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Thomas Nelson Community College “GREEN ZONE PROGRAM” An initiative to support student veterans and military service stu

Thomas Nelson Community College “GREEN ZONE PROGRAM” An initiative to support student veterans and military service students Grant funded by the Virginia Community College System. Training provided by the staff of VCU’s Military Student Services

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Thomas Nelson Community College “GREEN ZONE PROGRAM” An initiative to support student veterans and military service stu

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  1. Thomas Nelson Community College “GREEN ZONE PROGRAM” An initiative to support student veterans and military service students Grant funded by the Virginia Community College System. Training provided by the staff of VCU’s Military Student Services For more information contact: Kathryn Anderson Updated August 2012
  2. Green Zone Program Director of Financial Aid and Veteran Services andersonk@tncc.edu Designated individual for working across both campuses to address issues affecting student veterans and military students Veteran Services Office Griffin Hall, Room 209 phone # 825-2912 Space for Student Veteran/Servicemembers to gather Meetings/Training for both faculty and veterans
  3. “Green Zone”A location recognized by veterans as a safe place

    Training Outline
  4. Who is a Green Zone Volunteer? TNCC staff and faculty who identify themselves as someone who is aware about the issues and concerns faced by student veterans/servicemembers as someone who is available to assist the military student They are NOT expected to be experts who can “solve” the problems a sympathetic ear someone who can help the student find the appropriate resources for problem resolution.
  5. Commonly Used Terms Servicemember Generic term which encompasses Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserves personnel Veteran Any individual who served in the U.S. military OEF- Operation Enduring Freedom War in Afghanistan OIF- Operation Iraqi Freedom War in Iraq Dependents Child or Spouse of a Servicemember
  6. Who is a Student Veteran/Servicemember? Student Veterans and Servicemembers are a diverse group of individuals. They are: From all branches of the military Range in age, race/ethnicity, and gender Have served during times of war and peace Have different education goals More likely to have families
  7. Student Veterans/ASMs-TNCC Campus Fall 2012 Semester 9% of TNCC students are Veterans/ Servicemembers 931 Student Veterans/ Servicemembers were registered for classes Average Age: 27.5 Gender: 517 Male 414 Female 1250 Dependents (11% of TNCC students) were registered for classes Average Age: 20.4 Gender: 712 Female 538 Male There are an additional 38 students accessing state benefits that were transferred from their parent who is 100% disabled due to a service connected injury. TNCC Student Veterans/ Servicemembers encompass over 75 different academic plans on the campus ***(TNCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness, 2013)
  8. Student Veterans/ServicemembersTNCC Campus ***(TNCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness, 2013)
  9. Student Veterans/ServicemembersTNCC Campus ***(TNCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness, 2013)
  10. Student Veterans/ServicemembersTNCC Campus Top 5 academic plans for TNCC veterans/servicemembers Science, 12% Social Science, 10% Business Administration, 10% Pre-Nursing, 9% Engineering, 4% ***(TNCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness, 2013)
  11. The Military Experience

  12. Military ExperienceVirginia Statistics Virginia has deployed 64,994 troops since 9/11 There are more than 70,000 veterans living in the Hampton Roads area. Virginia residents that are currently deployed as of 31 May 2012: 4,090 ***(Defense Manpower Data Center 29 Jun 2012)
  13. Military Experience Separation from family or loved ones Most are leaving home for the first time Separation from extended family and close friends Separation from boyfriends and girlfriends Relocate away from family and friends May be assigned to a base in a different part of the country Adjustments to new climates and culture
  14. Military ExperienceDeployments Deployments last from 6-18 months Multiple deployments Some serve more than one deployment before being discharged from the military More than 977,500 have experienced two or more deployments Emotional Cycle of Deployment: Pre-Deployment, Deployment, Sustainment, Re-Deployment, Post-Deployment (***(Defense Manpower Data Center November 2011)
  15. Emotional Cycle of Deployment *** (Franklin, 2009)
  16. Emotional Cycle of Deployment: Family members/Dependents Family members or dependents of Veterans/Servicemembersmay need support too They may be experiencing Separation from a loved one Difficulty concentrating Difficulty transitioning Difficulty adjusting to role changes Loss or injuries of a loved one
  17. Transitioning from Base to Campus

