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M?c dch gi?ng d?y . Lin l?c v?i bc si gy m m? tim . ua ra cc t? kha trong gy m m? tim . Co s? d? lu?ng gi ki?n th?c: Cc phc d? c?a MGH . Cc lo?i ph?u thu?t. B?c c?u ch? vnhPh?u thu?t thay van timPT d?ng m?ch ch? ng?cGhpKh?i uTamponnadeB?nh tim b?m sinhKhc. nh gi tru?c m? (
39. Nh?ng khuy?n co trong THNCT Ph? c?p
Site HAS/ sch CEC
H?i ngh? (CFP, SFAR, chirurgie)
i?u tra th?c hnh ? c?p d? qu?c gia (2005)
Ph? c?p ti?ng php v ti?ng anh (JECT, AFAR, Journal SFCCTV)
i?u tra t? l? bi?n ch?ng sau khi c nh?ng khuy?n co chung
Van b?n g?i cho G b?nh vi?n, Prsidents de CME, ch? nhi?m khoa (PT, GMHS)
Ph? c?p cc k?t qu? nghin c?u
Lin l?c v?i HAS 2007 d? c nh?ng khuy?n co sau
40. i?u tra nh?ng thi?t b? d?m b?o an ton trong THNCT
45. M?t nghin c?u h?i c?u nh?ng tai bi?n trong CEC
64. Nh?ng bi?n ch?ng trong PT tim
72. NC ti?n c?u trn 11825 BN m? b?c c?u ch? vnh (1996 2001)
AVC= t?n thuong TK du?c ch?n don v xu?t hi?n trong hon 24h sau m?
T? l? AVC = 1,5 %,
74. T?n thuong MC ?
78. Xo v?a MC B?nh l khc nhau gy canxi ha MC
Tang theo tu?i
Khng th? pht hi?n b?ng RX, TDM l?n s?
S? d?ng siu m d? pht hi?n l c?n thi?t (TO ho?c pi-aortique)
80. Bi?n ch?ng TK typ II sau PT tim
81. T? l? bi?n ch?ng TK sau PT tim Type I: 1-5 % ty theo d?nh nghia
Borowicz LM et al. J.Cardiothorac.Vasc.Anesth. 1996;10:105-12
Type I: 3,2 % (2100 BN)
Newman MF et al. Circulation 1996; 94:II74-II80
Type II: 10% b?nh no
Borowicz LM et al. 1996
Lm thay d?i cc test do tm th?n: 70 %
Doblar DD. . J Cardiothorac.Vasc.Anesth.1996; 10:3-14.
83. Trn 261 BN m? CABG
Cc test TK
Kh? nang nh?n th?c
53 % sau m?,
36 % sau 6 tu?n,
24 % sau 6 thng,
42 % sau 5 nam.
N Engl J Med 2001;344:395-402 Measurement of Neurocognitive Function
A brief battery of neurocognitive tests was administered before
surgery (at base line), on the day before discharge (approximately
seven days after CABG), and six weeks, six months, and five years
after CABG (Fig. 1). Assessments were performed individually by
experienced psychometricians using a well-validated battery that
included five tests. The short-story module of the Randt Memory
Test requires subjects to recall the details of a short story immediately
after it is read to them and after a 30-minute delay. Scoring
is based on both the ability of the subject to recall the story
verbatim and the ability to capture its gist on immediate and delayed
testing (resulting in four variable scores ranging from 0 to
10 or 0 to 20, with higher scores indicating better function).
Digit Span subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleRevised
requires subjects, first, to repeat in numerical order a series of digits
that has been presented to them orally and then, in an independent
test, to repeat the digits in reverse order (resulting in two
variable scores ranging from 0 to 14, with higher scores indicating
better function).
The Benton Revised Visual Retention Test
requires subjects to reproduce from memory a series of geometric
shapes after a 10-second exposure (resulting in one variable score
ranging from 0 to 10, with a higher score indicating better function).
The Digit Symbol subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
ScaleRevised is a task that requires subjects to reproduce
on paper, within 90 seconds, as many coded symbols as possible
in blank boxes beneath randomly generated digits, according to
a coding scheme for pairing digits with symbols (for one variable
score ranging from 0 to 90, with a higher score indicating better
The Trail Making Test (Part B) requires subjects to
connect with a line, as quickly as possible, a series of numbers and
letters in sequence (e.g., 1A2B) (for one variable score ranging
from 1 to 300, with a lower score indicating better function).
