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原住民族之定義問題. indigenous people 一詞的來源. 原住民族一詞開始受到關注,起自於北美的 indian 、 Inuit 以及 Aleut 。 接著也適用於澳洲、紐西蘭被殖民的民族,以及挪威、瑞典、芬蘭的 Saami 。 但是在其它國家,對於其境內的某些少數族群是否為原住民族,則頗多爭議。. ILO Convention 107 的定義. 1957 年 使用 indigenous/tribal people 在征服或殖民時期居住某國或地區被征服或殖民的人群 (population) 的後代. ILO Convention 169 的定義.
indigenous people一詞的來源 • 原住民族一詞開始受到關注,起自於北美的indian、Inuit以及Aleut。 • 接著也適用於澳洲、紐西蘭被殖民的民族,以及挪威、瑞典、芬蘭的Saami。 • 但是在其它國家,對於其境內的某些少數族群是否為原住民族,則頗多爭議。
ILO Convention 107的定義 • 1957年 • 使用indigenous/tribal people • 在征服或殖民時期居住某國或地區被征服或殖民的人群(population)的後代
ILO Convention 169的定義 1989年 第 一 條 1. 本公約適用于: (a) 獨立國家的部落民族,其社會、文化和經濟狀況使他們有別于其國 家社會的其它群體,他們的地位系全部或部分地由他們本身的習俗 或傳統或以專門的法律或規章加以確定;(文化獨特性原則) (b) 獨立國家的民族,他們因作爲在其所屬國家或該國所屬某一地區被 征服或被殖民化時,或在其目前的國界被確定時,即已居住在那 裏的人口之後裔而被視爲土著,並且無論其法律地位如何,他們 仍部分或全部地保留了本民族的社會、經濟、文化和政治制度。(原 住性原則/indigeneity) 2. 自我確定爲土著或部落應被視爲是決定本公約條款適用的群體的一 個根本標准。 (自我認定原則) 3. 本公約使用“民族”一詞,不應解釋爲國際法使用此詞時可能具有 的各種權利的含義。
UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities • 1983年 379. Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing in those territories, or parts of them….
380. This historical continuity may consist of the continuation, for an extended period reaching into the present, of one or more of the following factors: (a) Occupation of ancestral lands, or at least of part of them; (b) Common ancestry with the original occupants of these lands; (c) Culture in general, or in speciÞc manifestations (such as religion, living under a tribal system, membership of an indigenous community, dress, means of livelihood, life-style, etc.); (d) Language (whether used as the only language, as mother-tongue, as the habitual means of communication at home or in the family, or as the main, preferred, habitual general or normal language); (e) Residence in certain parts of the country, or in certain regions of the world; (f ) Other relevant factors. • 傳統領域 • 原初性 • 文化獨特性 • 語言 • 國家的一部分 • 其它事實
原住民(indigenous person) 381. On an individual basis, an indigenous person is one who belongs to these indigenous populations through self-identification as indigenous (group consciousness) and is recognized and accepted by these populations as one of its members (acceptance by the group)
自我認定 396. right of indigenous peoples themselves to define what and who is indigenous.
World Bank Operational Directive 4.20 • The terms ‘indigenous peoples’, ‘indigenous ethnic minorities,’ ‘tribal groups’, and ‘scheduled tribes’, describe social groups with a social and cultural identity distinct from the dominant society that makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the development process. • 獨特社會文化認同 • 處於發展劣勢
Because of the varied and changing contexts in which indigenous peoples are found, no single definition can capture their diversity. Indigenous people are commonly among the poorest segments of a population. They engage in economic activities that range from shifting agriculture in or near forests to wage labor or even small-scale market-oriented activities
Indigenous peoples can be identified in particular geographical areas by the presence in varying degrees of the following characteristics: (a) a close attachment to ancestral territories and to the natural resources in these areas; (b) self-identification and identification by others as members of a distinct cultural group; (c) an indigenous language, often different from the national language; (d) presence of customary social and political institutions; and (e) primarily subsistence-oriented production. • 傳統領域 • 自我認定與他者認定 • 自有語言 • 傳統社會與政治制度 • 生計指向生產活動
Working Group on Indigenous Populations • 1993年 • 原住民族定義留白
Benedict Kingsbury定義1998年考察此一概念發展史後提出 • Essential Requirements • self-identification as a distinct ethnic group • historical experience of, or contingent vulnerability to, severe disruption, dislocation or exploitation • long connection with the region • the wish to retain a distinct identity • 自我認定 • 苦難經驗 • 地區歷史聯結 • 維持獨特認同
Relevant Indicia (1) Strong Indicia • nondominance in the national (or regional) society (ordinarily required) • close cultural affinity with a particular area of land or territories (ordinarily required) • historical continuity (especially by descent) with prior occupants of land in the region (2) Other Relevant Indicia • socioeconomic and sociocultural differences from the ambient population • distinct objective characteristics such as language, race, and material or spiritual culture • regarded as indigenous by the ambient population or treated as such in legal and administrative arrangements. • 受宰制地位 • 文化/土地聯結 • 原住性/歷史持續 • 社會/經濟/文化差異 • 獨特文化特徵 • 他者承認
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples(2007) • 對原住民族之定義依然留白
《原住民族基本法》的定義 • 本法用詞定義如下: • 一、原住民族:係指既存於臺灣而為國家管轄內之傳統 民族,包括阿美族 、泰雅族、排灣族、 布農族、卑南族、魯凱族、鄒族、賽夏 族、雅美族、邵族、噶瑪蘭族、太魯閣 族及其他自認為原住民族並經中央原住 民族主管機關報請行政院核定之民族。 • 二、原住民:係指原住民族之個人。
維基的定義 • before or its subsequent colonisation or annexation; or • alongside other cultural groups during the formation and/or reign of a colony or nation-state; or • independently or largely isolated from the influence of the claimed governance by a nation-state, • have maintained at least in part their distinct cultural, social/organisational, and/or linguistic characteristics, and in doing so remain differentiated in some degree from the surrounding populations and dominant culture of the nation-state. • peoples who are self-identified as indigenous, and/or those recognized as such by other groups. • 早於殖民者 • 與其它族群共同形成國家 • 部分獨立於國家之治理 • 文化獨特性 • 自我認定與它者認定
原住性(indigeneity) • Oxford English Dictionary • 拉丁文:indu(within/在…之內) genere(beget/生) • 天生生於某土地或地區(Born or produced naturally in a land or region) • indigenous→indigeneity • 意謂相對於外來者,這個族群本來就在這裡 • aboriginality • “The quality of being aboriginal; existence in or possession of a land at the earliest stage of its history.” • 意謂這個族群是最早在此生活者
原住性的兩個可能意義 • Style A • 最早生活在此的人群的後代 • StyleB • 比殖民族群更早/先居住於此的族群
Style A的問題 • 最根本的一個問題,就是從歷史發展角度來看,很難確認一個族群是否就是某個土地上最早的住民,原住民族本身也會遷徙,或者因為經濟開墾,或者因為部落間戰爭
Style B的問題 • 雖然就歷史角度來看,此一定義較合理,且較有歷史證據,但與style A共同面臨一個問題: • 能夠訴諸我們是這塊土地上最早的or至少比你早來此一事實,證明原住民族的某些權利(尤其是土地自然資源權)嗎? • 「台灣原住民是台灣的主人」 • 歷史正義與分配正義