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МОНГОЛЫН МЯНГАНЫ СОРИЛТЫН САН ЭРҮҮЛ МЭНДИЙН ТӨСӨЛ. Эндоцервикал эсийн өмөн ( Endocervical adenocarcinoma ). Түрхэцийн суурь нь:. Шинэ цусархаг ихэвчлэн Үрэвсэлт ихэвчлэн Хавдрын диатез 25%.

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  1. МОНГОЛЫН МЯНГАНЫ СОРИЛТЫН САН ЭРҮҮЛ МЭНДИЙН ТӨСӨЛ Эндоцервикал эсийн өмөн (Endocervicaladenocarcinoma)

  2. Түрхэцийн суурь нь: • Шинэ цусархаг ихэвчлэн • Үрэвсэлт ихэвчлэн • Хавдрын диатез 25%

  3. Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 10x)

  4. Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 40x)

  5. Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 40x)

  6. Эсийн төрх байдал: • Хуудсаар (давхаргаар), эдийн тасархай • Ганцаар байрласан хавдрын эсүүд • Эсийн бөөгнөрөл • Гаж хэлбэр, долгионтсон ирмэг • Зөгийн үүрний бүтэц алдагдсан • Бүлгээр буй эсийн булчирхайлаг цорго (хэвийн үед ховор) • Палисад бүтэц • Хуурамчаар үелэх (бөөмийн) • Розеткан бүтэц • Хөхлөгт бүтэц

  7. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells with peripheral feathering. This cell group suggest an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 20x)

  8. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells with peripheral feathering. This aspect suggests an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 20x)

  9. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells without peripheral feathering: AGC on this unique cluster. (obj. 20x)

  10. Бөөмийн төрх байдал: • Том, плеоморфный • Дугуй, уртсаж томорсон, жигд бус гаж хэлбэр • Гиперхромный, гэвч ихэнхдээ гипорхромный • Бөөмөнцөр том, жижиг • Хроматин жигд бус, тархсан • Бөөмөнцөр +/-, байгаа тохиолдолд олон жижиг, том • Митоз • Олон бөөмт эсүүд тохиолдоно • Цитоплазм – янз бүр • Цианофил • Эозинофил

  11. Invasive adenocarcinoma: more or less cohesive malignant columnar cells. (obj. 40x) • Бөөмөнцөр том, жижиг • Хроматин жигд бус, тархсан

  12. Invasive adenocarcinoma: area with loosely cohesive malignant columnar cells. (obj. 40x) Том, плеоморфный Дугуй, уртсаж томорсон, жигд бус гаж хэлбэр

  13. Invasive adenocarcinoma: inflammatory exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. (obj. 10x)

  14. Invasive adenocarcinoma: medium magnification from an area with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates. Isolated well preserved atypical cells also noted. Huge disorganisation and individual cell scattering. (obj. 20x)

  15. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells with peripheral feathering, suggesting an adenocarcinoma in situ. Rare isolated well preserved cells or naked nuclei. (obj. 20x - same patient as previous pictures)

  16. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: clusters of atypical columnar cells with palisading, suggesting an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 40x)

  17. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: clusters of malignant columnar cells with palisading, suggesting an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 40x)

  18. Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: more or less cohesive malignant columnar cells next to a less atypical cell group. (obj. 40x)

  19. Invasive adenocarcinoma: mucus with normal endocervical naked nuclei and aggregates of malignant columnar cells next to it. (obj. 10x)

  20. Invasive adenocarcinoma: mucus with normal endocervical naked nuclei and an aggregate of malignant columnar cells next to it. (obj. 20x)

  21. Histologically proven well-differentiated endocervicaladenocarcinoma: loose cluster with irregular borders, composed of atypical columnar cells: AGC on this picture. (obj. 40x)

  22. Histologically proven well-differentiated endocervicaladenocarcinoma: large cell cluster with irregular borders, composed of atypical columnar cells, with elongated, hyperchromatic nuclei suggesting an AGC favor neoplastic or AIS. (obj. 40x)

  23. Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 40x)

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