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TOWARD …….. THE SUSTAINABLE GREEN CAMPUS SOCIETY. MK . SUSTAINABLE PLANNING smno.psdl.pdkl.ppsub2013. Makna Keberlanjutan The words “sustainability,” “going green,” or “green building” is coming up more often in discussions about the management of resources and business practices.
MaknaKeberlanjutan • The words “sustainability,” “going green,” or “green building” is coming up more often in discussions about the management of resources and business practices. • The concept has been around for many years. However, it has gotten much more visibility in the past three to four years. • The definition of the word varies depending on who you ask. Simply put, sustainability has to do with reducing our footprint on the future. • Most people will agree it contains the following main components: • improving economic efficiency, • protecting and restoring ecological systems, and • enhancing the well-being of all peoples. • The sustainable campus program addresses all of these components. Of course, you will find many definitions depending on who you ask. But, they generally will have these three components. Sustainable inititiatives must account for all of these at the same time.
The driving forces behind the transition to a more sustainable future are many, including economic, the indoor environment, growing limitation on non-renewable energy sources, and pollution and its effect on climate change and ecological health. "Why is this such an urgent issue now?" One can look at the "signs of the times" for an indication of the answer. Energy costs and availability, global ecological impact of energy use, availability of new technology, and a growing world-wide concern and interest. Driving Forces Behind Sustainable Development
MenujuKampus Ramah-Lingkungan A successful endeavor to transition to a sustainable or green campus involves four aspects of the university community – the administration, academic departments (students and faculty), the university research effort, and the local community. Some type of committee or council is needed in the beginning in order to share information, understand the issues and concepts, and develop plans for future initiatives. Nearly every department on campus has some role to play. Some universities have established an "Office of Sustainability" to coordinate the many planning initiatives, projects, networking, and monitoring of the program's progress in achieving its goals.
Understanding the significance and urgency of sustainable development • Availability of information resources • Cost of consumption virtually invisible • Perceived insignificance of the individuals role • Actions devoted to conservation perceived as more cost than benefit • Conservation perceived as doing without Obstacles and Challenges toward Green Campus ….
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK (CSAF) The CSAF shows that the people subsystem lies within the eco-subsystem, representing its supportive function, and that each subsystem needs to be healthy in order for the whole system to be healthy. Within each subsystem are five “dimensions,” representing the key campus sustainability issues identified by the co-research team. The ecosystem dimensions are air, water, land, materials, and energy. The people dimensions are knowledge, community, economy and wealth, governance, and health and wellbeing. Each dimension is then further broken down into “elements” and “subelements” until the organizational level of indicators is reached.
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Health and Well Being Recreation Recreation space Recreation participation Food Diet types Nutritional information Organic, non GMO, fair trade foods Safety Motor vehicle accidents Work place incidences Incidents of assult Health Physical Physical health care practitioners Sick days Smoking Mental Mental health care practioners Retention rate Spiritual services Mental illness Suicide rate Environment Accessible Greenspace Noise pollution Light pollution
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Community Involvement and cohesion Volunteerism Financing volunteer groups Alumni Volunteerism Graduates in the community Sense of community Voter turnout Diversity Disabilities Faculty with disabilities Staff with disabilities Students with disabilities Ethnicity Faculty of ethic minorities Staff of ethnic minorities Students of ethnic minorities Gender Faculty gender Staff gender Student gender Indigenous people Equity of indigenous peoples: faculty Equity of indigenous peoples: staff Equity of indigenous peoples: students Services Indoor community space On-campus housing On-campus housing affordability On-campus employment services Community library cards On-campus media expenditures Air Affordability of public transit
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus AIR Indoor Protection Asbestos and mould Scent-free indoor spaces Opening windows Air change effectiveness Smoke-free indoor places Living plants indoors Chemical free cleaning Pesticides used indoors Cleaning of air handling units Quality and monitoring Carbon dioxide monitoring indoors Indoor air quality complaints Outdoor Protection Smoke-free outdoor spaces Living trees outdoors
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Land Managed greenspace Managed greenspace Inorganic fertilizers Pesticides Native Plants Natural areas Healthy natural areas Restoration of degraded areas Protection of natural areas Unresolved land claims Intensity of use Impermeable surface cover Parking density Building density Occupancy rate: on campus residences
