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Ch 13 Alcohol. Active ingredient: Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol Why do people drink? Why drinking age of 21? Drink in moderation: amount causing no harm to health Proof = % of alcohol in a drink 100 proof = 50 % alcohol. Standard drink size: ½ ounce of ethanol 1 ounce hard liquor
Ch 13 Alcohol Active ingredient: Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol Why do people drink? Why drinking age of 21? Drink in moderation: amount causing no harm to health Proof = % of alcohol in a drink 100 proof = 50 % alcohol
Standard drink size: ½ ounce of ethanol 1 ounce hard liquor 10 ounce wine cooler 12 ounce beer 3-4 ounces of wine
Drinking Behaviors Moderate: Health not harmed, drink no excessive, behavior is ok Social: social occasions, may be moderate or problem Binge: drinks 4 or more drinks in a short period Problem: suffer social, emotional, family, job and other related problems. Alcohol Addict: full-blown disease, out-of-control
Moderate Drinking: Immediate Effects Depressant Alcohol acts fast, no barriers Rapidly into blood and every cell Not digested Liver breaks down 1 drink per hour
Excessive Drinking Behavior Unpredictable Reasoning and Judgement gone Speech, vision, balance, etc. Body’s defense: 1. Liver 2. Vomit 3. Pass Out
The Hangover Hangover: awful feeling the day after drinking Headache, nausea, etc. Caused by congeners, formaldehyde, dehydration Delirium: severe form with tremors, mental confusion, and hallucinations
Long Term Effects Liver Disease liver cells fill up with fat, die and harden up High blood pressure, stroke, heart attack Fetal alcohol syndrome (mothers)
Section 3 DWI: Driving while intoxicated DUI: Driving under the influence Limit in Iowa is .08 Zero Tolerance for drivers under age 21 (actually - .02) Breathalyzer Test: device you blow into that will measure blood alcohol level. Time is the only cure to sober up!
Enabler: allows them to drink and saves them from consequences Codependent: enabler within the family Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous, Alateen, Al-Anon Steps to Recovery: Admit it, get help, stay quit! Emotional Stages: Denial Bargaining Anger and Guilt Acceptance
Pointers for non-drinkers Don’t apologize Expect others to respect your choice