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ACPE Academy Tending the Evolving Supervisory Relationship. Terri Bolotin November 29, 2012. My Question:. How are we as supervisors assisting our SE students towards collegiality? Are there any conceptual schemas that can help us? What gets in the way?. Helping Relationships Ask
ACPE AcademyTending the Evolving Supervisory Relationship Terri Bolotin November 29, 2012
My Question: How are we as supervisors assisting our SE students towards collegiality? Are there any conceptual schemas that can help us? What gets in the way?
Helping Relationships • Ask • Counseling Coaching • PastPre sent Future • Problem Solution • Focus Focus • Consulting Teaching • Tell • Adapted from D. Rock, • Quiet Leadership, 2007, p. 51
Roles Helper Can Choose Expert – “Sage on the stage” Doctor – Diagnostician and Healer/Fixer Blank screen – analyze & elicit reactions Process Consultant – “Guide on the side” (adapted from Schein, 2009)
Traps of the Helper • Dispensing wisdom prematurely • Meeting defensiveness with more pressure • Accepting the problem and over- reacting to the dependence • Giving support and reassurance • Resisting taking on the helper role
Receiver Traps Initial mistrust Relief Looking for attention, reassurance and/or validation instead of help Resentment and defensiveness Stereotyping, unrealistic expectations, and transference of perceptions (Schein, 2009)
Ladder of Inference Actions Beliefs Conclusion Interpret Filter Observable data
Three Main Functions of Supervision Hawkins Kadushin Developmental Resourcing Qualitative Educational Supportive Managerial
By Sven Hartenstein, ANVC Communications
Power Power: having the capacity to take effective action to meet needs. Effective action entails having both material and emotional access to strategies to meet needs. Traditional view of power: includes capacity to coerce others to give us what we want even if it doesn’t meet their needs.
The Blessing and Curse The experience of being seen The use of taping Calling forth the holy trinity: feelings, intellect, behavior Intimacy both with supervisor and SES group Holy Grail – “use of self”
Purpose of Supervision • To attend to our work & our work life work = 1. ritual (task - to include preparation for it) 2. intention (approach to work) 3. relationship (to task and others connected to it) Joan Wilmot, 2008
Questions for the Journey • What are your 3 worst fears of passionate supervision and your three best expectations? • How do they reflect those aspects of your practice you would most like to examine? • What 3 issues or problems tend to reoccur for you at work? • What 3 strengths show up in your supervision? • If you were a CPE Candidate, what would you be bringing to supervision? David, Owen, 2008
mystery No common language or images for sacred Impetus for supervisory work usually has roots in liminal experience Memorable moments move us from world of the many to world of the one Meaningful connections can move us together – a wonderful & dangerous reality