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The Christian’s Character. Romans 12:14-16. The Christian’s Character. RESTRAINT AND PERSPECTIVE
The Christian’s Character Romans 12:14-16
The Christian’s Character • RESTRAINT AND PERSPECTIVE • Some studies have indicated that much high blood pressure and other anxiety-related disease is caused not by serious, longterm problems and life-threatening pressures but by persistent attitudes of resentment and hostility that eat at people who habitually react negatively to unpleasant situations and people. [John MacArthur, ROMANS] • EMPATHY • “A shared joy is twice a joy, a shared sorrow is half a sorrow.”
The Christian’s Character • “To refuse to rejoice with another reveals envy in your own heart. To refuse to weep with another is to reveal a lack of compassion in your heart. Either way, you have a serious problem.” • ARE WE EASY TO GET ALONG WITH? • Christians should be easy to get along with. He is talking about not making sparks or causing turmoil. . . he is saying we should not be like those Christian crusaders who are always looking for a fight or hunting down “Christ’s enemies.” We are to love and win people, not root them out to beat them senseless. [Boice p. 1610]
The Christian’s Character • 1. Conflict is a part of life. • 2. We are not always right. • 3. We are not all in the same place spiritually. • HUMILITY • “Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.”
The Christian’s Character • When poet Thomas Hardy was so famous that any newspaper would gladly have paid enormous sums for his work, he would submit a poem always with a stamped and addressed envelope for the return of his manuscript should it be rejected. Even in his greatness he was humble enough to think that his work might be turned down. • There are many stories and legends of the humility of a man named Principal Cairns. He would never enter a room first. He always said, “You first, I follow.” Once, as he came on to a platform, there was a great burst of applause in welcome. He stood aside and let the man after him come first and began himself to applaud. He never dreamed that the applause could possibly be for him; he thought it must be for the other man. [Barclay DSB, Luke)
The Christian’s Character • We must realize the facts. How ever much we know, we still know very little compared with the sum total of knowledge. However much we have achieved, we still have achieved very little in the end. However important we may believe ourselves to be, when death removes us or when we retire from our position, life and work will go on just the same. • We must constantly compare ourselves with the perfect. It is when we see or hear the expert that we realize how poor our own performance is. Many a man has decided to burn his clubs after a day at golf’s Open Championship. Many a man has decided never to appear in public again after hearing a master musician perform. Many a preacher has been humbled almost to despair when he has heard a real saint of God speak. And if we set our lives beside the life of the Lord of all good life, if we see our unworthiness in comparison with the radiance of his stainless purity, pride will die and self-satisfaction will be shriveled up. (ibid)