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Knowledge Training Orientation New faculty orientation New staff orientation New student orientation Ongoing Faculty sustainability training Staff sustainability training On-campus student sustainability training On-campus student sustainability jobs Research Collaboration Research collaboration: on- campus Research collaboration: non profit Research collaboration: for profit Funding Sustainability research expenditures For-profit research contributions Practice Faculty sustainability research Curriculum Internalisation of learning Sustainability pledge Sustainability literacy survey Education for sustainability Availability: Courses with applied learning Courses with sustainability content Students taking sustainability courses Quality: Faculty teaching sustainability courses Quality of sustainability courses Development Collaborative course development For-profit course development
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Governance Policy University government University government policy Student government Student government policy Implementation University government Committees University government working groups Diversity of university government working groups Reporting of university government working groups Staff and funding University staffing for sustainability University financing for sustainability Reporting of university sustainability staff
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Governance Student government Committees Student government working groups Diversity of student government working groups Reporting of student government working groups Staff and funding Student government staffing for sustainability Student government financing for sustainability Reporting of student government sustainability staff Monitoring University government University government implementation planning University government reporting University government information management Student government Student government implementation planning Student government reporting Student government information management
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Economy and wealth Individual Accessibility Costs Students with loans Students with debt load Student fees Financial support Number of financial awards Value of financial awards Allocation of financial awards University as employer Wage gap Gender pay equity Ethnic minority/ Caucasian pay equity Indigenous peoples/ Caucasian pay equity Institutional Income Income from students fees Income from government Income from private sources Expenditures Departmental expenditures per FTE student Locally purchased goods and services Deferred maintenance Investments Ethically and environmentally sound investments Local investments
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Materials Buildings LEED™ certified base buildings LEED™ certified interiors Paper Paper consumption Post-consumer content of paper Tree-free paper Chlorine-free paper Food Local Food Production Equipment Life cycle cost assessment of equipment Waste Solid Solid waste and recyclables produced Solid waste reduction Recyclables being landfilled Compost Hazardous Hazardous waste produced Reuse of hazardous waste Recycling of hazardous waste Reduction of hazardous waste
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Water Consumption Potable water consumed Storm and grey water reuse Storm and wastewater Quantity Wastewater produced Wastewater treatment Quality Storm water contaminant separation/ collection Management Leaking fixtures Water metering: potable Water metering: wastewater Pressure testing and leaks Efficiency of fixtures Motion detectors installed
University of Ottawa: Indicator of Green Campus Energy Sources Renewable energy buildings Renewable energy: fleet and ground fleet Local energy sources Management Energy metering Energy efficient equipment HVAC&R system control Automatic lighting sensors Intensity of use Greenhouse gas emissions: buildings Greenhouse gas emissions: commuting transport Greenhouse gas emissions: fleet and ground vehicles Greenhouse gas emissions: campus travel Reduction in energy consumption
The design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal of buildings requires enormous amounts of energy, water, and materials, and generates large quantities of waste, air and water pollution, as well as creating storm water runoff and heat islands. Buildings also develop their own indoor environments, which present an array of health challenges. Green or sustainable buildings are designed and operated with their lifecycle impacts in mind. They can provide great environmental, economic, and social benefits. These building are healthier and more resource-efficient. INTRODUCTION
Green construction can be integrated into buildings at any stage, from design and construction, to renovation and deconstruction. The most significant benefits can be obtained if the design and construction team takes an integrated approach from the earliest stages of a building project. Environmental benefits: • Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems • Improve air and water quality • Reduce waste streams • Conserve and restore natural resources
Green construction : Economic benefits • Reduce operating costs • Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services • Improve occupant productivity • Optimize life-cycle economic performance www.crestwoodestates-nh.com/builder.html
Green Construction: Social benefits • Enhance occupant comfort and health • Heighten aesthetic qualities • Minimize strain on local infrastructure • Improve overall quality of life mheasiast.com/
WHAT IS A GREEN BUILDING ? Green building - It is a building that right from the design stage incorporates the environmental friendly and sustainable features which include the efficient usage and harvesting of energy, water, and materials, and minimizing the impacts on human health and the environment. Green campus – Comprises of a cluster of green or almost green buildings together with an environment and the facilities for an intended operation to function in a socially and environmentally friendly manner.
