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Smart Grid Architecture Committee Semantic Working Party Update

Smart Grid Architecture Committee Semantic Working Party Update. Jay Britton / Steve Ray Dec . 7, 2011. What can the SGAC Semantic WG do for Smart Grid?. Two aspects to this problem… What are the main semantic challenges in achieving effective interoperation?

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Smart Grid Architecture Committee Semantic Working Party Update

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  1. Smart Grid Architecture CommitteeSemantic Working Party Update Jay Britton / Steve Ray Dec. 7, 2011

  2. What can the SGAC Semantic WG do for Smart Grid? • Two aspects to this problem… • What are the main semantic challenges in achieving effective interoperation? • What part of this is the SGAC best positioned to support? • (as opposed to other SDOs, PAPs, etc) • Funded?

  3. 1. Versioning and evolution of semantic models. • Every canonical model faces two opposing forces • Semantic quality means continuing to revise and improve as new use cases for new profiles are processed. • Changes to the existing model are costly and unpopular because they break existing code. • Solution: • Create transformations from version to version. • Constrain semantic evolution to kinds of changes for which transformations can be created easily. • What are the appropriate constraints? • Can the transformation implementations be automated?

  4. 2. Review Semantic Modeling approaches used in existing standards and assess advantages and disadvantages for Smart Grid interoperability. e.g. CIM and 61850 use very different modeling styles. Why? What are the advantages of each?

  5. 3. Select an important harmonization use case (like Demand Response Pricing) and work with SDOs on solution. • Capture use cases and identify exchanges that cross canonical domains. • Analyze semantic modeling in each domain for each harmonization path. • Develop transformations required. • Assess result and make recommendations for tools and methods. • Should this be a PAP?

  6. 4. Define recommended practice for a canonical model to import canonical elements from another standard. • Catalog of common elements? • Maintaining consistency with an external source?

  7. 5. Create a top level semantic framework. • Describe how main existing semantic standards interrelate. • Define domains of canonical models. • Evaluate quality of models? • Make recommendations for adjustment?

  8. Different definitions of “load”? • Energy Manager component invokes Emixdatatype • Load component uses stand-alone definition

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