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breakout session : building thinkers. Building Thinkers through Critical and Creative Learning Strategies. LouEllen Brademan – ISD Rose Moore – ISD Shilpi Patel – DSS .
breakout session: building thinkers
Building Thinkers throughCritical and CreativeLearning Strategies LouEllen Brademan – ISD Rose Moore – ISD Shilpi Patel – DSS
Today's students need to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and effective communicators who are proficient in both core subjects and new 21st century skills. Ken Kay, President, Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Teachers will be able to: • Build relationships with students that support effort and self-efficacy in reaching higher standards • Recognize the 21st Century Skills (Critical & Creative Thinking) within our curriculum • Plan lessons that teach 21st Century Skills (Critical & Creative Thinking) by designing instructional tasks that require high levels of thinking for the essential skills • Using instructional strategies that support and promote student thinking at high levels • Engaging students in intellectual discourse • Raising students’ levels of metacognition • Providing students multiple opportunities to problem solve • Choose assessments that allow students to demonstrate • 21st Century Skills (Critical & Creative Thinking) at high • levels.
THE WHY • Read excerpt from Chapter of Making Thinking Visible. • Record your thinking using the PLUS , MINUS, INTERESTING (PMI) Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) strategy. • What are the plus, minus, and interesting aspects of your reading?
What are the plus, minus, and interesting aspects of your reading?
Why Teach Critical and Creative Thinking in All K- 12 Classrooms?
Source: "Tough Choices or Tough Times" 2007, National center on education and the economy The demand for non-routine skills is rising fast, as the need for routine and manual skills falls.
True or False • CREATIVE THINKING • is for the arts & humanities CRITICAL THINKING is for science & math
FALSE CRITICAL&CREATIVEthinking can and should be applied to ANY subject, content or problem.
True or False CREATIVITY is a right brain activity
FALSE • CREATIVE THINKING requiresdivergent thinkingand then convergent thinking. • CREATIVITYrequires constant shifting between right and left brain activity. The Creativity Crisis, Bronson & Merryman
True or False CREATIVITYcan be taught.
TRUE:CREATIVITYcan be taught. • Practicing promotes more creative thinking. • Treffinger’sCreative Problem-Solving Method is composed of fact-finding, problem-finding, idea-finding, solution-finding, and plan of action and has the highest success in increasing children’s creativity.
CRITICALandCREATIVEThinking • Criticaland creative thinking are interrelated processesessential to problem solving. • Creativethinking involves constructing something original. • Criticalthinking involves logic and reasoning skills. • As we solve problems, we navigate between both thinking patterns across all disciplines and grade levels.
CRITICALandCREATIVEThinking • Students need explicit instruction and exposure to thinking strategies in context in order to be able to apply them. • Strategies are engaging for students and teachers!
TORRANCE KIDS • In1958, four hundred children completed creativity tasks designed by professor E. Paul Torrance • The children were asked “How could you improve this toy to make it better and more fun to play with?”
Those who came up with more good ideas on Torrance’s tasks grew up to be entrepreneurs, inventors, college presidents, authors, doctors, diplomats, and software developers. • Jonathan Plucker of Indiana University recently reanalyzed Torrance’s data. The correlation to lifetime creative accomplishment was more than three times stronger for childhood creativity than childhood IQ.
Sir Ken Robinson … “there is a consistent mission to transform the culture of education and organizations with a richer conception of human creativity and intelligence.”
Nine Strategies for Teaching Critical and Creative Thinkingadapted from the work of . . . Dr. Edward de Bono Dr. Richard Paul
21st Century Skills Rethinking How Students Learn p. 314 Without a combination of critical thinking, problem-solving, effective teamwork, and creativity, learning remains stagnant, more useful for passing a test than solving a real world challenge.
If critical and creative thinking are being implemented in your school what will be evident? • Post your responses on Today’s Meet at http://todaysmeet.com/CCTLeadership2013
Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you can see farther. Thomas Carlyle
Web Resources • www.criticalthinking.org • www.edwdebono.com • www.vtshome.org • http://www.sirkenrobinson.com/ • http://www.creativelearning.com/ • http://www.loc.gov/teachers.com