THE University’S GREEN VISIONS 1. To be a green campus and play active part in lessening the environmental burden on the planet. 2. To be a showcase and regional centre for green building technology and research. 3. To cultivate a green mentality such that everyone from University will be a good global citizen in keeping the earth forever green. This is the plan through which University describes its policy directions towards the long term vision of achieving a green campus.
AREAS OF CONCERN Statistics in other countries shows that buildings account for : • 39 % of total energy consumption • 68 % of total electricity consumption • 12 % of total water consumption mheasiast.com/
1. Energi 1.1 . Sistem Air-Conditioning Air-conditioning is the largest single item on the University electricity bill. A small improvement here would result in significant monetary savings. The following are factors affecting the electricity consumption of an air-conditioned building. 1. Building insulation, building envelope design and orientation 2. Reduction of heat load 3. Air-conditioning control – temperature and occupancy control 4. Air leakage 5. Air change rate 6. Energy conservation – efficiency of equipment and on/off control for unoccupied premises 7. Energy recycling from discharged air 8. Alternative air-conditioning system using solar energy 9. District cooling, co-generation and tri-generation system 10. Use of the low cost off peak electricity for air-conditioning.
1. EnergI 1.1. Sistem Air-Conditioning At present, there are on going energy consumption projects in University dealing with some of the air-conditioning related issues . However there remains room for improvement. Any changes or replacement of the existing systems and require capital investment. They may have significant reduction in energy consumption for air-conditioning systems, and are still virgin grounds of exploration for University.
Lighting System The technologies that reduce lighting energy consumption: 1. movement sensor that switch off the lighting in unoccupied areas 2. off the light when door is locked 3. sensors that dim the lights in excessively illuminated rooms 4. technologies that combines natural incident light source and artificial lighting to achieve constant brightness in an area 5. solar photovoltaic panels interfaced with electrical storage for the lighting of certain non-critical areas such as car park, garden and pedestrian walk ways 6. explore biomass PEM fuel cell as power source for the lighting of large car parks, or gardens where bio mass is adequately available
SistemPencahayaan Maximizing natural lighting and adopting low energy lighting systems would cut down on the lighting energy consumption. Some of the above are currently implemented by phases. Many of the ideas are still unexplored. We could test and progressively implement some of the ideas in the appropriate projects and through retrofitting.
Hot water ServiceS Hot water is a by-product of air-conditioning systems. To the knowledge of the authors, the present system does accumulate significant amount of hot water. If one considers applying such hot water for cleaning of oily plate, food processing, and for bathing and showering, it conserves energy and a source of revenue for University. We should explore hot water business – selling hot water in the campus and to the commercial and industrial parks bordering University.
1.4 Renewable Energy 1.4.1 Solar energy Among all renewable energy sources, tapping solar energy is the simplest. Commercially viable photovoltaic panel and solar hot water panel are available at competitive prices. One could also utilize the vapour absorption air-conditioning system that converts solar heat into air-conditiong for buildings. University should generously tap the solar energy. However, the solar panels should integrate well into the building facade and the building aesthetic features should not be compromised by shobby design works.
