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What is DANSE-G?

GumTree. Client Machine. Java Virtual Machine. Python Runtime. GumTree Workbench. Pyre Framework. shared library. GRID. ORB communication. Jython Interpreter. SPIRO Server. The DANSE-G Proposal A potential Java Client for the DANSE Framework Bragg Institute, ANSTO

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What is DANSE-G?

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  1. GumTree Client Machine Java Virtual Machine Python Runtime GumTree Workbench Pyre Framework shared library GRID ORB communication Jython Interpreter SPIRO Server The DANSE-G Proposal A potential Java Client for the DANSE Framework Bragg Institute, ANSTO Lucas Heights, Sydney, NSW, Australia DANSE – GumTree Communication Strategy What is DANSE-G? DANSE-G (pronounce “dancing”) is a proposal for driving DANSE from the Java based scientific workbench, named as GumTree. What is GumTree? GumTree is an open sourced multi-platform graphical user interface for performing neutron scattering and X-ray experiments. It handles the complete experiment life cycle from instrument calibration, data acquisition, and real time data analysis to results publication. The aim of the GumTree Project is to create a highly Integrated Scientific Experiment Environment (ISEE), allowing interconnectivity and data sharing between different distributed components such as motors, detectors, user proposal database and data analysis server. Benefit for DANSE – GumTree Integration GumTree provides a highly integrated graphical front-end for DANSE users to perform various scientific tasks under a single application. DANSE developers can leverage existing GumTree / Eclipse / Java framework, such as OpenGL visualisation toolkit, NeXus reader and Graphical Editing Framework (GEF), to reduce development effort on DANSE client. Contact: Tony Lam tony.lam@ansto.gov.au GumTree Homepage: http://gumtree.sourceforge.net SPIRO server running under Python locally for bridging Java and Python Jython terminal within GumTree provides an command line access to the pyre framework A scientific workbench with command line interface, word processor, 2D histogram display, web browser and media player Motor Control View, Scientific data browser and 3D visualisation with VTK Slits 3D view, scan control and visualisation come in a single workbench

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