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Detailed analysis of MiniBooNE experiment in search of neutrino oscillation signals, utilizing boosted decision trees and multiple identification techniques to distinguish signals from backgrounds.
Search for Oscillation Signal at MiniBooNE Zelimir Djurcic Columbia University 6th Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2006
Before MiniBooNE: The LSND Experiment LSND took data from 1993-98 - 49,000 Coulombs of protons - L = 30m and 20 < En< 53 MeV Saw an excess ofe:87.9 ± 22.4 ± 6.0 events. With an oscillation probability of (0.264 ± 0.067 ± 0.045)%. 3.8 s significance for excess. Oscillations? Signal: p e+ n n p d (2.2MeV) Need definitive study of e at high m2 … MiniBooNE
MiniBooNE (Booster Neutrino Experiment) Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Search for e appearance in beam Use protons from the 8 GeV booster Neutrino Beam <E>~ 1 GeV FNAL 8 GeV Beamline 50 m decay pipe MiniBooNE Detector: 12m diameter sphere 950000 liters of oil (CH2) 1280 inner PMTs 240 veto PMTs decay region: , K “little muon counters:” measure K flux in-situ magnetic horn: meson focusing →e? absorber: stops undecayed mesons magnetic focusing horn e ???
Energy Calibration e We have calibration sources spanning wide range of energies and all event types ! Michel electrons from decay: provide E calibration at low energy (52.8 MeV), good monitor of light transmission, electron PID 12% E res at 52.8 MeV 0 mass peak: energy scale & resolution at medium energy (135 MeV), reconstruction cosmic ray + tracker + cubes: energy scale & resolution at high energy (100-800 MeV), cross-checks track reconstruction PRELIMINARY provides tracks of known length → E
Particle Identification Čerenkovrings provide primary means of identifying products of interactions in the detector beam m candidate nmn m- p Michel e- candidate nen e-p beam p0 candidate nmp nm pp0 n n p0→ gg Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Particle Identification II Angular distributions of PMT hits relative to track direction: muon PRELIMINARY Search for oscillation nen e-p events is by detection of single electron like-rings, based on Čerenkovring profile. electron
Signal Separation from Background Search for O(102) e oscillation events in O(105) unoscillated events Backgrounds Reducible NC 0 (1 or 2 e-like rings) N decay (1 e-like ring) Single ring events Irreducible Intrinsic e events in beam from K/ decay Signal p0→g g N
Background Rejection and Blind Analysis Two complementary approaches for reducible background “Simple” cuts+Likelihood: easy to understand Boosted decision trees: maximize sensitivity MiniBooNE is performing a blind analysis: • We do not look into the data region where the oscillation candidates • are expected (“closed box”). • We are allowed to use: • Some of the info in all of the data • All of the info in some of the data • (But NOT all of the info in all of the data) Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Boosting PID Algorithm Boosted decision trees: • Go through all PID variables and find best • variable and value to split events. • For each of the two subsets repeat • the process • Proceeding in this way a tree is built. • Ending nodes are called leaves. • After the tree is built, additional trees • are built with the leaves re-weighted. • The process is repeated until best S/B • separation is achieved. • PID output is a sum of event scores from • all trees (score=1 for S leaf, -1 for B leaf). Reference NIM A 543 (2005) 577. Boosting Decision Tree Boosted Decision Trees at MiniBooNE: Use about 200 input variables to train the trees -target specific backgrounds -target all backgrounds generically PRELIMINARY Muons Electrons
Likelihood Approach Compare observed light distribution to fit prediction: Does the track actually look like an electron? Apply likelihood fits to three hypotheses: -single electron track -single muon track -two electron-like rings (0 event hypothesis ) Form likelihood differences using minimized –logL quantities: log(Le/L) and log(Le/L) log(Le/L) log(Le/L)<0-like events log(Le/L)>0e-like events PRELIMINARY
log(Le/L):Current 0 Studies • Ntank > 200, Nveto < 6, Fid.Vol. • No Michel electron • 2-ring fit on all events Reconstructed 0 mass Translate reconstructed0 events into the spectrum of mis-identified events! PRELIMINARY Not looked into this region: expect osc. candidates (blindness) The data is used to test likelihood based e/0 separation. PRELIMINARY Good data/MC agreement demonstrates robust 0 reconstruction
Appearance Signal and Backgrounds Osc e MisID e from + e from K+ e from K0 e from + Full data sample ~5.3 x 1020 POT Oscillation e Example oscillation signal • m2 = 1 eV2 • sin22 = 0.004 Fit for excess as function of reconstructed e energy Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Appearance Signal and Backgrounds Osc ne MisID nm ne from m+ ne from K+ ne from K0 ne from p+ MisID • of these…… • ~83% 0 • Only ~1% of 0s are misIDed • Determined by clean 0 measurement • ~7% decay • Use clean 0 measurement to estimate production • ~10% other • Use CCQE rate to normalize and MC for shape Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Appearance Signal and Backgrounds Osc ne nm p+Be p+ ne m+ nme+ MisID nm ne from m+ ne from K+ ne from K0 ne from p+ e from + • Measured with CCQE sample • Same parent + kinematics • Most important low E background • Very highly constrained (a few percent) Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Appearance Signal and Backgrounds Osc ne MisID nm ne from m+ ne from K+ ne from K0 ne from p+ e from K+ • Use High energy e and to normalize • Use kaon production data for shape Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Appearance Signal and Backgrounds Osc ne MisID nm ne from m+ ne from K+ ne from K0 ne from p+ High energy e data • Events below ~2.0 GeV still in closed box (blind analysis) Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Important Cross-check… … comes from NuMI events detected in MiniBooNE detector! We get e, , 0 , +/- , ,etc. events from NuMI in MiniBooNE detector, all mixed together Use them to check our e reconstruction and PID separation! Remember that MiniBooNE conducts a blind data analysis! We do not look in MiniBooNE data region where the osc. e are expected… The beam at MiniBooNE from NuMI is significantly enhanced in e from K decay because of the off-axis position. MiniBooNE Decay Pipe Beam Absorber NuMI events cover whole energy region relevant to e osc. analysis at MiniBooNE.
Events from NuMI beam Boosted Decision Tree Likelihood Ratios e/ PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY e/ Data/MC agree through background and signal regions
MiniBooNE Oscillation Sensitivity MiniBooNE aims to cover LSND region. Almost there, with final work on systematic error determination LSND best fit sin22 = 0.003 m2 = 1.2 eV2 Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Recent MiniBooNE Progress Total accumulated dataset 7.5 x 1020 POT, world’s largest dataset in this energy range. Jan 2006: Started running with antineutrinos. Detected NuMI neutrinos – using in analysis. Oscillation Analysis progress: results are expected soon. Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
Backup Slides Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
More0 Studies Zelimir Djurcic - Hanoi 2006
MiniBooNE CC+ Cross-Section Obtained by multiplying measuredCC +/QEratio by QE prediction(QE with MA=1.03 GeV, BBA non-dipole vector form factors) Efficiency corrected CC +/QE Ratio measuremet on CH2 current systematics estimate: - light propagation in oil: ~20% - cross sections: ~15% - energy scale: ~10% - statistics: ~5% ~25% lower than prediction, but within errors
PID Inputs Calibration Sample Signal-like Events Primary Background Mean = 1.80, RMS = 1.47 Mean = 1.19, RMS = 0.76 Mean = 20.83, RMS = 25.59 Mean = 3.48, RMS = 3.17 Mean = 16.02, RMS = 25.90 Mean = 3.24, RMS = 2.94