Treatment of Patients during Cardiac Surgery
Anesthetic management with midazolam, fentanyl, vecuronium,
and a perfusion apparatus has been previously described.
perfusion of 2 to 2.4 liters per minute per square meter
of body-surface area was maintained throughout cardiopulmonary
bypass. The pump was primed with crystalloid solution designed
to achieve a hematocrit of 18 percent or higher during extracorporeal
circulation. Packed red cells were added when necessary to
achieve the desired hematocrit. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted
through cannulation of the ascending aorta in all patients. Arterial
carbon dioxide tension was maintained at 35 to 40 mm Hg
(uncorrected for temperature) throughout the cardiopulmonarybypass
procedure, and the partial pressure of oxygen was maintained
at 150 to 250 mm Hg.
Measurement of Neurocognitive Function
A brief battery of neurocognitive tests was administered before
surgery (at base line), on the day before discharge (approximately
seven days after CABG), and six weeks, six months, and five years
after CABG (Fig. 1). Assessments were performed individually by
experienced psychometricians using a well-validated battery that
included five tests. The short-story module of the Randt Memory
Test requires subjects to recall the details of a short story immediately
after it is read to them and after a 30-minute delay. Scoring
is based on both the ability of the subject to recall the story
verbatim and the ability to capture its gist on immediate and delayed
testing (resulting in four variable scores ranging from 0 to
10 or 0 to 20, with higher scores indicating better function).
Digit Span subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleRevised
requires subjects, first, to repeat in numerical order a series of digits
that has been presented to them orally and then, in an independent
test, to repeat the digits in reverse order (resulting in two
variable scores ranging from 0 to 14, with higher scores indicating
better function).
The Benton Revised Visual Retention Test
requires subjects to reproduce from memory a series of geometric
shapes after a 10-second exposure (resulting in one variable score
ranging from 0 to 10, with a higher score indicating better function).
The Digit Symbol subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
ScaleRevised is a task that requires subjects to reproduce
on paper, within 90 seconds, as many coded symbols as possible
in blank boxes beneath randomly generated digits, according to
a coding scheme for pairing digits with symbols (for one variable
score ranging from 0 to 90, with a higher score indicating better
The Trail Making Test (Part B) requires subjects to
connect with a line, as quickly as possible, a series of numbers and
letters in sequence (e.g., 1A2B) (for one variable score ranging
from 1 to 300, with a lower score indicating better function).
Treatment of Patients during Cardiac Surgery
Anesthetic management with midazolam, fentanyl, vecuronium,
and a perfusion apparatus has been previously described.
perfusion of 2 to 2.4 liters per minute per square meter
of body-surface area was maintained throughout cardiopulmonary
bypass. The pump was primed with crystalloid solution designed
to achieve a hematocrit of 18 percent or higher during extracorporeal
circulation. Packed red cells were added when necessary to
achieve the desired hematocrit. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted
through cannulation of the ascending aorta in all patients. Arterial
carbon dioxide tension was maintained at 35 to 40 mm Hg
(uncorrected for temperature) throughout the cardiopulmonarybypass
procedure, and the partial pressure of oxygen was maintained
at 150 to 250 mm Hg.
85. Problmes des tudes sur les troubles cognitifs aprs chirurgie cardiaque Groupe(s) contrle
Cognitive outcomes three years after coronary artery bypass surgery: a comparison of on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery and nonsurgical controls. Selnes OA, Grega MA, Borowicz LM Jr, Barry S, Zeger S, Baumgartner WA, McKhann GM. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 Apr;79(4):1201-9.
Prospective longitudinal neuropsychological performance of patients with coronary artery bypass grafting did not differ from that of a comparable nonsurgical control group of patients with coronary artery disease at 1 or 3 years after baseline examination. This finding suggests that previously reported late cognitive decline after coronary artery bypass grafting may not be specific to the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, but may also occur in patients with similar risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
86. Postcardiac surgical cognitive impairment in the aged using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Cook DJ, Huston J 3rd, Trenerry MR, Brown RD Jr, Zehr KJ, Sundt TM 3rd. Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 Apr;83(4):1389-95
Among 50 patients with a mean age of 73 years, 88% demonstrated cognitive decline in the postoperative testing period while 32% showed evidence of acute perioperative cerebral ischemia by DW-MRI. At postdischarge follow-up, 30% of patients showed cognitive impairment. However, cognitive decline assessed postoperatively, or at a four to six week follow-up, was unrelated to the presence or absence of DW-MRI detected cerebral ischemia
87. Y?u t? nguy co gy bi?n ch?ng TK typ II Tang HA tm thu
Ti?n s? b?nh h h?p
Nghi?n ru?u
Roach GW et al N.Engl.J.Med.1996; 335:1857-63.
T?c m?ch ?
89. Phn lo?i y?u t? nguy co bi?n ch?ng TK typ II Nguy co n?m pha BN
TS b?nh TK, ti?n tri?n lm sng c?a XVM, c d?c, m?c gio d?c th?p
Nguy co ? qui trnh cham sc
CEC c tc d?ng b?o v? ?
