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Sarah Plain and Tall. Jeff Cole Bishop Elementary. Linguistic Considerations. All questions have question marks ?, use the correct upward inflection at the end of a question when you ask it. Question words are followed by verbs: Who the girl? Who is the girl?
Sarah Plain and Tall Jeff Cole Bishop Elementary
Linguistic Considerations • All questions have question marks ?, use the correct upward inflection at the end of a question when you ask it. • Question words are followed by verbs: • Who the girl? Who is the girl? • Where you live? Where do you live? • What he say? What did he say? Or What did he say? • Past tense of sing is sang. • I like to sing. I am singing. I sang yesterday I will sing tommorow. Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Selection Background • The family in this story lived on the prairie more than 100 years ago. There were no big cities or hospitals on the prairie. Most people lived on farms far away from one another. Woman often died during or shortly after childbirth because it was difficult to get medical care in such an isolated place. It was also difficult for men to meet new woman to marry. So men often placed advertisements in newspapers to find a new wife. The men would describe themselves and their families in the ads. Then woman would answer the ads by letter. Examples of classified ads or job listings: Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Day 1 Asking Questions (Read 48-51): praire, hearthstone, remember, died, born, sing • I’ll give you an answer. You ask me the question it answers • Anna is telling the story. • Who is telling the story? • The story begins in the winter. • When does the story begin? • The family lives on the praire. • Where does the family live? • Anna is making bread and talking to Caleb. • What is Anna doing? • Caleb feels sad. • How does Caleb feel? • Caleb cannot remember his Mama because she died when he was born? • Why can’t Caleb remember his Mama? Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Day 1 Comprehension • How did Anna and Caleb’s mother die? • What kind of pets do Anna and Caleb have? • Why do you think Papa does not sing anymore? Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Fiesty Energetic Pesky Mild mannered Troublesome causing problems or difficulties annoying gentle in nature full of energy having energy; spirited Vocabulary Quiz Sarah Day 2
Day 2 Asking Questions (read 52-55) Maine, wife, place, advertisement, married, sea, letter, worried • Day 1 praire, hearthstone, remember, died, born, sing • I’ll give you an answer. You ask me the question it answers • Jacob places an advertisement because he want to find a new wife. • Why does Jacob place an advertisement? • Sarah lives by the sea in Maine. • Where does Sarah live? • Sarah lives with her brother. • Who does Sarah live with? • Sarah wants to move because her brother is getting married. • Why does Sarah want to move? Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Day 2 Comprehension • She writes a letter. • Who gets the first letter back from Sarah? • Anna • How can you tell that Anna asked Sarah a lot of questions in her letter? • Sarah’s letter seems to be answering a lot of specific questions. Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Fiesty Energetic Pesky Mild mannered Troublesome annoying gentle in nature full of energy having energy; spirited causing problems or difficulties Vocabulary Quiz Sarah Day 3
Day 3 Ask Questions (56-59) month, visit, by train, train station, plain, chore, porch, wait, bonnet • Day 2 Maine, wife, place, advertisement, married, sea, letter, worried • I’ll give you an answer. You ask me the question it answers. • Sara will come visit the family by train. • How will Sarah come to visit the family? • Sarah will wear a yellow bonnet. • What will Sarah wear? • The family will know who Sarah is because she is plain and tall. • How will the family know who Sarah is? • Sarah will come in the spring. • When will Sarah come? Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Comprehension Day 3 • How long will Sarah visit the family? • A month • Where does Papa go to get Sarah/ • The train station • Where do Anna and Caleb wait for Sarah to come? • The porch • Why do you think Caleb is so worried about Sarah’s visit? • He wants a mother, and he wants Sarah to like hime and his family. Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Anything Goes Vocabulary Quiz: Sarah Day 4 Fiesty, Energetic, Pesky, Mild mannered, Troublesome • What is the meaning of this word? • Mild mannered-_______________________________________________ • Can you use the word in a sentence? • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What are some aimilarities and differences between these two words? • pesky fiesty • _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Can you use this word and another word in a sentence? • troublesome & energetic • Can you spell the past tense form of this word? • mild manner • What is the part of speech (or two parts of speech) of this word? • (Noun-person, place or thing; Adjective-describing word; Verb-action word) • Mild mannered • energetic • Think of a synonym and antonym of this word. • Fiesty • _____________ ____________ • SYNONYM ANTONYM
Day 4 Daily Vocabulary Review • Day 1 praire, hearthstone, remember, died, born, sing • Day 2 Maine, wife, place, advertisement, married, sea, letter, worried • Day 3 month, visit, by train, train station, plain, chore, porch, wait, bonnet • Day 4 dust, verb, wagon, stone, shell, change your mind, perfect, wish Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Day 4 Ask Questions (Read 60-63) • I’ll give you an answer. You ask me the question it answers • Yes, Anna and Caleb see Anna in the wagon. • Do Anna and Caleb see Sarah in the wagon. • No, Sarah does not bring the sea with her, but she brings a shell and stone from the sea. • Does Sarah bring the sea with her? • Yes, Anna thinks that Sarah is plain and tall. • Does Anna think that Sarah is plain and tall? • Yes, Anne is worried that Sarah will change her mind and leave. • Is Anna worried that Sarah will change her mind and leave? Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Day 4 Comprehension • What pet does Sarah bring with her? • Her cat, Seal • What does Sarah bring from the sea for Anna and Caleb? • A stone and shell • What does Anna wish to be for Sarah? • Perfect Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Answering Questions Test Day 5 • I’ll give you an answer. You ask me the question it answers. • Anna, Caleb, and Papa are the family in the story. • They live on the prairie. • The father placed an advertisement because he wanted a wife. • The family got to know Sarah by reading and writing letters. • Yes, Anna and Caleb wanted Sarah to visit. • Sarah came to visit the family during the spring. • Sarah gave them a stone and shell from the sea. • Yes, Anna wished to be perfect like the stone. Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop
Comprehension Test Day 5 • Papa places an advertisement to find a wife. Why is this taking a risk? • Sarah leaves her home and visits the family on the prairie. How is this taking a risk? • Anna and Caleb let Sarah become part of the family. How is this taking a risk? Adapted by Mr.Cole Bishop