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Usability. ISO 9241 (part 11) defines usability as:
1. M23CDE: Usability evaluation Benyon, Turner and Turner. Designing Interactive Systems. Chapter 12.
Dix, Abowd, Finlay, Beale. Human Computer Interaction (3rd edition) Chapter 9
2. Usability ISO 9241 (part 11) defines usability as:
�The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use�
�we could add �learnability� to this list.
3. Effectiveness:
Can you actually do a specified task?
Can you do it quickly, without getting bored or frustrated?
Is it fun, or at least pleasant to use?
Can you use it without constantly reaching for the manual or asking for help.
Implication: When we evaluate any design / device / UI � we need to be specific about which parameter of usability we are testing for.
4. What are we testing for? Which usability feature (effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, learnability) Might it be important to test for when evaluating:
A Playstation game
Data entry screen in a high pressure call centre
An ATM machine
Purchasing page in an online shop.
5. Key questions Evaluation should be considered at all stages of the design and implementation of an application. For evaluation to be meaningful, however, the designer should be able to answer some key questions:
Why are we testing? (e.g. to help us make design choices, to fix design mistakes? Or to test whether some users can complete typical supported tasks?)
When can we test: Pre-design, Initial prototypes, finished interface
What are we testing for? (Effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, learnability)
What evaluation method is most suitable, given 1, 2 and 3 above.
6. Evaluation: an explanation tests usability and functionality of a system, application or interface.
occurs in laboratory, field and/or in collaboration with users
Goals of Evaluation
assess extent of system functionality
assess effect of interface on users (e.g. is it effective, efficient, satisfying and easy to learn)
identify specific usage problems
7. Predictive evaluation techniques Evaluation techniques deployed before an interface is built (pre-design) or very early in the design process to help guide design choices
>Cognitive Walkthrough
>Keystroke level model
8. Cognitive/User Modeling Idea: If we can build a model of how a user works, then we can predict how s/he will interact with the interface
Predictive modeling, predictive evaluation
We do not even need a mock-up or prototype
9. Predictive Models evaluating products or designs without directly involving users
psychological models of users are used to test designs
less expensive than user testing � Don�t have to build UI prototype
Can compare design alternatives with no implementation whatsoever
usefulness limited to systems with predictable tasks
telephone answering systems, mobile phones, etc.
based on expert behavior
assumes experts or experienced users
10. Norman�s execution/evaluation loop
user establishes the goal
formulates intention
specifies actions at interface
executes action
perceives system state
interprets system state
evaluates system state with respect to goal
11. Norman�s execution/evaluation loop
user establishes the goal
formulates intention
specifies actions at interface
executes action
perceives system state
interprets system state
evaluates system state with respect to goal
12. Norman�s execution/evaluation loop
user establishes the goal
formulates intention
specifies actions at interface
executes action
perceives system state
interprets system state
evaluates system state with respect to goal
13. Cognitive walkthrough Usability attributes tested: learnability
Employed: on interface prototypes to predict if available actions are visible to the user and if the system state is observable.
16. Keystroke Level Model (KLM)Card, Moran and Newell (1980) quantitative refinement of the GOMS model
allows predictions to be made about how long it takes an expert user to perform a task
identifies basic actions involved
time is measured for each action
overall time is computed
sum of individual actions in simple cases
applied by measuring user interaction activities
keystrokes, mouse movements
mental preparation, hand re-positioning
17. GOMS Goals
what the user wants to achieve
basic actions user performs
decomposition of a goal into subgoals/operators
means of choosing between competing methods
18. Goal End state that user is trying to achieve
decomposed into sub-goals (like HTA)
19. Operators Basic actions available for performing a task (lowest level actions)
Examples: move mouse pointer, drag, press key, read dialog box, �
20. Methods Sequence of operators (procedures) for accomplishing a goal (may be multiple)
Example: Select sentence
Move mouse pointer to first word
Depress button
Drag to last word
21. Selection Rules Invoked when there is a choice of a method
GOMS attempts to predict which methods will be used
Example: Could cut sentence either by menu pulldown or by ctrl-x
22. GOMS Procedure Walk through sequence of steps
Assign each an approximate time duration
Know overall performance time
(Can be tedious)
23. GOMS example
For a particular user:
Rule 1: Select USE-MENU-METHOD unless another
rule applies
Rule 2: If the application is GAME,
24. Keystroke Level Model (KLM) six execution phase operators
Physical motor:
K � keystroking (or B button press)
P � Pointing (with mouse)
H - Home hands between mouse and keyboard
D - Draw straight line with mouse
M - mental preparation
R � response
Texecute = TK + TP + TH + TD + TM + TR
25. Response times for keystroke level operators
26. Where do these figures come from? Keystroke determined by typing speed
0.28 s average typist (40 wpm)
0.08 s best typist (155 wpm)
1.20 s worst typist
Pointing determined by Fitts� Law
T = a + b log(d/s + 1)
T ~ 1.1 s for all pointing tasks
Homing estimated by measurement
0.40 s (between keyboard and mouse)
Mental preparation estimated by measurement
1.35 s
27. Fitts� Law
predicts the time to point at an object using a device
function of the distance from the target object and the object�s size
the further away and the smaller the object, the longer the time to locate it and point
time to locate an object is important for some devices and activities
handheld devices like mobile phones
computer games
navigation in multi-screen Web pages
formulated by Paul Fitts (Fitts, 1954)
28. Visit Tog�s website and do Tog�s Fitts� law quiz:
29. How to do KLM List all the physical and homing operators (KPBH�s) in a given interaction sequence.
Decide where to put the �mental preparation� (M) elements in the sequence
Card, Moran and Newell use 4 rules for deciding on the location of the M�s
30. Rules for adding M�s Basic idea: M before every chunk in the method that must be recalled from long-term memory
Insert Ms before each K & P
K => MK
P => MP (if P points at a command)
Delete Ms in typed chunks
MK MK MK => M KK .. K if Ks form a command name, single text string, or number
Delete anticipated Ms
x M y => x y if x fully anticipates y
e.g., point-and-click is a chunk, so PMK => PK
compare alternatives:
assume hand starts on mouse
32. Limitations of KLM Only expert users doing routine (well-learned) tasks.
Only measures efficiency � not learnability, memorability, errors, etc.
Ignores errors (methods must be error-free)
Ignores parallel action (shift-click)
planning & problem solving (how does user select the method?)
Doesn�t account for fatigue