1.4.2. Biofuel Biofuel is derived from the photosynthesis of plants and the burning of biofuel is environmental friendly. We are not a biofuel producer but we could promote the use of biodiesel for standby power generator and for in-campus vehicles. With adequate quantity of biomass, the gasification of biomass and as feed for PEM fuel cell for electricity generation would be feasible. We could implement a biofuel PEM fuel cell electricity generating for a new building currenly on the drawing board, in particular for the zero energy building. There is company willing to provide the system for free but recoup the investment through the sales of electricity.
1.4.3. TransportasidiKampus University should examine the inter-linking of the campus facilities so that all key buildings are well connected and within a reasonable distance. Paths for simple mobility equipment, such as cycling and electrically aided mobile equipment could be deployed. It avoids connections via buses or cars and this could save energy and also reduce vehicular pollution on the campus. To realize this objective, University should examine its master plan to see how key buildings could be integrated such that students, visitors and staff have access to keys facilities as long as they arrive at any corner within the perimeter of the University campus. University should also look into covered linkways that are esthetically designed, harmonized with the environment, and seamlessly and efficiently connected. We could also consider running the internal bus services on bio-diesel fuel as an environmental friendly feature in transportation.
2. SUMBERDAYA AIR In some countries, building occupants account for 12.2% of total water consumption. Of that 12.2%, 25.6% is used by commercial building occupants, and 74.4% by homeowners. Water is one of the areas that offers tremendous opportunities in saving. At present, University depends mainly on piped water of a potable standard from PUB. It is a waste of energy for applications of such high quality water for floor washing, plants watering and toilets flushing. University should create a second water tap supplying a low cost water for cleaning, on top of the high quality water tap from the PUB. This second water tap could be the rainwater harvested in the Nantah Lake. The University campus spans an area of 500 acres. With the annual rain fall of 2 meters, University could potentially collect 4 million cubic meters of rain water annually - well exceeding University’s water requirements.
With minimal work, University can collect most of the rainwater in Nantah Lake. By filtering the lake water through a low cost micro- or ultra-filtration membrane system, and then pumping it to a storage tank on high ground, a sufficient supply of water will be produced for offices and hostels for cleaning, toilet flushing and gardening purposes. All University buildings will have two water supply pipe systems – one for supplying PUB water and the other for the low cost water for cleaning and flushing. At present, a significant quantity of PUB water is used as cooling towers make-up water for air-conditioning system. University should explore the application of sterile low cost water for the cooling towers. We should form a task force to deal with the low cost water supply.
PenguranganLimbah University is a large community with more than 20 thousands staff and students. They generate a huge amount of waste such as plastic bag, drink cans and papers. University should play an active role in waste reduction, recycle and reuse. Students could be encouraged to start in-campus businesses on collection of waste, recycling of paper and the production of recycled products. University is well covered by thick vegetation. The large quantity of biomass resulting from tree pruning and fallen leaves and branches should be viewed as sources of renewable energy. Converting them into compost for gardening or as source of bio-energy would promote the campus green image.
PenguranganLimbah We should initiate a pro-active educational campaign toward the waste reduction and promote some of the following activities: 1. Paperless coursework and notes 2. Ban disposable products in campus 3. Use recycled paper and products 4. Recycle, resell and reuse of old text books and notes 5. Recycle, reuse, resell of goods used in student hostels and offices. 6. University should promote and use recycled papers and envelopes.
Design Indoor Air Quality On average, people spend about 90 percent or more of their time indoors. Studies have shown that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. In the 1990s, one in five of U.S. schools reported unsatisfactory indoor air quality, and one in four schools reported ventilation as unsatisfactory.
Design - Indoor Air Quality The health effects of poor indoor environmental quality will lead to lung cancer and asthma. In designing a new building, every effort should be placed in ensuring that a good indoor air quality is achievable. All known sources of indoor air pollution such as building materials and furnishings, dust mites and molds in central air-conditioning system, chemical used in maintenance and cleaning, and ingress of outdoor pollution entering the building, must be eliminated. University should also take action in ensuring that the indoor air quality is good enough for its intended operation.
