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GASB 34. A New Governmental Financial Reporting Model. Different Financial Reporting Models. Business Enterprise-FASB. Not-for-profit organizations. State and local governments. GASB . Why are we doing this?.
GASB 34 A New Governmental Financial Reporting Model
Different Financial Reporting Models • Business Enterprise-FASB • Not-for-profit organizations • State and local governments GASB
Why are we doing this? This new model will better serve current users of state and local government financial reports and attract new users whose needs were not met by the previous model. • Improve Financial and Operational Accountability. • Improves comparability between districts. • Because we have to.
Why is there a need for a new financial reporting model? • Improved Accountability • Operational accountability • Fiscal accountability
GASB 34 Improves Financial Accountability • Focus on major individual funds • Focus on major individual fund budgets • Inclusion of data from the original budget
GASB 34 Improves Operational Accountability • Introduction of district-wide financial statements • Expanded focus for district activities • Presentation of cost data • Narrative overview and analysis
MD&A-What is it? • A brief explanation of the types of presentations that make up the basic financial statements • Condensed financial information allowing readers • to compare the current and prior fiscal periods • Analysis of the district’s overall financial position • Analysis of the balances and transactions of major • individual funds • Analysis of variations from the original and final • amended budget for the general fund • Significant capital asset and long-term debt activity • Any facts, decisions, or conditions known as of the • close of audit field work that are expected to have a • significant effect on financial position or results of operations
District-Wide Financial Statements There are two district-wide basic financial statements: 1. Statement of Net Assets-used to report all the district owns (assets) and all the district owes (liabilities). 2. Statement of Activities-used to report all changes in a district’s net assets
Required supplementary information (RSI) A budgetary comparison must be presented in connection with the basic financial statements for the general fund and any major individual special revenue funds • Expenditures and revenues as approved • in the original budget • Expenditures and revenues per the final • amended version of the budget. • Actual expenditures and revenues calculated • using the same basis of accounting used for • budgeting.
Where are we in the process? About 75% Complete
Improvements Designed to Enhance Operational Accountability Improvements Designed to Enhance Fiscal Accountability Previous Model New Model Previous Model New Model All reporting based on funds and fund type Introduction of district-wide financials Information in basic financials aggregated by fund type Financials presented separately for major governmental and enterprise funds District activities limited to near-term inflows & outflows of spendable resources District-wide financials provide long-term focus for district activities Budgetary comparisons aggregated by fund type Budgetary comparisons presented for general fund and individual major special revenue funds Cost data available only for business-type activities Cost data provided for governmental & business-type activity Budgetary comparisons report only final amended budget Budgetary comparisons report both original and final amended budget No narrative required Narrative overview & analysis Key Components of the New Model
What is left to do? • Review fixed assets • Reclassify Capital Assets into a GASB 34 format • Develop the Management Discussion & Analysis