Bi?n ch?ng sau m?
Bi?n ch?ng d?t ng?t sau m?
94. Y?u t? nguy co hoang tu?ng sau PT tim Nguy co pha BN (tru?c m?)
Tu?i, T, ti?n s? AVC, ACFA, s?c tim, FE VG < 30 %
Nguy co trong m?
CEC so v?i OPCAB, tg PT > 3 h, truy?n mu > 2l, s? d?ng l?c mu
NB: Khng CEC v tu?i < 70 khng ph?i h?p lm gi?m bi?n ch?ng
95. Theo di TK th?c t? ? Php So d? sinh l b?nh: Nghin c?u cc gi tr? c?a DSC (DTC) ho?c dung n?p s? gi?m DSC trn cc phuong ti?n dnh gi CN no (Svj02 / EEG / PEA)
Theo di EEG (BIS/PEA): ?nh hu?ng c?a cc thu?c gy m
96. Vi nguyn l quan tr?ng S? ?n d?nh huyt d?ng ton th? ph?n nh tu?n hon b?t thu?ng ? cc co quan( nh?t l no)
H?p M c?nh
RL t? di?u ch?nh
i?u ch?nh t?i ch? (thi?u oxy, toan khu tr, nhu?c thn)
C?n thi?t ph?i TD tu?n hon v oxy ha t? ch?c
97. Theo di CN no EEG 10/20
KT ph?c t?p
B? thay d?i do cc NN khc khi thi?u oxy
Gy m, t?t T
C th? d? nh?y t
KT kh
Gi? thuy?t trn dk d?ng m?ch
HITS (charge embolique)
Xm l?n
o m?c d? oxy ha ton b? no
Khng xm l?n
Tuong quan v?i Svj02 ch?p nh?n du?c
C gi tr? ? ngu?i l?n?
100. Murkin JM et al.
107. Khuy?n co g?n dy
111. http://www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/cabg/cabg.pdf. Xo v?a MC v d?t qu? do m?ng xo v?a l?n
S? nh?n d?nh c?a PTV d?i v?i xo v?a MC xu?ng l y?u t? c nghia duy nh?t bi?n ch?ng ? no sau PT b?c c?u ch? vnh(OR 4.5, P <0.05), th? hi?n ?nh hu?ng c?a xo v?a MC trong d?t qu? do thi?u mu
Khi m tu?i TB c?a BN m? PT m?ch vnh cng tang, t?c m?ch do m?ng xo v?a MC cung tang v g?n nhu chi?m 1/3 d?t qu? sau m?. Nguy co ny d?c bi?t tang ? nh?ng BN trn 75 80 tu?i.
112. Phuong ti?n pht hi?n XVM t / khng nh?y
Lm sng, s?, TDM, ETO tru?c m?
Khuy?n co
S piaortique +++
Tuong quan y?u v?i ETO trong m? (hi?n th? t/ khng r MC xu?ng)
Tc d?ng (t?n thuong < ho?c > 3 mm chi?u dy)
Lm thay d?i ki thu?t m? trong 20 % TH
114. Khuy?n co khc Th?n tr?ng kho?ng tg 4 tu?n gi?a AVC v PT tim
117. Khuy?n co c?a ACC/AHA lm gi?m t? l? bi?n ch?ng TK typ II Gi?m gy ra c?c t?c
Kh v lo?i khc
Phin l?c M 40 m ?
Khng ht mu ? vng m? vo bnh ch?a / nhung c th? sang cell-saver
121. Khuy?n co no trong th?c hnh lm sng ?
133. Guidelines for Reducing the Risk of Brain Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery According to American Heart Association Task Force Committee Guidelines Preoperatively
Chronic atrial fibrillation
Preoperative TEE
Recent myocardial infarction
Preoperative echocardiography
Recent cardiovascular accident
Delay of operation
Carotid artery disease
Carotid artery screening*
Surgical plan* *(not used in previous years)
134. Khuy?n co lm gi?m bi?n ch?ng ? no trong PT tim theo AHA Trong m?
Epiaortic scanning*
Vng d?t canul c th? thay d?i*
Vng c?p clamp c th? thay d?i ho?c c th? s? d?ng KT khng c?p clamp*
Proximal anastomosis site may be changed or in situ IMA to the LAD*
S? d?ng phin loc M*
Thi quen dng mng trao d?i oxy
?n d?nh dng mu no trong CEC*
Trnh tang thn nhi?t*
Trnh tang du?ng mu*
*(khng du?c khuy?n co tru?c dy)
135. Khuy?n co lm gi?m bi?n ch?ng ? no trong PT tim theo AHA
Trnh tang du?ng mu*
Trnh tang thn nhi?t*
H?n ch? ph no*
*(khng du?c khuy?n co tru?c dy)