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EPWP: ECONOMIC SECTOR VENTURE LEARNERSHIPS PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE MEETING 26 OCTOBER 2005. EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – BACKGROUND…(1). The EPWP economic sector aims to create 3000 sustainable businesses in various sectors through tapping into government expenditure on goods and services.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – BACKGROUND…(1) • The EPWP economic sector aims to create 3000 sustainable businesses in various sectors through tapping into government expenditure on goods and services. • These businesses will be develop through a programme known as new venture creation learnership. The learnership will provide learners with business and management skills. The learnership costs will be covered by the 23 SETAs. • The learnership will target persons in the 2nd economy as learners. These learners will all be registered as new companies and will be provided with theoretical and practical training.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – BACKGROUND…(2) • For the practical training, learners will be given Government contracts. These Government contracts will cover the following sectors: food and beverages, clothing, furniture, property, cleaning services, labour recruitment, infrastructure, security, catering and waste management, inter alia. • Each learner will be awarded 3 projects to execute. The cumulative value of these contracts should total at minimum R800 000. • All learners will also receive mentoring assistance throughout the learnership. • All learners will have access to finance through ABSA bank, which has been selected as the preferred provider through a tender and adjudication process. ABSA provides working capital at prime +1%.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – PROGRESS TO DATE….(1) • A management plan on the venture creation learnership has been completed. This plan provides guidance on all aspects of the learnership and fully documents all processes. • 170 learnerships/emerging enterprises have been established and are underway in Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. These learnerships relate to the building of schools.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – PROGRESS TO DATE….(2) • Of the 170 learners/emerging enterprises, 40 have graduated from the programme. A graduation ceremony was held in August 2005. • NDPW, DPW (Limpopo) and the CIDB worked collectively on registering the 40 learners on the CIDB register. By September 2005, 70% of the 40 learners have been registered. A database of learners are available. These learners are now at Level 3 and 4 on the CIDB register. Learners will therefore moved up from Level 1 and 2 on the register through our venture learnership programme.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – LIFE STORY….(1) • The success of the EPWP Economic Sector venture learnership programme (Limpopo, Sakhasonke) is illustrated through the life story of one of the learners/emerging enterprises, Lucky Ndlovu. • Lucky is a 31 year old man, previously unemployed from Mopani in the Limpopo Province, where 30% of the population is unemployed. • For his 1st project, Lucky built 4 classrooms and an ablution block for Seghashife High School in Makele Village and for his 2nd project he built 4 classrooms and an ablution block for Farel Primary School at Violet, in Bushbuckridge.For the 2nd project, he employed 16 people and through the programme Lucky is now able to tender successfully for Government projects and manage the finance and business operations of his contracting company.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – PROGRESS TO DATE….(2) • In the Eastern Cape, the 50 selected learners/emerging enterprises, will receive their 1st contracts by December 2005, valued at R1 million each. Mentoring criteria were drafted and the tender is out. • Discussions are underway, with ABSA to fund evaluation studies of the venture learnerships, fund company registration costs and venue and advertisement costs related to the learnership. • The Energy SETA has committed to fund 12 learnerships in Gauteng, as a pilot project. Further commitments for 30 learnerships per annum have also been made by the SETA. These learnership will be for electrical businesses. NDPW (Operations Branch) has committed to provide contracts to these 12 learners and NDPW will strive to provide learners with cumulative projects valued at R1,8 million.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – PROGRESS TO DATE….(3) • The FoodBev SETA has also committed to fund 25 learnerships, as a pilot project. The aim of these learnerships are to develop businesses that will supply dairy, meat, fish, and bread products. Discussions will be held with the Department of Correctional Services to provide the 25 learners with contracts to supply the above-mentioned products. • NDPW has communicated with all 23 SETAs and NDPW is to present to all the SETAs on the venture learnership programme in October/November 2005. The intention is to obtain funding from the SETAs, similar to the Energy SETA commitment. • In August 2005, the New Venture Creation Learnership NQF Level 2 was registered with SAQA. A tender has been placed for the drafting of the curriculum.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – PROGRESS TO DATE….(4) • NDPW has commissioned a study to analyse Government expenditure on goods and services. GOPA has been appointed as the service provider. The 1st phase of the report will be completed in mid-November 2005. Study will be completed in February 2006. • NDPW is liaising with DPW, Limpopo on undertaking an evaluation study of the Sakhasonke programme. Funding proposals have been prepared and institutions have been approached. • NDPW capacity currently being developed – 3 deputy director positions advertised and closed. The last interviews are scheduled for 4 November 2005.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – PROGRESS TO DATE….(5) • BUSA will also fund the drafting of a sector and implementation plan, which will include the venture learnerships. A TOR is currently being devised. The sector plan will review best practice. Provinces are requested to provide information on potential SMME strategies that can be expanded on for the EPWP economic sector. • The dti is supporting this initiative. The matter was discussed with the dti in September 2005. The dti supports the use of Government expenditure. It is expected that a sector plan will be completed by March 2005 which includes initiatives such as cooperatives. National and provincial institutional frameworks will also be covered.
EPWP ECONOMIC SECTOR – CHALLENGES • Limited funding for training with SETAs. • Funding for mentoring. The evaluation of Sakhasonke, Limpopo is the 1st step in addressing this challenge. The dti has requested this study. • Training providers – both quality and quantity has to be addressed. Discussing the matter with the Services SETA. • Institutional arrangements will be addressed through the sector plan compilation and interactions with all the provinces.
THANK-YOU! Carmen-Joy Abrahams EPWP, DPW carmen-joy.abrahams@dpw.gov.za OR Thami Ngqungwana The dti Thamin@thedti.gov.za