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Transaction Models of DDBMS Zsolt N émeth. Topics covered : Transactions Characterization of transactions Formalization of transactions Serializability theory Concurrency control models Locks. Database may be temporarily in an inconsistent state. Database in a consistent state.
Transaction Models of DDBMSZsolt Németh Topics covered: Transactions Characterization of transactions Formalization of transactions Serializability theory Concurrency control models Locks
Database may be temporarily in an inconsistent state Database in a consistent state Database in a consistent state Begin transaction Execution of transaction End transaction Transactions • The concept of transaction is a unit of consistent and reliable computation • Transaction management: keeping the DB in consistent state even when concurrent accesses and failures occur
Definition of a transaction • A transaction makes transformations of system states preserving consistency • A transaction is a sequence of read and write operations together with computation steps, assuming that • the transaction may be executed concurrently with others: concurrency transparency must be provided • failures may occur during execution: failure transparency must be provided
Example of a transaction • Example DB: FLIGHT(FNO, DATE, SRC, DEST, STSOLD, CAP) CUST(CNAME, ADDR, BAL) FC(FNO, DATE, CNAME, SPECIAL) • Transaction BEGIN_TRANSACTION RESERVATION BEGIN INPUT(flight_no, date, customer_name); EXEC SQL UPDATE FLIGHT SET STSOLD = STSOLD + 1 WHERE FNO = flight_no AND DATE = date; EXEC SQL INSERT INTO FC(FNO, DATE, CNAME, SPECIAL) VALUES(flight_no, date, customer_name, null); END
Properties of transactions • Atomicity • all or nothing • Consistency • maps one consistent DB state to another • the ´correctness´of a transaction • Isolation • each transaction sees a consistent DB • Durability • the results of a transaction must survive system failures • Remember ACIDity
Atomicity • Treated as a unit of operation • Either all the actions of a transaction are completed or none of them • upon failure the DBMS can decide whether to terminate by completing the pending actions or terminate by undoing the actions that have been executed • Maintainig atomicity requires recovery from failures • transaction failures: data errors, deadlocks, etc. Transaction recovery • system failures: media, processor failures, communication breakages, etc. Crash recovery
Classification of consistency (by Gray et al.) • Dirty data: data values that have been written by a transaction prior to its commitment • Degree 0 (Transaction T sees degree 0 consistency if) • T does not overwrite dirty data of other transactions • Degree 1: Degree 0 plus • T does not commit any writes before end of transaction • Degree 2: Degree 1 plus • T does not read dirty data from other transactions • Degree 3: Degree 2 plus • Other transactions do not dirty any data read by T before T completes
Isolation (example) Reads 50 when x is 51 • Possible execution schemes of T1 and T2 T1: Read(x) T1: Read(x) T1: x = x + 1 T1: x = x + 1 T1: Write(x) T2: Read(x) T1: Commit T1: Write(x) T2: Read(x) T1: Commit T2: x = x + 1 T2: x = x + 1 T2: Write(x) T2: Write(x) T2: Commit T2: Commit • Lost update: incomplete results can be seen by other transactions • Cascading aborts: if T1 decides to abort, all transactions that have seen T1´s incomplete results must be aborted
Isolation • An executing transaction cannot reveal it results to other concurrent transactions before its commitment • Isolation is related to serializability: if several transactions are executed concurrently, the results must be the same as if they were executed serially in some order • There is a strong relationship between isolation and degrees of consistency: • degree 0: low level of isolation, yet solves the problem of lost updates • degree 2: solves both lost updates and cascading aborts • degree 3: full isolation
Durability • Once a transaction commits, its results are permanent and cannot be erased even if system failure occurs • Database recovery
Termination of transactions • A transaction always terminates • if the task is successful: commits • if the task is incomplete (for some reasons): aborts • either due to system failure or unsatisfied conditions • rollback: undone the actions and return the DB to its state before execution • Commit • the point of no return • if a transaction is committed • its results are permanently stored in the DB durability • its results can be made visible to other transactions consistency, isolation
Example of termination BEGIN_TRANSACTION RESERVATION BEGIN INPUT(flight_no, date, customer_name) EXEC SQL SELECT STSOLD, CAP INTO temp1, temp2 FROM FLIGHT WHERE FNO = flight_no AND DATE = date; IF temp1 = temp2 THEN BEGIN OUTPUT(„no free seats“); ABORT END ELSE BEGIN EXEC SQL UPDATE FLIGHT SET STSOLD = STSOLD + 1 WHERE FNO = flight_no AND DATE = date; EXEC SQL INSERT INTO FC(FNO, DATE, CNAME, SPECIAL) VALUES(flight_no, date, customer_name, null); COMMIT; OUTPUT(„reservation completed“); END END
Formalization of the transaction concept • Characterization • Data items that a given transaction • reads: Read Set (RS) • writes: Write Set (WS) • they are not necessarily mutually exclusive • Base Set (BS): BS = RS WS • Insertion and deletion are omitted, the discussion is restricted to static databases
Formalization of the transaction concept • Oij(x): some atomic operation Oj of transaction Ti that operates on DB entity x • Oj {read, write} • OSi = jOij, i.e. all operations in Ti • Ni{abort, commit}, the termination condition for Ti • Transaction Ti is a partial ordering over its operations and the termination condition
Formalization of the transaction concept • Partial order P = {, } where • is the domain • is an irreflexive and transitive relation • Transition Ti is a partial order {i, i} where • i = OSi Ni • For any two operations Oij, Oik OSi, if Oij=R(x) and Oik=W(x) for any data item x then either Oiji Oik or Oik i Oij , i.e. ´there must be an order between conflicting operations´ • Oij OSi, Oiji Ni , i.e. áll operations must precede the termination´ • The ordering relation i is application dependent
Formalization of the transaction concept • Example Read(x) Read(y) x = x + y Write(x) Commit • = {R(x), R(y), W(x), C} • = {(R(x), W(x)), (R(y), W(x)), (W(x), C), (R(x), C), (R(y), C)} where (Oi, Oj) means Oi Oj • Partial order: the ordering is not specified for every pair of operations R(x) W(x) C R(y)
Characterization of transactions • According to application type • regular or distributed • compensating • heterogeneous • According to duration • on-line (short life) or batch (long life) • According to structure • flat, nested or workflow • According to the order of read and write operations • general • two-step: all read ops before any write ops • restricted: a data item must be read before written • restricted two-step • action: restricted where each read-write pair is atomic
Structural types of transactions • Flat • a sequence of primitive operations between begin and end markers • Nested • a transaction may include other transactions with their own commit points • more concurrency introduced • recovery is possible independently for each subtransaction • a subtransaction can be a nested one too • nesting • open • subtransactions begin after their parents and finish before them • commitment is conditional upon the commitment of the parent • closed • subtransactions can execute and commit independently • compensation may be necessary
External Schema User GlobalConceptual Schema User Interface Handler TransactionManager (TM) Semantic Data Controller Global Execution Monitor Scheduler (SC) Global Query Optimizer User processor GD/D Architecture revisited Begin_transaction,Read, Write,Commit, Abort Results With otherSCs With otherdata processors With otherTMs To data processors Global Execution Monitor (Distributed Execution Monitor)
Serializability theory • Schedule (history) S: specifies an interleaved execution order over a set of transactions T={T1, T2,... Tn} • Complete schedule STc: is a partial order STc ={T, T} over a set of transactions T={T1, T2,... Tn} that defines the execution order of all operations in its domain • for any two conflicting operations Oij, Okl T, either OijT Okl or OklT Oij
R1 R2 W1 W2 C1 C2 Serializability theory • Schedule (example): a possible complete schedule • T1: T2: Read(x) Read(x) x = x + 1 x = x + 1 Write(x) Write(x) Commit Commit • 1 = {R1(x), W1(x), C1}, 2 = {R2(x), W2(x), C2} • T = 1 2 = {R1(x), W1(x), C1, R2(x), W2(x), C2} • T = {(R1, R2), (R1, W1), (R1, C1), (R1, W2), (R1, C2), (R2, W1), (R2, C1), (R2, W2), (R2, C2), (W1, C1), (W1, W2), (W1, C2), (C1, W2), (C1, C2), (W2, C2)}
Serializability theory • Prefix: P´ = {´, ´} is a prefix of partial order P = {, } if • ´ • ei ´, e1´e2 iff e1 e2 • ei ´, if ej and ej ei, then ej ´ • Only the conflicting operations are relevant at scheduling - redefine schedule: • Schedule (incomplete) S: is a prefix of complete schedule STc
