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LINCOLN. Where ?. 3,400 Sq. Mls. * Lincoln. County Population (2001) - 1.29 Million. City Population (2004) - 86,000. Catchment Population - 100,000. 7.5%. What Has LINCOLN Got To Offer ?. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS ??. It Sounds Like a Good Idea. It’s a National Initiative.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LINCOLN Where ?

  2. 3,400 Sq. Mls. *Lincoln County Population (2001) - 1.29 Million City Population (2004) - 86,000 Catchment Population - 100,000 7.5%

  3. What Has LINCOLN Got To Offer ?

  4. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS ?? It Sounds Like a Good Idea It’s a National Initiative An Aid To Recruiting If We Don’t, We’ll Fold ! Harmony Lincs

  5. Harmony Lincs Founded - October 1993 Membership 1994 (38) - Average Attendance 30 Membership 2004 (16) - Average Attendance 11


  7. Sing In Harmony 2005 When & Where ? How Long ? Development Team Tasks Task Allocation Development Time Monitor Progress Harmony Lincs

  8. Sing In Harmony 2005 When & Where ? September or January Harmony Lincs

  9. Sing In Harmony 2005 When & Where ? September or January September Adult Education Season Harmony Lincs

  10. Sing In Harmony 2005 When & Where ? September January Adult Education Season New Year Resolution Harmony Lincs

  11. Sing In Harmony 2005 When & Where? Same Location as Chorus Rehearsal Same Room as Chorus Rehearsal Same Location but Different Room Same Night as Chorus Rehearsal That way you’ll know they are available on that night! Harmony Lincs

  12. Sing In Harmony 2005 How Long ? How Much Ground Do You Want To Cover ? What Is Your Final Objective ? Set yourself a Target Work BACK from your target No Less Than 6 Weeks No More Than 10 Weeks Harmony Lincs

  13. Sing In Harmony 2005 Development Team The Exec Committee + Always Volunteer Only When Asked Last to Arrive First to Leave Harmony Lincs

  14. Sing In Harmony 2005 Tasks Publicity - Posters / Flyers / Newspapers / Radio TV/ Local (Parish & Village) Magazines / Shops Schools / Other Organisations / Local Authority Content - Organise Tutors & Musical Content Music - Purchase LEGAL Sheet Music & Organise Production of Teach Tapes / CD’s Harmony Lincs

  15. Sing In Harmony 2005 Tasks Administration - Contact Information Finance - Whether to apply for a grant or use your own available funds. Child Protection and Health and Safety Requirements - be aware! Monitor Progress - Have a Progress Chart Harmony Lincs

  16. Sing In Harmony 2005 - Planning & Progress Chart Harmony Lincs

  17. Sing In Harmony 2005 Who Are We Aiming This At ? Male Female Mixed Harmony Lincs

  18. Sing In Harmony 2005 Be Careful How You Word The Adverts Can You Actually Deliver The Goods ? If you say you are going to teach people to sing - can you actually do that, or is it just a ploy to get them through the door ? Do you say that you are going to teach them how to sing ‘Barbershop Harmony’ or 4 Part Harmony ? Do you want just experienced singers or will you accept newcomers as well? Harmony Lincs

  19. Sing In Harmony 2005 Advertising Tips Make it appear possible for them to sing in 4-part harmony even if they haven’t done it before. Exploit the possibility of free / cheap advertising opportunities such as Parish & Village Magazines, local radio (BBC) & Local Authority….. Seek Local Authority support, even if not financial as it gives a sense of credibility. Harmony Lincs

  20. Sing In Harmony 2006 Name Badge Harmony Lincs

  21. Sing In Harmony 2005 FINANCE Use your own finances ? Apply for financial support ? Arts Council - Local or National Local Authority Other Organisation Harmony Lincs

  22. Sing In Harmony 2005 FINANCE LBHC Funds - August 2004 : £1900 Funds Allocated for SIH 2005 : £1000 Final Expenditure for SIH 2005 : £1104 2/3 Advertising - Rest on Admin & Coaching MONEY WELL SPENT !! Harmony Lincs

