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R. Stranders , A. Farinelli , A. Rogers, N. R. Jennings

Decentralised Coordination of Continuously Valued Control Parameters using the Max-Sum Algorithm. R. Stranders , A. Farinelli , A. Rogers, N. R. Jennings School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, UK. Motivation. Approach

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R. Stranders , A. Farinelli , A. Rogers, N. R. Jennings

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  1. Decentralised Coordination of Continuously Valued Control Parameters using the Max-Sum Algorithm R. Stranders, A. Farinelli, A. Rogers, N. R. Jennings School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, UK Motivation Approach Max-Sum Algorithm used as starting point Availability of devices acquiring and processing information from the environment. Problem Formulation: global welfare maximisation through localcomputation: • Part of the GDL framework • Graphical models, Information theory • Message Content • Functions of variable states • Message Propagation • From Variable: aggregate information (Sum) • From Functions: maximisesum of utility and variable messages (Max) • Optimal on trees, good approximation on cycle graphs Variable nodes Function nodes • Goal: Coordinate the activities of a set of devices characterised by continuously valued control parameters. For example: Activation Time Heading and Velocity Desired Temperature From Discrete to Continuous Empirical Evaluation Main Technical Contribution Application Domain: Coordinate duty cycles of energy aware sensors to maximise event detection probability Representation: Continuous Piece-Wise Linear functions Max-marginalisation: Project Extract upper envelope Addition: Merge domains Add values • Main Issues: • Representation: how do we represent continuous utilities? • Operations: need to redefine main operations of max-sum: • Max-marginalisation • Addition References: Contacts: R. Stranders, A. Farinelli, A. Rogers, N. R. Jennings, School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. {rs06r,af2,acr,nrj}@ecs.soton.ac.uk • Stranders, R., Farinelli, A., Rogers, A. and Jennings, N. R. DecentralisedCoordination of Continuously Valued Control Parameters using the Max-Sum Algorithm, AAMAS-08 • Stranders, R., Farinelli, A., Rogers, A. and Jennings, N. R. Decentralised Coordination of Mobile Sensors Using the Max-Sum Algorithm, IJCAI-09

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