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Space Weather Projects and Activities in Germany – June 08

Space Weather Projects and Activities in Germany – June 08.

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Space Weather Projects and Activities in Germany – June 08

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  1. Space Weather Projects andActivities in Germany – June 08 STEREO –Data Analysis (Predictionand Tracking of Solar Eruptionsfrom Sun to Earth, Science, Space WeatherandVisualization Data Archive of University Göttingen/Planetarium Hamburg, Forecastsof EUV-Radiation, SEPs, Solar Wind, CMEs); V. Bothmer Ionospheric Impacts on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), SWACI (Space WeatherApplication Center Ionosphere), N. Jakowski Space WeatherResearch in EU COST 724, SOTERIA (SOlar-TERrestrialInvestigationsand Archives, 2008- 2011, Lead WP2: ChromosphereandCorona) andother international (SWPC, Boulder) projects; V. Bothmer State ofthe Art Textbook„Space Weather – PhysicsandEffects“, Springer/Praxis, 2006; V. Bothmer & I. Daglis, 2. Ed. planned Development of Competence Centers on Sun andIonosphereunderdevelopment; Göttingen/Hamburg, V. Bothmer, T. Kraupe; SWACI Neustrelitz, N. Jakowski Small national LEO spaceweathersatelliteandpayload design Pre-Phase A Study; V. Bothmer, W. Keil, A. Vourlidas - E/PO (Sterne und Weltraum; IHY Projekt SIMONE (Sonnen IonosphärenMOnitoringNetwork)); V. Bothmer, N. Jakowski LOFAR (LOwFrequencyARray) Radiowaveproject; G. Mann, J. Schmitt The physicsofthecomplex Sun-Earth systemaspartof a larger researchprojectplannedbythe University of Göttingen in collaborationwith regional institutes, including MPI Katlenburg- Lindau; V. Bothmer, J. Büchner Lecture Module „Physicsofthe Sun, Heliosphereand Space Weather“ University Göttingen; V. Bothmer, J. Büchner Organisation ofspaceweathersessions/meetings (IAU, EGU, IAGA: Space WeatheranditsEffects on Spacecraft) V. Bothmer, N. Jakowski „Analysis ofspaceweathereffects on electronic systemsofspacemissions“; V. Bothmer, W. Keil; J.D.

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