  23. Sing In Harmony 2005 Apply or Not to Apply ? By getting prospective applicants to apply it is possible to control the course numbers. By all means open the doors nearer the start date Make sure you can cope with the numbers that may apply Harmony Lincs

  24. Lincolnshire Echo This advert appeared 10 days and 7 days before the start of the course Harmony Lincs

  25. Sing In Harmony 2005 Course Programme Make the course enjoyable but challenging. Use good content which allows them to see that progress is being made. Good coaching which is authoritative, supportive, encouraging and not disparaging. Make good use of Polecats & Tags Harmony Lincs

  26. Sing In Harmony 2005 Welcome Pack - Wk 1 Initial Sign-In Form Name Badge Programme Introduction & 1st Handout Sheet Music: Polecats & Tags (NOT THE COURSE SONGS) Learning Media CD (All 4 parts for all songs) Pen Harmony Lincs

  27. Give Them a Target !

  28. Sing In Harmony 2005 Allocation of Voice Parts The CD issued on week one had all four voice parts for all the songs. Course members were asked to listen to all tracks at home and try all parts. Choose the part they felt most comfortable with, and practice that. They were free to change at a later date or if the course tutor recommended it. Harmony Lincs

  29. Sing In Harmony 2005 Welcome Pack - Wk 2 Course Songs x 2 Sheet Music (Legal) Learning Media CD (Once again, all 4 parts) Handout for the week Harmony Lincs

  30. Sing In Harmony 2005 Integration Each Evening Session 7.30 to 9.30 (15min Break) Weeks 1 to 3 Total Segregation From Chorus Weeks 4 to 6 Last 45 Mins With Chorus Weeks 7 & 8 Last 60 Mins With Chorus Weeks 9 & 10 Full Evening With Chorus Harmony Lincs

  31. Sing In Harmony 2005 Give Them A Goal Give Them A Real Sense of Achievement Make Sure They Sing With The Chorus Let Them Hear The Sound Have a Final Concert For Their Families Sing in a Music Festival Harmony Lincs

  32. Sing In Harmony 2006 Harmony Lincs

  33. Sing In Harmony 2005 Statistics 43 Enquiries (Inc. 10 female) 30 actually attended, but not necessarily for the complete course Of those 30, the average weekly attendance was 72% 21 completed the course and 16 became full Chorus Members Harmony Lincs

  34. Sing In Harmony 2005 Harmony Lincs

  35. Sing In Harmony 2005 Statistics On the first club night following the completion of the course the attendance was as follows: 14 Existing Harmony Lincs Members 16 Course Members 3 Apologies Possible Attendance:33 Harmony Lincs

  36. Sing In Harmony 2005 Since Then…... 2 Former Members have Rejoined PLUS…………. Harmony Lincs

  37. Sing In Harmony 2006 18 Attended The Course 16 Completed The Course 14 Have Applied to join the Chorus Chorus Members as of March 17th 2006 49 Harmony Lincs

  38. Harmony Lincs SPREAD THE WORD Lincoln Sounds - Sweet Adelines Harmony Lincs

  39. Harmony Lincs RETENTION - The Difficult Bit !! Assimilation into the Chorus is the hardest part. Encouragement to feel part of the Chorus, not just ‘The New Guys’. To do this, the Chorus will have to slow down. Learn a new song as soon as possible Mentor by a ‘buddy’ who can advise on a one-to-one basis Harmony Lincs

  40. Harmony Lincs RETENTION - The Difficult Bit !! Let the course graduates join the Chorus for part of a singout as soon as possible Visit established Chorus rehearsals Arrange a visit to Convention Visit other Club’s shows Arrange social events to involve their families Harmony Lincs

  41. Harmony Lincs Where Do We Go From Here ? Onwards & Upwards There’s No Other Way To Go! www.harmonylincs.org

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