  18. Transition Strengths Veterans/ Servicemembers transitioning out of the military onto college campuses bring a unique perspective Military training Life experience Established Identity A more worldly view Skills taught in the military help students to be successful Leadership Motivation Time Management Work Ethic Stress Management
  19. Transition Difficulties Issues that may arise during the transition process can become barriers to success Difficulty translating their military skills into a new profession Difficulty switching gears with a new focus that is unrelated to military experience Military skills & training may not translate into college credits Universities may have difficulty deciphering transfer credits for those who have started and stopped higher education at multiple institutions Difficulty using the GI Bill Late fees due to late payment of VA Benefits Late payment can prevent them from registering for classes, applying for graduation, and receiving transcripts
  20. Transition Difficulties Being an older student Freshman 20+ years old with 18 year old classmates Living off campus Feeling isolated from classmates Alienation Veterans/ Servicemembers may find it difficult to integrate on campus because their life experiences within the military differ significantly from most other students and faculty. Insensitivity of classmates, faculty, and others on campus in regards to discussion of war and military Veterans/ Servicemembers may not agree with discussions or may feel attacked when asked about their experience
  21. Transition Difficulties Things to keep in mind about Student Veterans in the classroom: Some may Have difficulty relating to classmates Find loud noises to be disturbing Become anxious with changes in the classroom Have excessive absences Have PTSD or TBI ***(Pfeffer, 2010)
  22. Considering the Needs of Student Veterans with Disabilities It is estimated that 23% to 31% of Veterans/ Servicemembers of OIF/OEF have PTSD symptoms and 20% have mild TBIs. Some of those are coming to our campus. New Disability Student Veterans/ Servicemembers may be experiencing a disability for the first time in their life May be unaware of services on campus for persons with an identified disability May not want to identify as having a disability May not want to disclose problems because of stigma Identification of disability may have implications for future in the military for those who are still active service members *** (Jones, Young, & Leppma, 2010; Thomas et al., 2010)
  23. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD occurs after an individual has seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved injury, the threat of injury or death PTSD is experienced by some, but not all Student Veterans/Servicemembers Have some knowledge of PTSD, BUT DO NOT expect that every Student Veteran/ Servicemember will have these symptoms ***(American Psychiatric Association, 2000)
  24. PTSD Symptoms Repeated "re-living" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again Avoidance Emotional "numbing," or feeling as though you do not care about anything Alertness Excess awareness (hypervigilance) ***(American Psychiatric Association, 2000)
  25. PTSD in the Classroom They may Sit in the back of the classroom so they can have a clear view of everything around them Be easily startled by noises (pens dropping, shuffling in a backpack, whispering or other noises from classmates) Be withdrawn from class discussion Have difficulty maintaining emotional control during difficult topics
  26. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Remember: although many Veterans/ Servicemembers may have stressful or traumatic experiences, not all develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  27. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) A blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the function of the brain. Severity of injury can vary Mild: brief change in mental status or consciousness Severe: extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury Some, but certainly not all Student Veterans, may have experienced a TBI Have some knowledge of TBI, BUT DO NOT expectthat all Student Veterans/Servicemembers will have experienced a TBI ***(Traumaticbraininjury.com, 2010)
  28. Traumatic Brain Injury Improvements in body armor and helmets have increased the occurrence of TBI Likelihood of survival from blasts due to sophisticated equipment, unlike from previous wars TBI often goes undiagnosed because symptoms may not appear until weeks later Especially emotional or personality changes which are difficult for strangers to identify Difficult to differentiate between TBI and PTSD because they have several overlapping symptoms ***(Traumaticbraininjury.com, 2010)
  29. TBI Symptoms Cognition Motor/Sensory Disturbances Impairments in: Language Communication Attention Concentration Memory Learning New Information Judgment Decision-Making Problem-Solving Insight Speed of Information Processing ***(Traumaticbraininjury.com, 2010)
