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FINNISH LESSONS. Pasi Sahlberg, PhD Director General CIMO (Ministry of Education) Helsinki World Class Education Birth to 20 University of Illinois at Chicago Monday 5 th December 2011. What Can the U.S. Learn from Educational Change in Finland?. www.pasisahlberg.com.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FINNISH LESSONS Pasi Sahlberg, PhDDirector General CIMO (Ministry of Education) Helsinki World Class Education Birth to 20 University of Illinois at Chicago Monday 5th December 2011 What Can the U.S. Learn from Educational Change in Finland? www.pasisahlberg.com

  2. Einar Fritjof SAHLBERG (1895-1977)

  3. 2010 SURVIVAL 1790 Between the West and the East

  4. Finland Today

  5. Education in Finland

  6. Education system performance over time in Finland and developed nations Learning, Participation, Equity, and Efficiency 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

  7. Education system in 2011 5 4 23+ 3 22 Universities 60% Polytechnics 2 21 1 Specialist vocational qualifications 20 Work experience 3 19 General upper secondary school Vocational school Apprenticeship training 2 18 Further vocational qualifications 1 17 55% 40% Grades Age 10 16 9 Work experience Basic school Compulsory schooling 1 7 Preschool 6

  8. The Finnish Way 1: Excellence by Equity

  9. Equity in education variation of student performance in science PISA 2006

  10. Equity in education variation of student performance in science Variation of performance within schools Variation of performance between schools PISA 2006

  11. The Finnish Way 2: Less is More

  12. Finnish teachers teach less… Net contact time in hours per year in public institutions Middle School Teachers OECD 2010

  13. Finnish pupils study less … … in and out of school OECD 2010

  14. More money, less learning Learning Cost OECD 2010

  15. The Finnish Way 3: Test Less, Learn More

  16. Finnish Students are Tested less National averages of 15-year-old students learning outcomes in mathematics 2000-06 OECD 2001-2007

  17. Finnish Students are Tested Less National averages of 15-year-old students learning outcomes in mathematics 2000-06 OECD 2001-2007

  18. The Finnish Way 4: Teaching as a Dream Job

  19. Applicants to primary school teacher education Accepted

  20. Teacher salaries relative to workers with college degree Admission: 1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd Phase - high school merits - exam - interview - other merits OECD 2010

  21. (What) Can We Learn from Finland?

  22. Global Educational Reform Movement Finnish Way Foreword by Andy Hargreaves

  23. Global Educational Reform Movement Finnish Way X Academic Holistic

  24. Global Educational Reform Movement Finnish Way X Standardization Personalization Foreword by Andy Hargreaves

  25. Global Educational Reform Movement Finnish Way X Competition Community Foreword by Andy Hargreaves

  26. Global Educational Reform Movement Finnish Way X Choice Equity Foreword by Andy Hargreaves

  27. Global Educational Reform Movement Finnish Way X Accountability Trust Foreword by Andy Hargreaves

  28. Three Questions for Illinois: Do you need all that standardized testing? 1 Can you do more to improve well-being? 2 Could vocational options be enhanced? 3

  29. ”One thing I never want to see happen is schools that are just teaching to the test because then you’re not learning about the world, you’re not learning about different cultures, you’re not learning about science, you’re not learning about math.” “All you’re learning about is how to fill out a little bubble on an exam and little tricks that you need to do in order to take a test and that’s not going to make education interesting.” 28 march 2011

  30. "The story of Finland's extraordinary educational reforms is one that should inform policymakers and educators around the world.” —Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University “A terrific synthesis by a native Finn, a teacher, a researcher and a policy analyst all rolled up into one excellent writer.” —David Berliner, Arizona State University "This book is a wake-up call for the U.S.  It is the antidote to the NCLB paralysis." —Henry M. Levin, Teachers College, Columbia University Foreword by Andy Hargreaves Kiitos! www.pasisahlberg.com

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