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Distance Learning Foundation. With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO and TOT Public Company Limited Bangkok, Thailand. Establishing a Culture of Achievement. Planning for Success: Lesson Planning, Learning Styles & Teaching Strategies. Session 5. Format of Today’s Session.
Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO and TOT Public Company Limited Bangkok, Thailand
Establishing a Culture of Achievement Planning for Success: Lesson Planning, Learning Styles & Teaching Strategies Session 5
Format of Today’s Session Via Questions and Brief Discussions Part I: Review concepts of the past session Part II: Share and discuss lessons, activities, & experiences from Session 4 Via Activities and Handouts Part III: Welcome new concepts; Continue with MI & Classroom Instruction Strategies Part IV: Apply to Sample Lesson Provided & PlanAhead to Use for Real Lesson
A Few Reminders Please be an active participant with your fellow teachers during discussions and activities. More engagement = more ideas Please be ready to share your ideas with each site several times More ideas = more learning Please try to share your ideas if it is your first time in the session. More learning = more engagement
Each Site “Reminders” Each site should contribute about FIVE times during the entire session. Questions will be answered one at a time. (on the next slide) People who have not spoken are encouraged to contribute.
Reviewing Concepts On Intelligences 1) What are some characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence? 2) What are some characteristics of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence? 3)How can your classroom strengthen either one or both of the intelligences? (Describe an activity)
Reviewing Concepts On Intrapersonal • What are some characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence? Describe the type of students who demonstrate or have this intelligence. 3) What kind of activities should/did you try in class to strengthen this intelligence for all your students? Let's hear a few responses. (BKK, Hua Hin, Nong Khai)
Reviewing Concepts On Logical-Mathematical 2) What are some characteristics of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence? Describe the type of students who demonstrate or have this intelligence. 3) What kind of activities should/did you try in class to strengthen this intelligence for all your students? Let's hear a few responses. (Hua Hin, Nong Khai, BKK)
Warming Up with Rosemary Clooney! Let’s get some blood flowing with a song! ONLY when you hear “Hey Mambo!” raise your arms up high. Otherwise, during the other parts of the song, just sway. All sites…are you ready?
Like physical movement & games Observe & mimick A sense of body awareness Role playing, dancing Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence* Needs to be active & engaged; if not, they’ll be bored Like making things with hands Communicate with body language & gestures Hands-on activities
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence How did the short Hey Mambo activity apply this intelligence? (Any site respond) What other kinds of activities do you do with your students that apply this intelligence? Let’s look at the student characteristics again
Observe & mimick Like physical movement & games Role playing, dancing A sense of body awareness Hands-on activities Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Communicate with body language & gestures Needs to be active & engaged; if not, they’ll be bored Let's hear a few responses. (BKK, Nong Khai, Hua Hin)
Striking a Pose In the following slides, what are these students doing?
www.csus.org Crystal Springs Upland School, Hillsborough, CA
www.csus.org Crystal Springs Upland School, Hillsborough, CA
What are all these students doing? aaa.mpls.k12.mn.us Anthony Middle School
amesart.weebly.com What are all these students doing?
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Students were creating a tableaux or tableaux vivant (living picture) based on a famous painting Besides paintings, what other tableau can you and your students create? Let's hear a few responses. (Hua Hin, BKK, Nong Khai)
Striking a Pose: Your Turn Each site is a team. Please pick a famous story* to depict in a tableaux vivant. The other sites will guess & explain your site’s story (What is it? How do you know?) Each team will have 2 min. to discuss and agree on a story, who is doing what, etc. *from any culture; could be any important scene or theme
Striking a Pose: Your Turn Please try to hold the pose for 30 seconds so the other sites can guess. Are you ready? Which site would like to pose first?
Striking a Pose: For Your Class How can you incorporate this into your current classroom lessons? What skills are students developing when doing this kind of activity? Let's hear a few responses. (Hua Hin, Nong Khai, BKK)
Applying Bodily-Kinesthetic: Sample Lesson 1 Refer to your binder for other tools applying this intelligence. Also think about what you already do in your classrooms. From Smile 6, pg. 29, Student Book How can you apply this intelligence using the lessons from this page? 2 minutes
Applying Bodily-Kinesthetic: Sample Lesson 2 or 3 From Upstream 5, pg. 77, Student Book OR From Access 3, pg. 103, Student Book How can you apply this intelligence using the lessons from either one of these pages? 2 minutes
Quick Survey: On Homework & Practice With a partner, brainstorm the following: What are reasons for students NOT liking homework? What are reasons for teachers GIVING homework? 2 minutes
Quick Fun Review: On Homework & Practice Please choose the best answer. Parents should be actively involved/just facilitate with homework. The amount/purpose of the homework should be identified and articulated. Homework should be checked/commented on.
Some Generalizations: On Homework & Practice Parental attitude is important (minimal help). Practice > structured & familiar practice (ex: grammar, math) Preparation/Elaboration > begin thought process/conceptualizing on new topic (ex: ideas about activities & hobbies prior to studying in class)
To Think About: On Homework & Practice What kind of feedback do you give to your students after checking their homework? Why is feedback important? What are your opinions about giving written feedback? How effective is it for your students? What do you think about peer feedback? 2 minutes
To Think About: On Homework & Practice How can Multiple Intelligences play an important role in Homework and Practice? 2 minutes
To Think About: On Homework & Practice Some possible ideas… Students (and everyone) learns in a different way. Homework should motivate students to use their intelligences.
Classroom Instruction Strategy On Homework & Practice Review of Planning Questions: Which strategies will give evidence that students learned the specific knowledge? Which strategies will help them acquire & integrate this specific knowledge? Which strategies will help them practice, review & use that knowledge?
Applying: On Homework & Practice With your team of teachers… From any of the sample lessons provided (Smile 6, Access 3, or Upstream 5)… Brainstorm some strategies based on the planning questions (handout also) 2 minutes
Assignment 1For Next Week Begin thinking about and possibly reading about Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence. Prepare to sing, dance, and write some songs of your own…
Assignment 2For Your Real Class Lesson Bring in a description of what you did or a sample activity applying the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence today. Please also bring in a sample homework and practice you assigned your students.
Thank You! See you in the last session! shei.sanchez@gmail.com