Building Placement Building placement was often an ignored aspect of sustainable architecture. A carefully thought out building placement saves energy on transportation if the buildings are easily accessible by foot, bicycle, or public transit. It also helps avoiding auto emissions due to an increase vehicular traffic flow resulting from poor accessibility. www.planningsolutionsinc.com/portfolio/retail.cfm
BahanBangunanyg Ramah-Lingkungan Many building materials can be recycled. Good examples are glass and steel. Others include recycled fiber glass insulation, wood and bamboo. Adopting such building materials would exert less burden on environmental resources. Some sustainable architectures incorporate recycled or second hand materials. The reduction in the use of new materials creates a corresponding reduction in embodied energy (energy used in the production of materials). Frequently, sustainable architects attempt to retro-fit old structures to serve new needs in order to avoid unnecessary development. Lately, the University launched a green home with steel as structure. One should also explore the steel structure in our new building programme in view of the life cycle of steel and the shortage of sand and granite material .
Social sustainability in architecture Architectural design can strongly influence the ways in which social groups interact. Buildings may be designed with the specific intention of controlling or directing the flow of everyday life to "create socially Sustainable design can help to create a sustainable way of living within a community. While existing social constructs can be seen to influence architecture, the opposite can also be true. An overtly socially sustainable building, if successful, can help people to see the benefit of living sustainably. www.architecturesdesign.com/search/sustainability
Social sustainability in architecture The same can be said for environmentally sustainable design, in that architecture can lead the way for the greater community. Art can be a powerful positive social force. It can help to reduce stress in many situations, lowering the risk of both physical and mental stress-related health problems. Art also serves as a means of individual expression, which can add to the community as a whole. This is the element that almost all university buildings lack. In the future buildings, university should examine how designs can bind people together and allow them feel like a part of the community. Art should be an element of design in newerbuildings.
KEBIJAKAN MENUJU KAMPUS HIJAU University will take proactive measures in addressing the issues of concerned for both the new and old buildings. In the short term, University will construct a selected group of buildings with green features that exceeding the existing norm in Singapore, and one of these buildings could be a zero energy building. University will utilize its green building projects as test bed for its technologies, and position University as a regional centre and leader for green building technology and research.
KEBIJAKAN MENUJU KAMPUS HIJAU University should pool its expertise in green building to explore, test and implement all the feasible green ideas in University buildings, where appropriate. By doing so, the academic/research element in green building will elevate University’s status from just a trend follower to a trend setter that will invent, promote and lead the green building moment in the region. In the long term, University will consciously and systematically implement feasible green measures to all buildings in achieving a wholesome green campus. It will showcase our green building related technologies and research.
In achieving a green campus, besides having good design and technologies in place, the green conscience of the people who take ownership of the campus and their roles are also important factors in achieving success. University should continue mounting a series of green education for any staff and students. www.prlog.org/10171308-green-education-founda...
ntis04.hgac.cog.tx.us/Websites/subregional/to... Green education programs are intended to increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues or problems. In doing so, the public is provided with the necessary skills to make informed decisions and to take action to improve their communities.
Ultimately, the green behavior of our people will ensure the perpetual greenness of our campus. University will become a green campus with high standards in terms of environmental sustainability, efficiency, conservation and recycling in the areas of energy, water and materials. The buildings will be well-integrate with the surroundings so as to function as a pleasant, enjoyable and conducive place for conducting academic, social and recreational activities for all staff and students.
TOWARD GREEN CAMPUS SOCIETIES ……………? Campus SustainabilityDriving Forces: Economics Indoor Environment Nonrenewable Energy Effect on EnvironmentCampus Transition Administration Academics Research Local CommunityObstacles & Challenges