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Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology (KBBE) in FP7 (current possibilities). FP7 National Information Point Ukraine. Dr. Olga Kot JSO-ERA Project Thematic Expert Uzhhorod , May 14th , 2010.
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology (KBBE) in FP7 (current possibilities) FP7 National Information Point Ukraine Dr. Olga Kot JSO-ERA Project Thematic Expert Uzhhorod, May 14th, 2010
The 7th Framework Programme the EU Framework Programme 2007-total funding 53 billion € for Research and Development 2007 2013 Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative Research - € 32.365 m Ideas – Frontier Research - € 7.460 m People – Human Potential - € 4.728 m Capacities – Research Capacity - € 4.217 m JRC, non nuclear - € 1.751 b JCR, nuclear - € 0.517 b EURATOM - € 2.234 b 2
Cooperation programme – 10 thematic areas Theme 2 € 1935 Food, Agriculture Fisheries Biotechnoloood, agriculture and Fisheries and biotechnology 3
Knowledge Based BioEconomy (KBBE) will play an important role in a global economy, where knowledge is the best way to increase productivity and competitiveness and improve our quality of life, while protecting our environment and social model.
The term “bio-economy”includes all industries andeconomic sectors that produce, manage and otherwise exploit biological resources (e.g. agriculture, food, forestry, fisheries and other bio-based industries); The European bio-economy has an approximate market size of over €1.5 trillion, employing more than 22 million peopleSector The Bio-Economy
Life Sciences and Biotechnology in convergence with other technologies..,… provides the knowledge-base for the sustainable management, production and use of biological resources…… provides new, safe, affordable and eco-efficient products …… supports competitiveness and sustainability of major European industries Examples: Advances in diagnostics have increased food safety and control of animal diseases (foot and mouth; BSE) Use of enzymes in industrial and household processes (washing powder), and in food production, have strongly reduced energy/water consumption and led to new “functional”foods. The Knowledge-Base
Secure a sustainable agriculture and fisheries production for a rising world population, on limited arable land and facing impacts of climate change; Secure the demand for renewable bio-resources for eco-efficient products and biofuels; Serve public health through safer, healthier and higher quality foods; Control and prevent epizootic and zoonoticdiseases like avian flu, and food related disorders, such as obesity. What are the driving forces behind the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy beyond competitiveness ?
Improved health Food with improved nutritional value, increased food safety, new treatments, diagnosis and vaccines against human and animal diseases, improved feed… Sustainability and a cleaner environment Energy and water saving production and processes in agriculture and industry ; decreased dependence of fossil resources; Support to rural development Use of “set-aside”land; cultivation of new crops; decentralised production facilities Increased industrial competitiveness through innovative eco-efficient bio-based products What is the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy offering?
FP6 (2002-2006) Creation of 7 Technology Platforms relevant to the KBBE A number of relevant ERA-NETs KBBE stakeholder conference (Sep 2005) FP7 (2006-2013) Theme «Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology»to support the KBBE KnowledgeBased Bio-Economy:Where are we?
Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology KBBE - Activity 2.1 KBBE - Activity 2.2 KBBE - Activity 2.3 Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments “Fork to farm”: Food (including sea-food), health and well being Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes
Enabling research (‘omics’ converging technologies,bio-informatics, biodiversity) for micro-organism, plants and animals Competitive, sustainable and multifunctional agriculture, forestry, fishery and aquaculture Animal health production and welfare; animal diseases (including zoo-noses) Marine resources, fishery, aquaculture Development of policy strategies for knowledge based bio-economy, agriculture, fishery as well as rural and coastal areas FP7 KBBE - Activity -Activity 2.1 Sustainable production and management of biological resourcesfrom land, forest and aquatic environments
Consumer, societal, industrial and health aspects of food and feed Nutrition, diet related diseases and disorders Innovative food and feed processing Improved quality and safety of food, beverage and feed Total food chain concept FP7 KBBE - Activity 2.2 “Fork to farm”: Food (including sea-food), health and well being
2.3.1. Novel sources of biomass and bioproducts 2.3.2. Marine and fresh-water biotechnology 2.3.3. Industrial biotechnology 2.3.4. Biorefinery 2.3.5. Environmental biotechnology 2.3.6. Emerging trends in biotechnology KBBE - Activity 2.3Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-foodproducts and processes
“The Knowledge Based Bio-Economy 2020” Stronger integration of research and innovation Stronger coordination at all levels Common targets for the bio-economy Enhanced pooling of resources Advancing the bio-economy
Primary production mitigating and adapting to climate change Improving of key aspects of plant biology and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Monitor, prevent and remediate pollution to the environment Sustainable bioeconomy – greening the industry Increasing sustainability and competitiveness of the chemical and biotech industries Maintaining Europe at the scientific and technological forefront Food security and safety for Europe and beyond Social inclusive and healthy Europe - Safety, ethics, social acceptability, governance Oceans for the future Sustainable exploitation of our rich marine and aquatic biodiversity Grand Challenges
Foreseen publication date:July 2010 Indicative budget:approx 260 million € Foreseen deadline:midJanuary 2011 Evaluation: March/April 2011 => evaluation under the single-stage procedure Negotiations: May/June 2011 Submission of Grant preparation documents: June/July 2011 Commission funding decision/first contract signatures: by Nov/Dec 2011 Info about coming Call 2011
67 topics subdividedinto3 parts(generalcall, ERA-Net call and Ocean of tomorrowjoint-call) Moreflexibility: severalprojects canbefundedfor onetopic EC ContributionLimits: Small–mediumscalefocusedprojects (CP-FP) ≤3 mln Euro Large-scaleintegratingproject(CP-IP) ≤6 and 9 mln Euro Coordination Support Action (CSA) ≤0.5 –2 mln Euro Politicalgoal: supportof SME participation 15% of annualbudgetto SME 31 topics with mandatory SME & further Topics encouraging SMEs’ participation Link for self-evaluationof potential SME:http://ec.europa.eu/research/sme-techweb/index_en.cfm -> see official Workprogramme!!!!!!! Features of Upcoming Call 2011
Participation of non-European partnersinFood, Agriculture Fisheries Bood, griculture and isheries and biotechnology • Participation: • All themes open to third countries • Minimum 3 differentMember States (MS) or Associated Countries (AC) • Beyond this minimum, almostall third countries canparticipate • Funding: • International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPCs)will generally be funded (as listed in Annex I of work programme) • Industrialised countries funded only ifindispensablefor the project
more participants required for SICA Projects(Specific International Cooperation Actions) 4 = 2 different MS or AC + 2 differentICPC UKRAINE –among others –will be considered as a region on its own ≥2partners can be located in UKRAINE partners have to come from different regions, republics Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA)
more participants required for SICA Projects(Specific International Cooperation Actions) 4 = 2 different MS or AC + 2 differentICPC Ukraine –among others –will be considered as a region on its own ≥2partners can be located in Ukraine partners have to come from different regions, republics Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) Thank you ! Olga.Kot.jso@gmail.com