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Learn about the flexibilities in the school meal program for the 2018-2019 school year, including exemptions for whole grain-rich requirement, sodium limits, and low-fat flavored milk. Find resources and technical assistance for implementing these flexibilities.
Flexibilities in theChild NutritionProgramsDeidra Strom, MS, RDN, LDNSouthwest Area Specialist School Meals &CACFP
School Meal Flexibilities ‐ SY2018‐2019 • Whole Grain‐RichRequirement • State agency can grantSFAs two (2) exemptions from the whole grain‐rich requirements in NSLP and SBP. • SodiumLimits • Schools must continue to meet Target 1 sodium requirements. • Low‐Fat, FlavoredMilk • SFAs can serve fat free orlow‐fat(1%),flavoredmilkin NSLP andSBP
Whole Grain‐RichFlexibility • CNU may approve exemptions if the SFA can demonstrate hardship in procuring,preparing, or serving compliant whole grain‐rich products that are accepted bystudents. • Exemptions are allowed for any type of grain product (i.e., pasta, bread, tortilla) and twodifferentproducts. • Approved exemptions are effective only for SY 18-19.
Whole Grain‐RichCompliance Grainsoffered are consistent with exemption granted bySA At least halfof grains offered weekly are whole‐grain rich Compliant
SodiumFlexibility • Schools must continue to meet Sodium Target 1 for School Year2018‐2019. • Schools are encouraged to continue to work towards creating lower sodium menus that studentsenjoy.
Flavored MilkFlexibility • Flavored 1% milk may be offered to students grades K-12. • NSLP • SBP • Waiver NOT required for SY 18-19
Meal Flexibility Form • Refer to Memo: CNU-19-003 • Deadline is September 14th, 2018
Co‐Mingled Pre‐KFlexibility • FNS is allowing a single menu flexibility when Pre‐K and K‐5 students are in the same service area at the same time (co‐mingled). • Co‐mingled schools may choose to follow the grade‐appropriate meals patterns for each grade group, or serve the K‐5 meal pattern to both gradegroups.
Co‐Mingled Pre‐K TechnicalAssistance • SFAs should work with their State Agency to find solutions to serving students grade‐ appropriate meals prior to using theflexibility. • Best Practices to AvoidCo‐Mingling: • Serving breakfast in theclassroom • Staggering meal servicetimes
Grain Based Desserts • Under the updated CACFP meal patterns, grain‐ based desserts may not count towards the grain requirement at any meal or snack, starting October 1,2017.
Grain‐Based DessertsFlexibility • Exhibit A was further revised to exclude sweet crackers (graham and animal crackers) from being designated a grain‐based dessert inthe CACFP. LC2 • FNS encourages centers and day care homes to limit service of sweet crackers due to the higher sugarcontent.