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Practical Concerns for Scalable Synchronization

Practical Concerns for Scalable Synchronization. Jonathan Walpole (PSU) Paul McKenney (IBM) Tom Hart (University of Toronto). The problem. “i++” is dangerous if “i” is global. CPU 0. CPU 1. load r1,i. inc r1. store r1,i. i. The problem. “i++” is dangerous if “i” is global. CPU 0

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Practical Concerns for Scalable Synchronization

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  1. Practical Concerns for Scalable Synchronization Jonathan Walpole (PSU) Paul McKenney (IBM) Tom Hart (University of Toronto)

  2. The problem • “i++” is dangerous if “i” is global CPU 0 CPU 1 load r1,i inc r1 store r1,i i

  3. The problem • “i++” is dangerous if “i” is global CPU 0 load r1,i CPU 1 load r1,i load r1,i inc r1 i i store r1,i i

  4. The problem • “i++” is dangerous if “i” is global CPU 0 inc r1 CPU 1 inc r1 load r1,i inc r1 i+1 i+1 store r1,i i

  5. The problem • “i++” is dangerous if “i” is global CPU 0 store r1,i CPU 1 store r1,i load r1,i inc r1 i+1 i+1 store r1,i i+1

  6. Question • What is this problem called?

  7. Question • What is this problem called? • What solution could we apply?

  8. The solution – critical sections • Classic multiprocessor solution: spinlocks • CPU 1 waits for CPU 0 to release the lock • Counts are accurate, but locks have overhead! spin_lock(&mylock); i++; spin_unlock(&mylock);

  9. Question • What are spinlocks built from?

  10. Critical-section efficiency Lock Acquisition (Ta ) Critical Section (Tc ) Lock Release (Tr ) Tc Critical-section efficiency = Tc+Ta+Tr Ignoring lock contention and cache conflicts in the critical section

  11. Critical section efficiency Critical Section Size

  12. Performance of normal instructions

  13. Question • Have synchronization instructions got faster? • Relative to normal instructions? • In absolute terms?

  14. Questions • Have synchronization instructions got faster? • Relative to normal instructions? • In absolute terms? • What are the implications of this for the performance of operating systems?

  15. Questions • Have synchronization instructions got faster? • Relative to normal instructions? • In absolute terms? • What are the implications of this for the performance of operating systems? • Can we fix this problem by adding more CPUs?

  16. What’s going on? • Taller memory hierarchies • Memory speeds have not kept up with CPU speeds • 1984: no caches needed, since instructions were slower than memory accesses • 2005: 3-4 level cache hierarchies, since instructions are orders of magnitude faster than memory accesses

  17. Why does this matter?

  18. Why does this matter? • Synchronization implies sharing data across CPUs • normal instructions tend to hit in top-level cache • synchronization operations tend to miss • Synchronization requires a consistent view of data • between cache and memory • across multiple CPUs • requires CPU-CPU communication • Synchronization instructions see memory latency!

  19. … but that’s not all! • Longer pipelines • 1984: Many clock cycles per instruction • 2005: Many instructions per clock cycle • 20-stage pipelines • Out of order execution • Keeps the pipelines full • Must not reorder the critical section before its lock! • Synchronization instructions stall the pipeline!

  20. Reordering means weak memory consistency • Memory barriers • - Additional synchronization • instructions are needed to • manage reordering

  21. What is the cost of all this? Instruction Cost 1.45 GHz 3.06GHz IBM POWER4 Intel Xeon • Normal Instruction • 1.0 • 1.0

  22. Atomic increment Instruction Cost 1.45 GHz 3.06GHz IBM POWER4 Intel Xeon • Normal Instruction • Atomic Increment • 1.0 • 183.1 • 1.0 • 402.3

  23. Memory barriers Instruction Cost 1.45 GHz 3.06GHz IBM POWER4 Intel Xeon • Normal Instruction • Atomic Increment • SMP Write Memory Barrier • Read Memory Barrier • Write Memory Barrier • 1.0 • 183.1 • 328.6 • 328.9 • 400.9 • 1.0 • 402.3 • 0.0 • 402.3 • 0.0

  24. Lock acquisition/release with LL/SC Instruction Cost 1.45 GHz 3.06GHz IBM POWER4 Intel Xeon • Normal Instruction • Atomic Increment • SMP Write Memory Barrier • Read Memory Barrier • Write Memory Barrier • Local Lock Round Trip • 1.0 • 183.1 • 328.6 • 328.9 • 400.9 • 1057.5 • 1.0 • 402.3 • 0.0 • 402.3 • 0 • 1138.8

  25. Compare & swap unknown values (NBS) Instruction Cost 1.45 GHz 3.06GHz IBM POWER4 Intel Xeon • Normal Instruction • Atomic Increment • SMP Write Memory Barrier • Read Memory Barrier • Write Memory Barrier • Local Lock Round Trip • CAS Cache Transfer & Invalidate • 1.0 • 183.1 • 328.6 • 328.9 • 400.9 • 1057.5 • 247.1 • 1.0 • 402.3 • 0.0 • 402.3 • 0 • 1138.8 • 847.1

  26. Compare & swap known values (spinlocks) Instruction Cost 1.45 GHz 3.06GHz IBM POWER4 Intel Xeon • Normal Instruction • Atomic Increment • SMP Write Memory Barrier • Read Memory Barrier • Write Memory Barrier • Local Lock Round Trip • CAS Cache Transfer & Invalidate • CAS Blind Cache Transfer • 1.0 • 183.1 • 328.6 • 328.9 • 400.9 • 1057.5 • 247.1 • 257.1 • 1.0 • 402.3 • 0.0 • 402.3 • 0 • 1138.8 • 847.1 • 993.9

  27. The net result? • 1984: Lock contention was the main issue • 2005: Critical section efficiency is a key issue • Even if the lock is always free when you try to acquire it, performance can still suck!

  28. How has this affected OS design? • Multiprocessor OS designers search for “scalable” synchronization strategies • reader-writer locking instead of global locking • data locking and partitioning • Per-CPU reader-writer locking • Non-blocking synchronization • The “common case” is read-mostly access to linked lists and hash-tables • asymmetric strategies favouring readers are good

  29. Review - Global locking • A symmetric approach (also called “code locking”) • A critical section of code is guarded by a lock • Only one thread at a time can hold the lock • Examples include • Monitors • Java “synchronized” on global object • Linux spin_lock() on global spinlock_t • What is the problem with global locking?

  30. Review - Global locking • A symmetric approach (also called “code locking”) • A critical section of code is guarded by a lock • Only one thread at a time can hold the lock • Examples include • Monitors • Java “synchronized” on global object • Linux spin_lock() on global spinlock_t • Global locking doesn’t scale due to lock contention!

  31. Review - Reader-writer locking • Many readers can concurrently hold the lock • Writers exclude readers and other writers • The result? • No lock contention in read-mostly scenarios • So it should scale well, right?

  32. Review - Reader-writer locking • Many readers can concurrently hold the lock • Writers exclude readers and other writers • The result? • No lock contention in read-mostly scenarios • So it should scale well, right? • … wrong!

  33. CPU 0 critical section read-acquire memory barrier lock read-acquire memory barrier read-acquire memory barrier critical section CPU 1 Scalability of reader/writer locking Reader/writer locking does not scale due to critical section efficiency!

  34. Review - Data locking • A lock per data item instead of one per collection • Per-hash-bucket locking for hash tables • CPUs acquire locks for different hash chains in parallel • CPUs incur memory-latency and pipeline-flush overheads in parallel • Data locking improves scalability by executing critical section “overhead” in parallel

  35. Review - Per-CPU reader-writer locking • One lock per CPU (called brlock in Linux) • Readers acquire their own CPU’s lock • Writers acquire all CPU’s locks • In read-only workloads CPUs never exchange locks • no memory latency is incurred • Per-CPU R/W locking improves scalability by removing memory latency from read-lock acquisition for read-mostly scenarios

  36. Scalability comparison • Expected scalability on read-mostly workloads • Global locking – poor due to lock contention • R/W locking – poor due to critical section efficiency • Data locking – better? • R/W data locking – better still? • Per-CPU R/W locking – the best we can do?

  37. Actual scalability Scalability of locking strategies using read-only workloads in a hash-table benchmark Measurements taken on a 4-CPU 700 MHz P-III system Similar results are obtained on more recent CPUs

  38. Scalability on 1.45 GHz POWER4 CPUs

  39. Performance at different update fractions on 8 1.45 GHz POWER4 CPUs

  40. What are the lessons so far?

  41. What are the lessons so far? • Avoid lock contention ! • Avoid synchronization instructions ! • … especially in the read-path !

  42. How about non-blocking synchronization? • Basic idea – copy & flip pointer (no locks!) • Read a pointer to a data item • Create a private copy of the item to update in place • Swap the old item for the new one using an atomic compare & swap (CAS) instruction on its pointer • CAS fails if current pointer not equal to initial value • Retry on failure • NBS should enable fast reads … in theory!

  43. Problems with NBS in practice • Reusing memory causes problems • Readers holding references can be hijacked during data structure traversals when memory is reclaimed • Readers see inconsistent data structures when memory is reused • How and when should memory be reclaimed?

  44. Immediate reclamation?

  45. Immediate reclamation? • In practice, readers must either • Use LL/SC to test if pointers have changed, or • Verify that version numbers associated with data structures have not changed (2 memory barriers) • Synchronization instructions slow NBS readers!

  46. Reader-friendly solutions • Never reclaim memory ? • Type-stable memory ? • Needs free pool per data structure type • Readers can still be hijacked to the free pool • Exposes OS to denial of service attacks • Ideally, defer reclaiming memory until its safe! • Defer reclamation of a data item until references to it are no longer held by any thread

  47. How should we defer reclamation? • Wait for a while then delete? • … but how long should you wait? • Maintain reference counts or per-CPU “hazard pointers” on data that is in use?

  48. How should we defer reclamation? • Wait for a while then delete? • … but how long should you wait? • Maintain reference counts or per-CPU “hazard pointers” on data that is in use? • Requires synchronization in read path! • Challenge – deferring destruction without using synchronization instructions in the read path

  49. Quiescent-state-based reclamation • Coding convention: • Don’t allow a quiescent state to occur in a read-side critical section • Reclamation strategy: • Only reclaim data after all CPUs in the system have passed through a quiescent state • Example quiescent states: • Context switch in non-preemptive kernel • Yield in preemptive kernel • Return from system call …

  50. Coding conventions for readers • Delineate read-side critical section • rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock() primitives • may compile to nothing on most architectures • Don’t hold references outside critical sections • Re-traverse data structure to pick up reference • Don’t yield the CPU during critical sections • Don’t voluntarily yield • Don’t block, don’t leave the kernel …

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