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C++ Review. User Defined Types. Built-in data types are simple. Specific problems may demand aggregate/more complex data types. Ex: polygons, matrices, car specifications, etc… Types define both data and operations that can be performed on that data
User Defined Types • Built-in data types are simple. Specific problems may demand aggregate/more complex data types. • Ex: polygons, matrices, car specifications, etc… • Types define both data and operations that can be performed on that data • Ex: vectors might store x,y coordinates and have addition/subtraction operations • C++ allows for complex types in the form of classes and structs
Class Example structPoint { floatm_x, m_y; void Set ( float x, float y ) { m_x = x; m_y = y; } }; class Point { floatm_x, m_y; public: void Set ( float x, float y ) { m_x = x; m_y = y; } }; In C++, the only difference between struct/class is public/private scope
Public, Protected, Private Scopes • Public: functions/data that any part of a program may access • Ex: Data Accessors – GetData(), modifiers – SetData(newData), operations – ActionX() • Protected: functions/data that only the class and any derived subclasses may access • Ex: Helper functions for operations. Most data in class hierarchies • Private: functions/data that only the class itself may access • Ex: Helper functions and some data
Encapsulation • A mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's components • Advice: • Helper functions and data should be “Encapsulated”, i.e., should be private or protected • Use Accessors/Modifiers to “Get”/“Set” the data
Constructors and Destructors • Constructors – “functions” that define how data is initialized • Same name as the class itself • Default constructor – takes no parameters, e.g., Point() • Copy constructor – takes an object of the class itself to initialize the data, e.g., Point(oldPoint) • Destructors – define how data is deleted • Same name as the class except with a ~, e.g., ~MyClass() • Usually not called in code you write. The compiler automatically calls it when an object is deleted.
Abstract Types and Hierarchies • Often many types have things in common, e.g., all shapes can be drawn or all shapes have color • However, you cannot concretely define a shape. In this case a shape is abstract • We derive more concrete classes off of abstract ones, e.g., a circle is a concrete shape
Inheritance • Inheritance allows reuse of code in existing objects and definition of subtypes Shape Circle Square Triangle
Inheritance • Inheritance allows reuse of code in existing objects and definition of subtypes Base class: class that is inherited from Shape Circle Square Triangle
Inheritance • Inheritance allows reuse of code in existing objects and definition of subtypes Derived class: class that does the inheriting Shape Circle Square Triangle
Inheritance • Inheritance allows reuse of code in existing objects and definition of subtypes • Derived classes have access to public/protected data and functions of the base class Derived class: class that does the inheriting Shape Circle Square Triangle
Inheritance Example class Shape { protected: Color m_c; public: Shape(Color c) : m_c(c) {} void Draw() {/*do nothing*/} }; class Circle : public Shape { floatm_radius; public: Circle(Color c, float r) : Shape(c), m_radius(r) {} void Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} }; class Square : public Shape { floatm_side; public: Square(Color c, float s) : Shape(c), m_side(s) {} void Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} };
Virtual Functions • Function whose behavior can be overridden in a derived class. • A call to a virtual function will call the function of the original object regardless of the type of the pointer. class Shape { protected: Color m_c; public: Shape(Color c) : m_c(c) {} // pure virtual function virtualvoid Draw() = 0; }; class Circle : public Shape { floatm_radius; public: Circle(Color c, float r) : Shape(c), m_radius(r) {} virtualvoid Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} };
Virtual Functions • Function whose behavior can be overridden in a derived class. • A call to a virtual function will call the function of the original object regardless of the type of the pointer. class Shape { protected: Color m_c; public: Shape(Color c) : m_c(c) {} // pure virtual function virtualvoid Draw() = 0; }; class Circle : public Shape { floatm_radius; public: Circle(Color c, float r) : Shape(c), m_radius(r) {} virtualvoid Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} }; Requires derived classes to implement this function.
Virtual Functions • Function whose behavior can be overridden in a derived class. • A call to a virtual function will call the function of the original object regardless of the type of the pointer. class Shape { protected: Color m_c; public: Shape(Color c) : m_c(c) {} // pure virtual function virtualvoid Draw() = 0; }; class Circle : public Shape { floatm_radius; public: Circle(Color c, float r) : Shape(c), m_radius(r) {} virtualvoid Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} }; Classes with pure virtual functions are abstract and cannot be instantiated.
Virtual Functions • Function whose behavior can be overridden in a derived class. • A call to a virtual function will call the function of the original object regardless of the type of the pointer. class Shape { protected: Color m_c; public: Shape(Color c) : m_c(c) {} // pure virtual function virtualvoid Draw() = 0; }; class Circle : public Shape { floatm_radius; public: Circle(Color c, float r) : Shape(c), m_radius(r) {} virtualvoid Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} }; Shape *s = new Circle ( Red, 1.0f ); s->Draw ( ); // calls Circle:Draw ( )
Virtual Functions • Function whose behavior can be overridden in a derived class. • A call to a virtual function will call the function of the original object regardless of the type of the pointer. class Shape { protected: Color m_c; public: Shape(Color c) : m_c(c) {} void Draw() {/*do nothing*/} }; class Circle : public Shape { floatm_radius; public: Circle(Color c, float r) : Shape(c), m_radius(r) {} virtualvoid Draw() {/*draw circle of radius r*/} }; Shape *s = new Circle ( Red, 1.0f ); s->Draw ( ); // calls Shape:Draw ( )
Operator Overloading • Operator overloading provides a way to use common operators with user defined types • Ex: assignment (=), addition (+), input (>>) classMyClass{ private: string m_name; public: MyClass(string name) : m_name(name) {} MyClass& operator=(constMyClass& m) { m_name = m.m_name; } };
Exercises • Create a struct called Point. This will be a 2D point. Provide a constructor, overloaded assignment operator, and public data. • Create an abstract class called Shape. Shape will have protected data of a Point describing the location of the shape and a pure virtual function Print(). • Create subclasses of Shape, Circle and Square with private data. Overload the print function to print out the type and data members of the class. For example, Circle::Print () might output “Circle at position 3,5 with radius 2”. • Create a main function instantiating a Square and a Circle as an abstract Shape. Call the virtual function of Shape.