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Woodrow Wilson and WWI. 1914-1918. President Woodrow Wilson, 1908-1913-1921. Foreign Affairs, 1901-1917. Latin America Venezuela Mexico Panama Colombia Cuba Haiti Nicaragua.
Woodrow Wilson and WWI 1914-1918
Foreign Affairs, 1901-1917 Latin America Venezuela Mexico Panama Colombia Cuba Haiti Nicaragua • The U.S. became more and more involved in foreign affairs. All three Progressive presidents faced challenges abroad. • T. Roosevelt believed in there was difference between “civilized” nations and “uncivilized” nations. Many people agreed with this philosophy • “Speak softly and carry a big stick” • Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace prize for his work in ending the war between Japan and Russia in 1906 • The Great White Fleet and “Open Door Policy” • Panama Canal
By 1914, the was U.S. taking a more active role in foreign affairs: 1. Spanish American War Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines 2. Philippines –atrocities committed on both sides 3. Intervened in revolution in Panama 4. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson sent American forces to Mexico to take the port of Vera Cruz and chase Pancho Villa into Mexico
Woodrow Wilson, Pancho VillaThe Mexican Revolution • The Mexican Revolution left the country in chaos and • W. Wilson sent troops to take control of the Port of Veracruz during the conflict • Pancho Villa killed 16 Americans and then crossed the U.S. border and killed 17 more. Wilson sent General John J. Pershing to capture Poncho Villa.
Trouble in Europe: 4 Primary Factors that Led to WWI in Europe in 1914 • 1. The Rise of Nationalism • 2. The Growth of Imperialism • 3. The formation of (sometimes) secret alliances • 4. Increased Militarism Germany and Great Britain SPARK the started WWI: Assassination of Francis Ferdinand, heir to Austro-Hungarian throne by Serb Nationalist
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife just minutes before being shot in Bosnia
Europe at War, 1914-1918 Allies Central Powers • British Empire • France • Russia *** (until 1917) • U. S., 1917 • Germany • Austro-Hungarian Empire • Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
President Woodrow Wilson1916:“He Kept us Out of War” • Neutrality • US divided in support for Britain and Germany • Isolationists wanted to stay out of war • Interventionists wanted to join the war • Trade with Europe (Britain and France) during WWI led to one of the greatest economic booms in the nation’s history
Election of 1916: Wilson Wins“He Kept Us Out of War” • Wilson ran again for president and knew that many Americans wanted to stay out of the war, called pacifists or isolationists. • Theodore Roosevelt and many others felt the U.S. should go to war=interventionists. • Wilson tried to remain neutral—not taking sides in the war • There was a heated debate over preparedness, and Wilson finally agreed to expand the armed forces.
Wilson’s Explanation for war:“WAR FOR DEMOCRACY” • Wilson knew he needed a REASON for going to war—he had to convince the American people that war was necessary. • War as a moral issue—to avoid future conflicts—”the war to end all wars” • U.S. would take the role of international leader help create a new world order • Wilson wanted “peace without victory” where all nations were treated fairly • Wilson wanted to form a “League of Nations”
The Zimmerman Telegram Arthur Zimmerman, German foreign minister The Telegram to Mexico
1917---PIVOTAL YEAR IN U.S. AND WORLD HISTORY 1. US joined the war in Europe 2. Russian Revolution (Bolshevik Revolution) impacted global alignments for rest of the 20th century
The Russian Revolution, 1917 • Also known as the BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION or RED REVOLUTION • V.I. Lenin took power in Russia withdrew from WWI • The Russian Revolution completely transformed the global military and political world for the rest of the 20th century—from 1917---to 1989—to the present day. • Led to the rise of Communism, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Nuclear Arms race, the Cold War, fall of the Berlin Wall, and break up of Soviet Union
Reasons why the U.S. Joined the War in 1917 • 1. U.S. was becoming more active in international affairs • 2. Americans identified with Britain and France and TRADED with them =$$$$ • 3. Wilson believed the U.S. should take the lead to create new world order, a lasting peace • 4. The Zimmerman telegram to Mexico was a direct threat to the US • 5. Germany resumed use of submarines to attack U.S. ships • 6. It looked as if the Allies would lose the war against Germany if the U.S. did not step in • U.S. declared war in April, 1917
The U.S. at War…..the Battle for the Seas • U.S. Navy helped turn the war around • Convoys of ships escorted supplies and troops • Mines were used against German U Boats • U.S. destroyers attacked German U-Boats (submarines) • NO AMERICAN TROOP SHIP WAS LOST DURING WWI