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NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS & REHABILITATION CMT II. Correctional Medical Training II Previously Medication Assistant I PROGRAM IN COLLABORATION WITH MINOT STATE UNIVERSITY. Jo Ann Sund, RN. Constance B. Kalanek PhD, RN. November 16, 2007. November 16, 2007.

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  2. Jo Ann Sund, RN Constance B. Kalanek PhD, RN November 16, 2007 November 16, 2007 NORTH DAKOTA BOARD OF NURSING CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL Medication Assistant Program I Offered by NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA Has met the standards for a medication assistant program I And is approved by the North Dakota Board of Nursing From November 2007 to November 2011

  3. Requirements • Passed CMT I • CPR certification • Detailed start and finish date of course work. • Clinical check list score of 90% • Student written exam of 85% • North Dakota Board of Nursing regulations allow no more than one retake without further instruction.

  4. Medication • Prevent Disease • Aid in diagnosis of disease • Treat a disease or reduce symptoms • Restore normal body function • Maintain normal body function

  5. Why training to give medications in corrections? • Medications can be dangerous • Medications may be unfamiliar • Rules and procedures are required by law in correctional facilities. • Correctional facilities must control medication storage and delivery.

  6. Correctional Delivery Model • Physician or dentist • Pharmacist • Nurse • Correctional staff or officer • ***As Correctional staff not allowed to make judgments about medication, only observe and report.

  7. Medication Cycle • Observation (observe the offender and report changes, report side effects) • Prescription (report any known complications such as an allergy) • Administration (Monitor correct dose to be given) • Documentation (check and record on MAR)

  8. Correctional staff responsibilities • Adherence to laws and correctional facility policies • Observing for side effects • Ensuing safety and sanitation policies are followed.

  9. What are your institutions policies? • Prescription medication • Non prescription medication

  10. Laws • Food and Drug Act • Controlled Substance Act of 1970

  11. Observation Skills • Visual • Auditory • Smell • Touch

  12. General Appearance • Body Posture • General State of Health and Appetite. • Physical Activity Level • Physical condition of skin • Facial expressions and speech • General emotional state and state of awareness • Bowel and bladder

  13. Report any observed concerns to licensed nurse or shift supervisor

  14. Medication Verification • Proper label on medication • Name of pharmacy • Address of pharmacy • Number of prescription • Offenders name • Physician name • Date filled • Type of medication and amount • Instructions for taking medication • Initial of pharmacist

  15. References for verifying medications • Call pharmacy • Call physician • Call nearest hospital or poison control • Call facility nurse • Mosby or Sanders Nursing Drug Reference Handbook • Facility nurse or supervisor should be notified if problems or questions.

  16. MAR or Medication Administration Record • Keep on person medications • Storage in a cool dry area unless otherwise instructed.

  17. 6 rights to medication delivery Right Individual Right Documentation Right Dose Right Route Right Time Right Medication

  18. Before meals a.c. • Every q • Every hour qh • Every six hours q6h • After meals p.c. • Three times an day tid • Two times a day bid • As needed prn

  19. By mouth p.o. • Intramuscular I.M. • Intravenous I.V. • Suppository supp. • Pertaining to eyes Ophth • Pertaining to the ear Otic • Subcutaneous SQ • Sublingual SL • Inside cheek buc

  20. Body systems • Skeletal • Bones and joints • Body support, protect organs • Muscular • Muscles • Body movement

  21. Nervous • Brain and spinal cord • Control body activity • Circulatory • Heart and blood • Carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells

  22. Respiratory • Nose and lungs • Provide air • Urinary • Kidneys and bladder • Remove wastes

  23. Gastrointestinal • Mouth, stomach and bowel • Digest food remove waste • Endocrine • Thyroid and pancreas • Secrete hormones

  24. Skin • Skin • Protection • Sensory • Eye, ears, nose • Sight, hearing and sound

  25. Effects of medication • Follows the same route as food • Body Weight • Age • Sex • Pregnancy and lactation • Genetic factors • Psychological factors • Illness/disease

  26. Desired effects • Side effects (allergy) • No apparent effect

  27. Medication Interactions • Potentiation • Antagonism • Unique effect

  28. Any change in behavior or physical condition the first few days of starting a new medication should be reported to nurse or shift supervisor.

  29. Medication names • Trade or brand names • Generic names • Chemical names • Family or category

  30. Steps in oral medication procedure • Correct time or medication times schedule • Hand washing • Unlock storage area • Check label, Remove right dose from container • Report changes in appearance of medication to nurse, supervisor, or pharmacist • Observe swallowing of medication • Replace medication in locked storage area. • Chart medication • Observe for desired or side effects

  31. Steps in liquid medication delivery • Time schedule • Hand washing • Unlock storage area • Check label • Shake before pouring and pour away from label side. • Pour at eye level and pour right before giving • Don’t mix other medications or with other liquid medication • Observe swallowing of liquid • Replace in locked storage area • Chart medication • Observe and report medication effects

  32. Special Medication ProceduresCorrectional staff • What is the purpose and desired effect of medication given. • Response time • Side effects • Possible interactions with other medications. • Special storage or administration procedures. • Controlled substance counted and controlled • Controlled substances are not advocated to be used in correctional facilities.

  33. What is your facility’s procedure if offender is away from facility regarding medication delivery? • Procedures for verbal orders. Only a licensed nurse can take a verbal order. • Procedures for prn medications. Most correctional facilities don’t allow. Must be documented appropriately.

  34. Eye drops or ointments • Wash hands soap and water. Use gloves • Avoid touching around the eye with dropper or vehicle for dispensing. Keep dropper and eye area clean. • Lying down position or head tilted back. • Index finger pull eye lid down to form a pocket. Support rest of hand on nose and cheek. • Drop desired amount in pocket • Replace cap and have offender close eye gently • Wash hands after removing gloves and return to storage area.

  35. Ear drops • Wash hands soap and water • Check medication delivery system • Medication bottle and ear are clean • Warm drops in hand shake • Tilt ear up. Hold ear lobe down and back • Place prescribed amount in ear. • Don’t put dropper into the ear canal. • Keep ear tilted awhile and then insert cotton plug. • Wash hands

  36. Topical medication • Position offender in a comfortable position • Wash hands wear gloves • Check label • Follow directions on label can use a tongue blade • Creams rub gently • Lotions pat or dab on skin • Liniments rub vigorously • Aerosol sprays 3-6 inch away • Form medication place next to skin and spray • Remove gloves wash hands and store properly.

  37. Nebulizer treatment • Wash hands: prepare supplies and set up equipment • Offender sit upright check heart rate and respiration rate and record. • Check MAR and appropriate dosage of medication • Place mouth piece in mouth and start machine. When medication is gone, shut off machine. • Check heart rate and respiration rate and record. • Wash equipment and hands

  38. Transdermal patches • Wash hands wear gloves • Check medication label with MAR • Date and initial patch before applying • Remove old patch • Apply to non-hairy area as directed • Place patch on skin and hold down with palm 30 seconds • Remove gloves, wash hands and document in MAR

  39. Difficulty swallowing • Sitting position • Small sips water • Take one tablet at a time • Rest between tablets • Put medication in a teaspoon of pudding etc. • Check if comes in a liquid.

  40. Refusal of medication • Document the reason for refusal and follow facility policy for medication refusal. • Allow time to pass and reoffered medication? • Notify nurse or shift supervisor

  41. Errors in medication administration • Use facility policy such as an incident report or variance. • Wrong individual • Wrong medication • Wrong dose • Wrong time • Wrong route • Wrong procedure/documentation

  42. Anticonvulsant • Control seizures • Side effects • