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The changing landscape of nursing organizations in BC: Where do we go from here?. Sponsored by the RN Network of BC, May 19, 2010. Welcome on behalf of the RN Network of BC. What is the RN Network?. It is:
The changing landscape of nursing organizations in BC: Where do we go from here? Sponsored by the RN Network of BC, May 19, 2010
What is the RN Network? It is: a coalition of more than 600 BC nurses who are concerned about the loss of an association designated to voice perspectives of all RNs on policy issues
Led and supported by a Steering Committee of volunteers • Heather Mass, Sally Thorne, (Co-Chairs) • Lynette Best, Paddy Rodney, Maureen Shaw, Sharon Toohey, Jo Wearing
Our purpose in meeting today is: • to explain why it is necessary to re-establish an association for registered nurses in British Columbia and • broaden ongoing support for this work
Outcomes By the end of this meeting we hope you will understand: • the need for an Association for RNs in BC • why a separate Association is the best option • the perspectives of CRNBC, BCNU, BC’s Chief Executive Nurse and the C.N.A. on this issue • the process required to create an Association – including the need for an Interim Board of Directors
Our Agenda 1800: Welcome 1810: Background Review 1825: Perspectives from: • The College of Registered Nurses of BC – Laurel Brunke • BC Nurses Union – Debra McPherson • BC Ministry of Health Services – Brenda Canitz • Canadian Nurses Association – Kaaren Neufeld 1855: Current status and proposed action plan 1905: Next steps 1920: Dialogue and input – your questions and advice 1955: Closing remarks
The Journey: from awareness to anger to optimism As RNABC morphed into the CRNBC most of us….. • did not appreciate the potential impacts of this change on nursing or • believed that CRNBC would be able to carry out advocacy and policy activities anyway
Concerns increased as… CRNBC let go of functions like: • Regional chapters • Health care policy activities We assumed that - despite the HPA - if CRNBC really wanted to, it could still do these.
Moving on… We consulted with: • colleagues in BC and other provinces, • national organizations and leaders familiar with the international scene, • former nursing leaders involved with earlier organizational changes nationally and provincially
We tried to sort out…. • Whether CRNBC’s view about their restricted mandate was real or imagined? • Whether there were any possibilities of changing the legislation? • Whether legal action could reverse these changes?
What we didn’t fully appreciate at first, but came to understand was... • There is a growing public expectation that self-regulating professions must do a better job of public protection • Functions to advance the profession or articulate nursing views are seen as distinctly different from and in conflict with regulation
The separation of functions in professional organizations is not new • Began with the separation of unions from college/associations (1970’s - 1980’s) • Focus now is on the separation of “association” functions from colleges
Adapted from: Benton, David C.; CEO, ICN; 2009 and Ontario Speech Language Association Act on behalf of the public to ensure nurses provide safe professional care Act on behalf of nurses to secure salary, benefits and working conditions Act on behalf of nursing to advance the profession and influence health and social policy
In keeping with this movement, BC… • Amended the Health Professions Act • Brought all the health professions under this Act • Required associations like RNABC to become a regulatory colleges, and • Extinguished their mandate to carry out act in the interests of nursing – i.e. “association type functions”
So we began to understand…. WHAT WAS WHAT COULD BE
Ultimately we concluded that there were only three possible options: • Doing nothing • Changing the legislation • Starting something new
Foundational Assumptions 1) That the College and the Union both fulfill vital functions for our profession BC nurses need to remain self-regulating, which implies a strong regulatory framework, and BC nurses need a strong union that can advocate on matters of remuneration, working conditions and benefits
and… 2) That the BC nursing profession requires a strong, dedicated provincial policy voice 3) That BC nurses deserve to have full engagement with a national nursing policy voice.
Transitional Organization To fill the gaps and explore opportunities for a more permanent solution
Perspectives fromCollege of Registered Nurses of BC Laurel Brunke, Executive Director
Perspectives fromBC Nurses Union Debra McPherson, President
Perspectives fromBC Ministry of Health Services Brenda Canitz, Chief Executive Nurse
Perspectives fromCanadian Nurses Association Kaaren Neufeld, President
Where To From Here? We have: • Secured funding from CRNBC to support the development of a business plan for a new association • Initiated incorporation processes • Brought RNs together at this meeting to begin the process of determining what this new association will look like
What do we need from you….? Help in defining our future: • How our association will operate • How to engage nurses • How we will interact with other nursing organizations provincially and nationally
Closing RemarksRob CalnanRN Network Member and Member of the new Interim Board