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JUNK SCULPTURES. Sculptor Eduard Martinet makes these time consuming sculptures from all the junk you can think of. He uses kitchen pans, car lights, old typewriter keys, and other junk sitting around at car boot sales or flea markets to build his sculptures.
Sculptor Eduard Martinet makes these time consuming sculptures from all the junk you can think of. He uses kitchen pans, car lights, old typewriter keys, and other junk sitting around at car boot sales or flea markets to build his sculptures
A wide piece of metal in various states of corrosion forms the structure of the butterfly. The piece is symmetrical and is a realistic representation of a butterfly. The interior of the wings contain a wide assortment of materials reclaimed from junkyards. Piano keys are evident in the lower wings. Materials such as broken plates, wire, and rusted metal parts from multiple sources are found elsewhere in the wings. The main body is even capped off with antennae made from the handlebars of a bicycle.
James Corbett takes leftover car parts and makes super detailed sculptures . None of the parts are bent or altered to help make the pieces, either.
Italian artist Dario Tironi uses junk we could find around our house to create life-size sculptures of people and animals. Things we throw away everyday -- calculators, cell phones, golf balls, toys, cables, plastic bottles and even old Barbie dolls -- are used to create these life-size masterpieces.
Gabriel Dishaw’s Junk Metal Nike Sculpture Made from old computer scraps and metal,
Ann P. Smith is a famous American artist who uses broken electronics and machine parts to create unique robotic sculptures.
Requirements for Junk Sculpture No buying object… if I find out you bought something for your project = automatic zero No robots, No sports Balls Make a recognizable object Use at least 4 different types of “junk” Min of 8 inches tall or long RUBRIC Meeting requirements – 50 pts Neatness/Craftsmanship – 25pts Creativity & Difficulty – 25pts