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#Pressure"/> <part7:numericalValue rdf:resource="#ME03_XSFL_150"/> <part7:unitOfMeasure rdf:resource="http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#Psig"/> </oim:ST-VESSEL-3401-003>

  10. Example of triple format Below is the same info in triple format as stored in a Façade: http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_ST-43097 http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type http://www.15926.org/2006/02/oim#ST-VESSEL-3401-003 . http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_ST-43097 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part7#possessor http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03-347621-20060124T1645Z . http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_ST-43097 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part7#propertyType http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#DesignPressure . http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_ST-43097 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part7#basePropertyType http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#Pressure . http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_ST-43097 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part7#numericalValue http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_XSFL_150 . http://www.pqr-ltd.com/p4502#ME03_ST-43097 http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part7#unitOfMeasure http://www.15926.org/2006/02/part4#Psig .

  11. Mapping We map (translate) the data of a User System to the Part 7 format The latter is stored in a Façade

  12. Document-centric vs Data-centric Document-centric First documents are created, and then (meta-)data to those documents are added (as in all document management systems) Data-centric First data, that represent the plant and parts thereof, are created and then reference is made to zero to many documents. These documents present a view on the data to the user

  13. Creating a view on our lifetime data Given the task to present information for a given task to a user, what would you do? Organize the data in a logical manner, and design an intuitive layout for a screen or document So, we need to define some kind of structure as a basis for the presentation of our information, and then define queries for fetching the data to populate that structure That is what Part 7 Document Types are for

  14. Document Types [1] "Document" is used in a very generic sense. Next to the customary documents (not a paper document itself, because that is an instance of PhysicalObject), such as equipment data sheets, we can also have documents like: • sets of data, like the transaction data, that are input to an engineering program • sets of data that are exchanged between systems of business partners • representations of data base contents • etc

  15. Document Types [2]

  16. Document Types [3] Document Types are designed by the User Organization that wants to use it and/or wants others to use it (e.g. a Plant Owner/Operator wants an EPC Contractor to use his documents) Document Types are classes of document; these classes can be instantiated to get individual documents (e.g. data sheet for pump P-101) OWL files of Document Type are stored in a Façade of that User Organization, and access to them is controlled by that organization

  17. Separating the content from the carrier A document, be it on screen or on paper, shall be suitable for one or more activities by the user of that document. That determines the view on our data By the set-up of making reference to the applicable templates we store the information content separated from the information carrier Thus the information content can be presented in many documents without duplicating it

  18. Presenting lifetime information We can present the information that was valid at a given date-time, so for example at the point in time of some mishap in the plant To that end we must define a data-time when generating an individual document The system will fetch the template instance that was valid at that date-time and present its data

  19. Exchange of Documents [1] When we exchange one or more individual documents, we put them as "payload" in a Message We ONLY send the document structure with an access key, so that the recipient can fetch the populating data within a certain time frame (e.g. within 48 hours after receipt of the Message)

  20. Exchange of Documents [2] That data fetching is done by using the SPARQL script of each document cell The composition of the presentation of the document is done by using the presentation script of the document (Javascript, XSLT, etc) These scripts are referred to from the applicable Document Type, stored in a Façade of the user organization that designed that Document Type

  21. ADI Project-related Web Resources • ADI Project website http://www.fiatech.org/projects/idim/iso15926.html • ISO 15926 Knowledge Base http://www.15926.org Implementers' reference source • Documentation • Sample code • FAQ • ISO 15926 Part 7 explanation http://www.infowebml.ws • POSC Caesar http://www.posccaesar.com reference data:

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