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Hartlepool & Stockton-on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group – “Strategic Plan on a Page”. Vision. Outcome Ambitions. Outcome Domains.
Hartlepool & Stockton-on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group – “Strategic Plan on a Page” Vision Outcome Ambitions Outcome Domains To develop outstanding, innovative and equitable health and social care services, ensuring excellence and value in delivery of person centred care working across both Health and Social Care Strategic Aims Improving quality in primary care Quality and safety Improving the patient experience Seeking best value for money in budget Caring for an aging population Tackling health inequalities Bringing care closer to home Priority health conditions Key Characteristics Enabling Functions • Delivering integrated care across both Health and Social Care pathways making every contact count Integrated Technology Securing additional years of life for the people of England with treatable mental and physical health conditions Improving the health related quality of life for people with long term conditions, including mental health conditions Reducing the amount of time people spend avoidably in hospital through better and more integrated care in the community, outside of hospital Increasing the proportion of older people living independently at home following discharge from hospital Parity of Esteem Improving health and preventing ill health in partnership Reducing inequalities Increasing the number of people having a positive experience of hospital care Increasing the number of people with mental and physical health conditions having a positive experience of care outside hospital Making significant progress towards eliminating avoidable deaths in our hospitals caused by problems in care Preventing people from dying prematurely Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions. Helping people recover from episodes of ill health or following injury Ensuring that people have positive experience of care Treating and caring for people in a safe Environment and protecting them from avoidable harm • Shift high quality care closer to home from acute to community settings by putting people at the heart of what we do and creating a system that is flexible and responsive enough to recognise the different needs of individuals • Addressing health inequalities through actively seeking out unmet need as well as responding to expressed need Workforce – Right skills, Right place • Promote self care by involving patients and carers by establishing systems and processes that are sustainable and affordable to deliver continuity of care, ensuring that individuals are involved in decisions and planning their own care and support. • Reduce demand on Urgent care services through improving access 7 days a week to primary, community and social care services Develop estate to enable flexible health and social care provision Progressing the Momentum: Pathways to Healthcare program working in partnership across health and social care to reconfigure services to deliver safe, high quality, efficient and effective health and social care services for the local population
Governance Arrangements Values and Principles • Reducing years of Life Lost from conditions considered amenable to healthcare : 16% by 2018/19 • Improving the health related quality of life for people with long - term conditions : 5% by 2018/19 • reducing emergency admissions: 11% by 2018/19 • Increasing the proportion of people having a positive experience of hospital care: 11.25% by 2018/19 • Increasing the proportion of people having a positive experience of care outside hospital: 6.5% by 2018/19 Outcome Ambitions