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МОНГОЛЫН МЯНГАНЫ СОРИЛТЫН САН ЭРҮҮЛ МЭНДИЙН ТӨСӨЛ. Эндоцервикал эсийн өмөн ( Endocervical adenocarcinoma ). Түрхэцийн суурь нь:. Шинэ цусархаг ихэвчлэн Үрэвсэлт ихэвчлэн Хавдрын диатез 25%.
МОНГОЛЫН МЯНГАНЫ СОРИЛТЫН САН ЭРҮҮЛ МЭНДИЙН ТӨСӨЛ Эндоцервикал эсийн өмөн (Endocervicaladenocarcinoma)
Түрхэцийн суурь нь: • Шинэ цусархаг ихэвчлэн • Үрэвсэлт ихэвчлэн • Хавдрын диатез 25%
Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 10x)
Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 40x)
Эсийн төрх байдал: • Хуудсаар (давхаргаар), эдийн тасархай • Ганцаар байрласан хавдрын эсүүд • Эсийн бөөгнөрөл • Гаж хэлбэр, долгионтсон ирмэг • Зөгийн үүрний бүтэц алдагдсан • Бүлгээр буй эсийн булчирхайлаг цорго (хэвийн үед ховор) • Палисад бүтэц • Хуурамчаар үелэх (бөөмийн) • Розеткан бүтэц • Хөхлөгт бүтэц
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells with peripheral feathering. This cell group suggest an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 20x)
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells with peripheral feathering. This aspect suggests an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 20x)
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells without peripheral feathering: AGC on this unique cluster. (obj. 20x)
Бөөмийн төрх байдал: • Том, плеоморфный • Дугуй, уртсаж томорсон, жигд бус гаж хэлбэр • Гиперхромный, гэвч ихэнхдээ гипорхромный • Бөөмөнцөр том, жижиг • Хроматин жигд бус, тархсан • Бөөмөнцөр +/-, байгаа тохиолдолд олон жижиг, том • Митоз • Олон бөөмт эсүүд тохиолдоно • Цитоплазм – янз бүр • Цианофил • Эозинофил
Invasive adenocarcinoma: more or less cohesive malignant columnar cells. (obj. 40x) • Бөөмөнцөр том, жижиг • Хроматин жигд бус, тархсан
Invasive adenocarcinoma: area with loosely cohesive malignant columnar cells. (obj. 40x) Том, плеоморфный Дугуй, уртсаж томорсон, жигд бус гаж хэлбэр
Invasive adenocarcinoma: inflammatory exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. (obj. 10x)
Invasive adenocarcinoma: medium magnification from an area with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates. Isolated well preserved atypical cells also noted. Huge disorganisation and individual cell scattering. (obj. 20x)
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: three dimensional cluster of atypical columnar cells with peripheral feathering, suggesting an adenocarcinoma in situ. Rare isolated well preserved cells or naked nuclei. (obj. 20x - same patient as previous pictures)
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: clusters of atypical columnar cells with palisading, suggesting an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 40x)
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: clusters of malignant columnar cells with palisading, suggesting an adenocarcinoma in situ. (obj. 40x)
Histologically proven invasive adenocarcinoma: more or less cohesive malignant columnar cells next to a less atypical cell group. (obj. 40x)
Invasive adenocarcinoma: mucus with normal endocervical naked nuclei and aggregates of malignant columnar cells next to it. (obj. 10x)
Invasive adenocarcinoma: mucus with normal endocervical naked nuclei and an aggregate of malignant columnar cells next to it. (obj. 20x)
Histologically proven well-differentiated endocervicaladenocarcinoma: loose cluster with irregular borders, composed of atypical columnar cells: AGC on this picture. (obj. 40x)
Histologically proven well-differentiated endocervicaladenocarcinoma: large cell cluster with irregular borders, composed of atypical columnar cells, with elongated, hyperchromatic nuclei suggesting an AGC favor neoplastic or AIS. (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear with a significant atypical columnar cell population in irregular aggregates and isolated well preserved atypical cells. Histologically-proven endocervicaladenocarcinoma. (obj. 40x)