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Healthcare Leaders Embrace Reform

Healthcare Leaders Embrace Reform. 17 th Annual Scottsdale Institute Spring Conference April 14-16, 2010. Camelback Inn Scottsdale, AZ. Welcome to the Scottsdale Institute!. SI began 17 years ago as healthcare CEOs wanted to better understand IT as a strategic asset.

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Healthcare Leaders Embrace Reform

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  1. Healthcare Leaders Embrace Reform 17th Annual Scottsdale Institute Spring Conference April 14-16, 2010 Camelback Inn Scottsdale, AZ

  2. Welcome to the Scottsdale Institute! SI began 17 years ago as healthcare CEOs wanted to better understand IT as a strategic asset. Our purpose is to support members with IT related investments through networking and collaboration (please note 2010 SI Benchmarking efforts). 49 member organizations include approximately 450 hospitals. Spring Conferences (here) and Fall Forums (hosted by member health systems). Weekly teleconferences, publications, virtual communities (SIWebII) and other initiatives are accessed widely by member organizations. 11 Sponsoring Partners support SI both financially and with expertise in all program aspects.

  3. Welcome to the Scottsdale Institute! Welcome to the Year of Healthcare Reform! Polarization of ideologues Continued political silence on core issues of overall affordability and alignment of incentives Despite politics – a significant year of change! Our Executive Panel this year is dedicated to “Preparing for Reform, Stimulus Incentives, and Meaningful Use”. Recent HIMSS conference demonstrated the cynical side of the above: “fun scavenger hunt would have been to find presentation without words ARRA, HITECH, or Meaningful Use” “Smartest vendor strategy – guarantee MU” “Low point – a session that rattled off dozens of government grant programs like the seedy guy in the Free Government Grants infomercial”. We carefully picked our panel – this is a long term investment and the mission remains the same.

  4. Our Distinguished Panel All extremely pragmatic and durable individuals that have served the industry for many years: George S. Conklin – Moved from NYC to Houston; survived the culture shock; and helped transform the Christus and its IS function. Carole Cotter & Mary Cooper, MD – Carole has done much at Lifespan for many years with limited resources. Mary is now a partner in arms after training in Philadelphia and at NYP! Bruce Smith – Over 20 years CIO at Advocate and predecessor organization Lutheran General. A good friend recently told me “Bruce doesn’t like to talk about himself, he just gets stuff done”. Brent Snyder – A lawyer, a CIO and a sense of humor! I was recently at a great health system and one of the executives lamented about how well they did it at AE. Bill Spooner – For many years the #2 that made things happen. He has now been the CIO for many years and has made more happen. Bill is the 2009 CHIME CIO of the Year!!

  5. Questions for the Panel/Audience What appears to be the most difficult clinical MU criteria for each panelist’s site to meet (and why)? How are you preparing from a HIPAA/security standard? Readiness of your reporting systems and processes for the myriad of Quality Measures? Your levels of confidence in achieving MU? Your levels of confidence that funding/stimulus dollars will be available? What internal capabilities are you developing to prepare for and monitor MU efforts? Do you agree with the AHA’s statements that MU is “out of reach for many providers” and that “currently, no EHR is capable of meeting MU? Would your priorities and investments be similar without MU and related stimulus dollars?

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