R1(x) W2(x) R3(x) R1(x) W2(x) R3(x) W2(y) R3(y) W1(x) W2(y) R3(y) R2(z) R3(z) C1 R2(z) R3(z) C2 C3 Serializability theory • Incomplete schedule (example) • T1: T2: T3: Read(x) Write(x) Read(x) Write(x) Write(y) Read(y) Commit Read(z) Read(z) Commit Commit • Complete schedule Partial schedule • the partial schedule is a prefix of complete schedule and equivalent to it
Serializability theory • Serial schedule (serial history): if in a schedule S the operations of various transactions are not interleaved, the schedule is serial • S = {W2(x), W2(y), R2(z), C2, W1(x), R1(x), C1, R3(x), R3(y), R3(z), C3} • T2S T1 S T3 • Two schedules S1 and S2 are equivalent if for each pair of conflicting operations Oij, Okl (ik) whenever Oij 1 Okl then Oij 2 Okl. (conflict equivalence) • Schedule S is serializable if it is conflict equivalent to a serial schedule (conflict-based serializability)
Serializability theory • Transactions execute concurrently but the overall effect of the resulted history upon the database is equivalent to some serial scheduling • Primary goal of concurrency control: generate a serializable schedule for the pending transactions • Two histories must be taken into account: • local schedule (at each site) • global schedule
Serializability theory • When the DB is partitioned, if each local schedule is serializable then the global schedule is serializable • When the DB is replicated, the global schedule is serializable (one-copy serializable) if • local schedules are serializable • two conflicting operations are in the same relative order in each local schedule where they appear
Replica control protocol • Consistency in presence of replication: one-copy serializability must be provided • concurrency control plus • replica control • Assume data item x (logical data) is replicated as x1, x2, ... xn (physical data items) • each read(x) is mapped to one of the physical items • each write(x) is mapped to a subset of the physical data copies • If read(x) is mapped to one and write(x) is mapped to all physical copies, it is a read-once/write-all (ROWA) protocol
Concurrency control models • Pessimistic • 2-Phase Locking based (2PL) • Centralized • Primary copy • Distributed • Timestamp Ordering (TO) • Basic • Multiversion • Conservative • Hybrid • Optimistic • Locking • Timestamp ordering
Locks • Locks ensure that data shared by conflicting operations are accessed by one operation at a time - a simple way of serialization • The lock is • set by a transaction before the lock unit is accessed • reset at the end of the operation • if the lock is set already, the lock unit cannot be accessed • Lock modes • read lock (shared lock) • write lock (exclusive lock) • Locks are controlled by the Lock Manager (LM) which is a part of the Scheduler (see architecture revisited)
Lock point Release lock Obtain lock Begin End Locks • Two-phase locking (2PL): no transaction should request a lock after it releases one of its locks • Transactions have • growing phase • lock point • shrinking phase • Theorem: any schedule that obeys 2PL rule is serializable (Eswaran et al.) • Difficult to implement Transaction Manager (among others due to cascading aborts)
Obtain lock Data in use Release locks Begin End Locks • Strict two-phase locking (S2PL): locks are released if the operation is a commit or an abort
Data processors Coordinating TM Centralized LM 1 Lock request 2 Lock Granted 3 Operation 4 End of Operation 5 Release Lock Locks in distributed DBSs: Centralized 2PL • There is only one 2PL scheduler (lock manager) in the distributed system • All lock requests are addressed to it • Important: TM must implement the replica control protocol
Locks in distributed DBSs: Primary copy 2PL • The centralized 2PL scheduler may form a bottleneck • In PC2PL lock managers are implemented at a number of sites • they are responsible for a given set of lock units • TMs send lock and unlock requests to the scheduler that is responsible for the given lock unit • one copy of the data item is treated as a primary copy • the location of the primary copy must be determined prior to sending lock and unlock requests - a directory design issue
Coordinating TM Participating LMs Participating DPs 1 Lock request 2 Operation 3 End of Operation 4 Release Lock Locks in distributed DBSs: Distributed 2PL • LMs are available at each site in D2PL • if the DB is not replicated, it is the same as PC2PL • if replicated, it implements the ROWA protocol • operations are passed via LMs - there is no lock granted message