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CEEQUAL – The C ivil E ngineering E nvironmental QUAL ity Assessment & Awards Scheme

CEEQUAL – The C ivil E ngineering E nvironmental QUAL ity Assessment & Awards Scheme An Introduction to CEEQUAL. An Introduction to CEEQUAL. Sustainability in the Built Environment IEMA North East Region Event 9 th December Newcastle Upon Tyne. Glenn Hedges Taylor Woodrow.

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CEEQUAL – The C ivil E ngineering E nvironmental QUAL ity Assessment & Awards Scheme

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  1. CEEQUAL – The Civil Engineering Environmental QUALity Assessment & Awards Scheme An Introduction to CEEQUAL

  2. An Introduction to CEEQUAL Sustainability in the Built Environment IEMA North East Region Event 9th December Newcastle Upon Tyne Glenn Hedges Taylor Woodrow

  3. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Scope • Objectives • Origins • Operation • Examples of awards • Website for more information: www.ceequal.com

  4. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Why CEEQUAL? • Overall Objective: • to improve the environmental quality of civil engineering projects … • … by providing the incentive of an award scheme and associated assessment methods

  5. An Introduction to CEEQUAL Specific Objectives: • to provide a scheme, which normally applies at the end of design and construction, and assesses what is built and how it is built

  6. An Introduction to CEEQUAL Specific Objectives: • to deliver improved environmental performance in civil engineering projects and thus improve the industry’s image

  7. An Introduction to CEEQUAL Specific Objectives: • to assist in achieving UK Government and Industry targets for Sustainable Construction so the scheme is a means to an end, not an end in itself

  8. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Other key features of CEEQUAL • an incentive for the industry and its clients to apply best environmental practice • can become a benchmark against which expected standards of environmental performance can be set

  9. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Key features cont’d: • applicable to all types and sizes of civil engineering projects • is a voluntary award – not a legal requirement • not a competitive scheme, but an achievement scheme

  10. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Relationship with laws and regulations • CEEQUAL assesses projects at end of construction • … goes beyond the minimum required by law • … does not replace requirements for Environmental Impact Assessment • … does not replace project Environmental Management Systems

  11. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Comparison with BREEAM • CEEQUAL is a civil engineering equivalent to BREEAM • One scheme for all projects, not a family of schemes • Can envisage a large regeneration project seeking an overall CEEQUAL award and BREEAM awards for individual buildings within the development

  12. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • How does it work? • Manual – assessment questions, scores and guidance • Spreadsheet for recording scores and calculating total • Assessment by the Applicant • Verification and Ratification through CEEQUAL Ltd • Five types and Four levels of Award

  13. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • 12 CEEQUAL section headings • Energy • Use of Materials • Waste Management • Transport • Nuisance to Neighbours • Community Relations • Project Environmental Management • Land Use • Landscape • Ecology & Biodiversity • Archaeology & Cultural Heritage • Water Issues

  14. An Introduction to CEEQUAL

  15. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Guidance given throughout on what evidence is needed to score points

  16. NSO = No Scoping Out • This question is compulsory for all assessments • Point Scale • Score depends on level of achievement • Boxes combined • Points can be scored by either role, but only once per project • Box Greyed out • Question not relevant for that role

  17. An Introduction to CEEQUAL Five award types • Whole-Project award • Client & Design Award • applied for by client on behalf of themselves and their project team • Design-only award • Construction-only award • Design and Build Award • all applied for by team members because either the client does not wish to apply, or they seek reward for their individual effort

  18. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Presentation of Awards • Four levels of achievement • exceed by 25% – Pass • exceed by 40% – Good • exceed by 60% – Very Good • exceed by 75% – Excellent (Certificates for excellent will state the percentage) • Aiming for presentation at public events

  19. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Examples of Awards in 2003

  20. Wakefield Flood Defence Works • Award recipients: • Arup • Nuttall • for the Environment Agency • Excellent Award – 75.6%

  21. Osberton Top Bridge Refurbishment, Chesterfield Canal • Award Recipients: • British Waterways • GallifordTry • Very Good Award

  22. Stabilisation of Polesworth Embankment • Award Recipients: • British Waterways • AWG Construction Services • Very Good Award

  23. Littlestone Sea Defences • Awards Recipients: • Environment Agency • Babtie, Brown &Root • Excellent Award –85.1%

  24. Newtownstewart Bypass • Award Recipients: • Northern Ireland Roads Service • Scott Wilson & Ferguson McIlveen • Whitemountain Quarries • Very Good Award

  25. Greyabbey & Kircubbin Wastewater Treatment Works • Awards Recipients: • Northern Ireland Water Service • The Geda/EPS Consortium • Excellent Award – 91.9%

  26. Newburn Riverside Land Reclamation • Award Recipients • One North East • WSP • Taylor Woodrow • Very Good Award

  27. Reading Sewage Treatment Plant • Award Recipients: • Thames Water • Faber Maunsell and Black & Veatch • Target Alliance (Taylor Woodrow Construction and Black & Veatch) • Excellent Award – 79.5%

