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More Shared Memory Programming And Intro to Message Passing. Laxmikant Kale CS433. Posix Threads on Origin 2000. Shared memory programming on Origin 2000: Important calls Thread creation and joining pthread_ create (pthread_t *threadID, At,functionName, (void *) arg);
More Shared Memory ProgrammingAnd Intro to Message Passing Laxmikant Kale CS433
Posix Threads on Origin 2000 • Shared memory programming on Origin 2000: Important calls • Thread creation and joining • pthread_create(pthread_t *threadID, At,functionName, (void *) arg); • pthread_join(pthread_t, threadID, void **result); • Locks • pthread_mutex_t lock; • pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); • pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); • Condition variables: • pthread_cond_t cv; • pthread_cond_init(&cv, (pthread_condattr_t *) 0); • pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &cv_mutex); • pthread_cond_broadcast(&cv); • Semaphores, and other calls
Declarations /* pgm.c */ #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #define nThreads 4 #define nSamples 1000000 typedef struct _shared_value { pthread_mutex_t lock; int value; } shared_value; shared_value sval;
Function in each thread void *doWork(void *id) { size_t tid = (size_t) id; int nsucc, ntrials, i; ntrials = nSamples/nThreads; nsucc = 0; srand48((long) tid); for(i=0;i<ntrials;i++) { double x = drand48(); double y = drand48(); if((x*x + y*y) <= 1.0) nsucc++; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(sval.lock)); sval.value += nsucc; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(sval.lock)); return 0; }
Main function int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t tids[nThreads]; size_t i; double est; pthread_mutex_init(&(sval.lock), NULL); sval.value = 0; printf("Creating Threads\n"); for(i=0;i<nThreads;i++) pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, doWork, (void *) i); printf("Created Threads... waiting for them to complete\n"); for(i=0;i<nThreads;i++) pthread_join(tids[i], NULL); printf("Threads Completed...\n"); est = 4.0 * ((double) sval.value / (double) nSamples); printf("Estimated Value of PI = %lf\n", est); exit(0); }
Compiling : Makefile # Makefile #for solaris FLAGS = -mt #for Origin2000 #FLAGS = pgm: pgm.c cc -o pgm $(FLAGS) pgm.c -lpthread clean: rm -f pgm *.o *~
Message Passing • Program consists of independent processes, • Each running in its own address space • Processors have direct access to only their memory • Each processor typically executes the same executable, but may be running different part of the program at a time • Special primitives exchange data: send/receive • Early theoretical systems: • CSP: communicating sequential processes • send and matching receive from another processor: both wait. • OCCAM on Transputers used this model • Performance problems due to unnecessary(?) wait • Current systems: • Send operations don’t wait for receipt on remote processor
Message Passing send receive copy data data PE0 PE1
Basic Message Passing • We will describe a hypothetical message passing system, • with just a few calls that define the model • Later, we will look at real message passing models (e.g. MPI), with a more complex sets of calls • Basic calls: • send(int proc, int tag, int size, char *buf); • recv(int proc, int tag, int size, char * buf); • Recv may return the actual number of bytes received in some systems • tag and proc may be wildcarded in a recv: • recv(ANY, ANY, 1000, &buf); • broadcast: • Other global operations (reductions)
Pi with message passing Int count, c1; main() { Seed s = makeSeed(myProcessor); for (I=0; I<100000/P; I++) { x = random(s); y = random(s); if (x*x + y*y < 1.0) count++; } send(0,1,4, &count);
Pi with message passing if (myProcessorNum() == 0) { for (I=0; I<maxProcessors(); I++) { recv(I,1,4, c); count += c; } printf(“pi=%f\n”, 4*count/100000); } } /* end function main */
Collective calls • Message passing is often, but not always, used for SPMD style of programming: • SPMD: Single process multiple data • All processors execute essentially the same program, and same steps, but not in lockstep • All communication is almost in lockstep • Collective calls: • global reductions (such as max or sum) • syncBroadcast (often just called broadcast): • syncBroadcast(whoAmI, dataSize, dataBuffer); • whoAmI: sender or receiver
Standardization of message passing • Historically: • nxlib (On Intel hypercubes) • ncube variants • PVM • Everyone had their own variants • MPI standard: • Vendors, ISVs, and academics got together • with the intent of standardizing current practice • Ended up with a large standard • Popular, due to vendor support • Support for • communicators: avoiding tag conflicts, .. • Data types: • ..