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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus. Words by William C. Dix Music by Rowland H. Prichard Words and Music public domain. 676. Alleluia! sing to Jesus His the scepter, His the throne Alleluia! His the triumph His the victory alone.

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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Words by William C. Dix Music by Rowland H. Prichard Words and Music public domain 676

  2. Alleluia! sing to JesusHis the scepter, His the throneAlleluia! His the triumphHis the victory alone

  3. Hark! the songs of peaceful ZionThunder like a mighty floodJesus, out of every nationHas redeemed us by His blood

  4. Alleluia! not as orphansAre we left in sorrow nowAlleluia! He is near usFaith believes, nor questions how

  5. Tho’ the clouds from sight received HimWhen the forty days were o’erShall our hearts forget His promiseI am with you evermore

  6. Alleluia! Bread of HeavenYou on earth our food and stayAlleluia! here the sinfulFlee to You from day to day

  7. Intercessor, Friend of sinnersEarth’s Redeemer, plead for meWhere the songs of all the sinlessSweep across the crystal sea

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