  28. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Overall process • Applicant registers interest and then formally applies – 50% of fee paid to CEEQUAL Ltd • Assessor confirmed and Verifier identified • Scoping process: Assessor identifies questions that do not apply to the applicant’s project & agrees with Verifier • Self-assessment and scoring by Assessor, plus gathering evidence to support scores • Second 50% of fee paid • Verification of Assessment • Ratification by CEEQUAL Ltd and Award

  29. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Role of Assessors • Arrange scoping and verification meetings • Propose scoping & agree with Verifier • Collect evidence and complete spreadsheet • Submit assessment to Verifier • Respond to Verifiers queries • Comply with CEEQUAL Code of Conduct

  30. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Role of Verifiers • Agree scoping out with Assessor • Review completed assessment • Act as ambassador for CEEQUAL Ltd • Keep up to date with Scheme updates. • Act as Contracted Assessors as necessary or if desired • Comply with CEEQUAL Code of Conduct

  31. CEEQUAL – Assessor & Verifier Training • Outline of the Verification Process • Check the Spreadsheet • Does evidence match the score • Mark any items where evidence is not sufficient • Mark the score down (or up if scoring too harsh) • Annotate the spreadsheet • View selected evidence at verification meeting • Provide comfort level of robustness • Adjust scores further as necessary

  32. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Process vs Outcomes • Because CEEQUAL is applicable to all civil engineering projects • So assessment has to focus on process aimed at delivering good outcomes, not on the outcomes themselves • Initial scheme will be developed over time to include more outcome-specific questions and scores

  33. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Organisation so far • Development led by Institution of Civil Engineers • Project-managed by Crane Environmental • DTI funding to May 2004 for main project • Trials in 2002 • First assessments and Awards in 2003 • Public operation now by CEEQUAL Ltd, owned by project partners, and managed jointly by Crane Environmental and CIRIA • Seven assessments in progress, ≈ 15 in pipeline

  34. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Current position? • Assessments open to anyone – for a fee • Manual available for sale – can also be used as a checklist • Training courses for Assessors (includes current Manual) and development of Verifiers • Continuous development, upgrading Manual and training/accreditation of Assessors • Verifiers’ Workshops to keep them up to date • Version 3 just completed

  35. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • Website • www.ceequal.com • Questions?

  36. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Project Environmental Management • 23 Questions,120 points • the need for environmental risk assessments and active environmental management, • training, • the influence of contractual and procurement processes, • delivering environmental performance, minimising emissions, • human environment considerations.

  37. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Land Use • 15 Questions, 82pts • design for minimum land-take, • legal requirements, • flood risk, • previous use of the site, • contaminated land and remediation measures.

  38. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Landscape • 13 Questions, 69 pts • consideration of landscape issues in design, • amenity features, • local character, • loss and compensation or mitigation of landscape features, • implementation and aftercare.

  39. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Ecology & Biodiversity • 14 Questions, 85 pts • impacts on sites of high ecological value, • protected species, • conservation & enhancement, • habitat creation measures, • monitoring and maintenance.

  40. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Archaeological and cultural heritage • 10 Questions, 62 pts • surveys, • measures to be taken if features are found, • information to the public, • public access.

  41. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Water issues • 14 Questions, 89 pts • control of a project’s impacts on, and protection of, the water environment, • legal requirements, • minimising water usage, • enhancement of the water environment.

  42. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Energy • 13 Questions, 85 pts • life-cycle energy analysis, • energy in use, • energy performance on site.

  43. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Use of materials • 21 Questions, 95 pts • minimising environmental impact of materials used, • minimising material use and waste, • selection of timber, • using re-used and/or recycled material, • minimising use and impacts of hazardous materials, • durability and maintenance, • future demolition.

  44. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Waste • 16 Questions, 87 pts • design for waste minimisation, • legal requirements, • waste from site preparation, • on-site waste management.

  45. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Transport • 13 Questions, 76 pts • location of a project in relation to transport infrastructure, • minimising traffic impacts of a project, • construction transport, • minimising workforce travel.

  46. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Nuisance to neighbours • 17 Questions, 73 pts • minimising operation and construction-related nuisances, • legal requirements, • nuisance from construction noise and vibration, • air and light pollution, • visual impact, including site tidiness.

  47. CEEQUAL - Assessor Training • Community relations • 11 Questions, 77 pts • community consultation, • community relations programmes and their effectiveness, • engagement with relevant local groups, • ‘joy in use’.

  48. An Introduction to CEEQUAL • CEEQUAL Schedule of Fees for Awards Minimum £1000 - for project value up to £1million …..rising non-linearly in steps to….. Maximum £10,000 - for project value > £200 million * reduced by 20% for ‘Design only’ or ‘Construct only’ * excludes costs of internal or contracted Assessor

  49. CEEQUAL – The Civil Engineering Environmental QUALity Assessment & Awards Scheme www.ceequal.com ceequal@crane-environmental.co.uk ceequal@ciria.org

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