  30. Behavior Lack of Initiation Lack of inhibition Impulsivity Restlessness Aggression Agitation TBI Symptoms Mood Apathy/Depression Anxiety Irritability Emotional Liability Insensitivity Egocentricity ***(Traumaticbraininjury.com, 2010)
  31. Other Wounds of War Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Includes sexual assault, sexual threats, bullying, and unwanted touching or grabbing that occurred while in the military 2011: 2,500 sexual violence cases reported Only 240 made it to trial Estimated: 19,000 sexual assaults per year 56%44% ***( VA MST, 2010, Department of Defense 2011)
  32. Considering the Needs of Student Veterans with Disabilities What the Green Zone volunteers should know: Do not ask or suggest that the Student Veteran/ Servicemember has a disability, but inquire about the issues they are experiencing to better provide the appropriate resources Become familiar with information provided on Disabled Student Services website for those who may request such services http://tncc.edu/students/student-resources/services-for-students-with-disabilities/ Students may need extra help navigating the system and understanding what help is available to them Provide the student with contact information if requested for Disabled Student Services Office Assist in making an appointment, if needed
  33. Considering the Needs of Student Veterans with Disabilities Services on TNCC Campus TNCC Disabled Student Services Office Disabled Student ServicesHampton Campus99 Thomas Nelson Drive323 Hastings Hall Phone: (757) 825-2833/TDD (757) 825-2853 Disabled Student Services Historic Triangle Campus 4601 Opportunity Way Williamsburg, VA Phone: (757) 253-4755
  34. Easing the Transition Have an open dialogue about frustrations Discuss career goals Provide them with information about various services and resources available as seems appropriate Veteran Certification Office Career Center College Counseling Services Disabled Student Services Office VA Hospital Center for Psychological Services Wounded Warriors Project Remember that each student is unique in their experiences
  35. Suggested Questions To Ask The Veteran In Front Of You What branch of service How long they were in the military What was your job or specialty How many deployments When, where, how long How has your experience at school been Could you be called back to active duty Can you still be deployed Do not ask if they have killed someone Do not ask how they were injured
  37. Easing the Transition What Student Veterans want faculty to know: “We are having normal reactions to an abnormal experience.” “No two veterans are alike.” “Each of us has had different experiences.” “Do Not assume that you know my politics or beliefs just because I was in the military.” “I may or may not be ready to talk about my experiences.” “Trust can be an issue for me.” “Being friendly and listening can go a long way toward building trust.” “Do Not be afraid of me.” “We are accustomed to being successful and may be too proud to ask for help.” ***(Pfeffer, 2010)
  38. Things to Remember Students veterans are a unique population with different experiences. There are numerous ways to help Student Veterans/ Servicemembers just as there are for other student populations. Developing trust with this population is important. Following-up with the Student Veterans/ Servicemembers and carrying out what you say you will do is essential.
  39. Discussion Scenario A student comes to your office because he is experiencing problems with his G.I. Bill. Because of his unpaid tuition, there is a hold on his account and he is unable to register for classes he needs to graduate.
  40. Discussion Direct them to the Veteran Services Office Hampton Campus: Griffin Hall, Room 209 Historic Triangle Campus: 4601 Opportunity Way
  41. Discussion Scenario A student Reservist comes to your office and is anticipating being deployed. He is unsure whether it will be before the end of the semester and is unaware of how he should proceed.
  42. Discussion Review with the student the university policy regarding options for activity duty military students who are deployed or activated for training/emergencies http://tncc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Request-for-Tuition-Refund-Policy-Waiver-2-2012.pdf (links to school policy) Encourage them to talk to their academic/faculty and professor Military Withdraw or Military Incompletes are available and need to be taken care of before they leave
  43. Discussion Scenario A Student Veteran comes to you because he feels very alone on campus. He was used to being constantly surrounded by individuals who share his goals and values. Since he has come to campus, he has not met anyone like that. He feels isolated and alone. How do you help this student?
  44. Discussion Inform them of what resources are available on campus Help link the Veteran to other Veterans Gator Vet Club, and Veteran Services Office Introducing the Veteran to other Student Veterans may allow him/her to develop a social network on campus. Ask the Veteran what interests him/her Suggest joining student groups on campus that have similar interests. Follow-up with student
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