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Contents. 5.1 Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation 5.2 Bulgarian Regulatory authorities tasks and responsibilities 5.2.1 Nuclear safety control 5.2.2 Radiation protection control 5.2.3 National authorities of environment regulation, control and protection.
Contents 5.1 Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation 5.2 Bulgarian Regulatory authorities tasks and responsibilities 5.2.1 Nuclear safety control 5.2.2 Radiation protection control 5.2.3 National authorities of environment regulation, control and protection Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Training objectives Upon completion of training trainees should be able to: 1. Describe the role and place of (relevant) state regulatory authorities. 2. Explain the goals, tasks and responsibilities of: - nuclear safety regulatory authorities; - radiation safety regulatory authorities - authorities for regulation and control of environment protection Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
5.1 Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation Regulations • The legislation and legal basis for regulation of safety of nuclear utilities and activities should be established. • This regulatory framework is one of the key issues for the decommissioning. • Government shall provide adequate legislative and regulatory infrastructural arrangements for decommissioning, including the safe management of the resulting radioactive waste. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation The main functions of the regulatory body shall be put into effect in the frameworks and in dependence of the national legal structure. The process of regulation takes place during the entire operational period (life cycle) of the utility or duration of activities.. • The regulatory body has to define the policy, principles of safety and related criteria as a basis for its regulatory measures. • For implementation of the main functions of the regulatory body it is necessary for it to be in command of the corresponding authorities, competencies, financial and human resources. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation The state regulatory authorities, in the framework of their responsibilities are obliged: a) to demand that all normative acts and recommendations be observed b) to carry out the licensing process c) in the cases of development and implementation of different concepts and strategies to act in their quality of a consultative body of the Government. For additional information see: IAEA, Legal and governmental infrastructure for nuclear, radiation, radioactive waste and transport safety, Safety Series GS-R-1, Vienna, 2000 Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation The regulatory system is different in the different countries and depends on the historical development, on programs for the use of nuclear energy implemented or envisaged to be implemented, on industrial and economic factors, on legislation, etc. In general, two categories of this system are known: • nuclear safety and radiation protection are subject of subordination to one regulatory body (Bulgaria, France, Finland, The Check republic, Slovenia) • nuclear safety and radiation protection are subject of subordination to two regulatory bodies (Sweden, Slovakia, Great Britain) Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation The state regulatory authorities, in the framework of their responsibilities: • shall establish safety and environmental criteria for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, including conditions on the end state of decommissioning • shall require the nuclear facility operator to prepare a decommissioning plan • ……………… Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation The state regulatory authorities, in the framework of their responsibilities: • shall require the operator to perform a baseline survey of the site • shall ensure that operators proposing new nuclear facility consider decommissioning activities during the facility design • shall ensure that adequate arrangements to provide funding for decommissioning are in place before issuing an operating authorization • ……………… Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Activities of state regulatory authorities and system for regulation The state regulatory authorities, in the framework of their responsibilities (cont.): • …………….. • shall ensure that relevant documents and records are prepared by the operator, kept for an agreed time and maintained by appropriate parties to a specified quality before, during and after the decommissioning. • shall make appropriate arrangements for the inspection and review of the operator’s decommissioning activities • shall evaluate the end state of the facility after decommissioning activities have been completed to ensure the criteria have been met. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
5.2. Bulgarian Regulatory authorities tasks and responsibilities Historical Reference 1957 - България става една от страните-учредителки на МААЕ и създава Комитет за мирно използване на атомната енергия при Министерския съвет с контролни и координиращи функции, насочени към научноизследователската дейност, медицината, промишлеността и селското стопанство 1975 - Комитетът за мирно използване на атомната енергия се обособява като държавно-обществен орган 1985 - Народното събрание приема Закон за използването на атомната енергия за мирни цели (ЗИАЕМЦ) и създава новия Комитет за използване на атомната енергия за мирни цели (КИАЕМЦ) при Министерския съвет със специализиран орган – Инспекция за безопасно използване на атомната енергия 1995 - Народното събрание приема Закон за изменение и допълнение на ЗИАЕМЦ от 1985 г. Създават се и два консултативни съвета към комитета: Съвет по безопасност на ядрените съоръжения и Съвет по радиационна защита. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) In 1992 г the National Assembly adopted the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy Act (SUNEA). In compliance with the provisions of the SUNEA from 2002, the Committee for Use of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes of was transformed into Nuclear Regulatory Agency. The NRA is an independent specialized body of the executive authorities that implements the state regulation of the safe use of nuclear energy and ionizing irradiation as well as the safe management of radioactive wastes and spent fuel. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Nuclear safety control In compliance with the law the NRA: • ensures the implementation of the state supervision of nuclear safety of nuclear facilities • ensures the discussions on programs, tackling the use of nuclear energy Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Nuclear safety control The NRA prepares annul reports on the results of the regulatory activities on nuclear safety. These reports are submitted to the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Radiation protection control The Minister of health specifies mandatory hygiene standards and requirements for and sanitary regulations, concerning all problems of radiation protection. In case of a radiation emergency he/she specifies the additional hygiene standards needed and the requirements taking into account the conditions in order to protect the population. The Ministry of Health exerts the state sanitary control through its specialized bodies. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Radiation protection control The supervision activities over radiation control ensured for the staff of the nuclear facilities as well as the population in the proximity shall be implemented by: • The Nuclear Regulatory Agency • The National Center on Radiobiology and Radiation Protection. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Radiation protection control The regulation control to ensure implementation of radiation protection requirements the Nuclear Regulatory Agency is carried out by the Radiation Protection and Emergency Readiness Directorate The Directorate assists the Chairman of the Agency in carrying out his regulatory and control functions related to all activities, concerning sources of ionizing radiation (SIR) and the radioactive wastes obtained. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
Radiation protection control A specialized body of the state control is also the National Center for Radiobiological and Radiation Protection (NCRRP), with a statute of a scientific organization with the Ministry of Health. NCRRP performs the functions of: 1) a specialized body of the Ministry of Health in the field of radiobiology, radiation protection and emergency cases medicine; 2) methodology leader of the Hygiene and Epidemiological Inspection, related to the preliminary and current radiation and hygiene control as well as the medical control on individuals, working in ionizing radiation environment. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
National authorities of environment regulation, control and protection The Environmental Protection Act (EPA) determines the public relations, concerning protection and use of environmental components and the different strategies and programs on the environment. The EPA specifies the requirements to the environmental assessment as well as the assessment of the impacts on the environment. Art. 81, para. 1, it. 2 of the Act demands that the decommissioning plan includes the individual and collective irradiation doses expected for the personnel and the public as well as an assessment of impacts on the environment. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
National authorities of environment regulation, control and protection The National strategy on the environment and the municipal programs on the environment are a vehicle to reach the goals of the law and are developed in compliance with the principles for environmental protection. The National strategy on the environment has to be developed for a 10 year period. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
National authorities of environment regulation, control and protection The state policy on environmental protection is implemented by the Minister of the environment and waters. The Executive agency for the environment with the Minister of the environment and the waters performs the management of the National system for environmental monitoring (NSEM). The National system for environmental monitoring, as well as the own monitoring are the basis for implementation of control and imposition of sanctions in cases of breach of provisions of the law. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
National authorities of environment regulation, control and protection The National center on the environment and sustainable development NCESD)/Executive agency on the environment The National centrer is an organization, subordinate to the Ministry of the environment and the waters (MEW), which on its own or in cooperation with other bodies or organizations assists the development and implementation of the state policy on the environment. Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"
References 1. IАЕА, Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and research reactors, Safety Standard Series WS-G-2.1, Vienna, 1999 2. International Atomic Energy Agency, Legal and governmental infrastructure for nuclear, radiation, radioactive waste and transport safety, Safety Series GS-R-1, Vienna, 2000 3. Act on the safe use of nuclear energy, Promulgated in the State Gazette No. 63 of June 28, 2002 Useful links: www.bnsa.bas.bg www.moew.government.bg/ www.mh.government.bg/ Project BG/04/B/F/PP-166005, Program "Leonardo da Vinci"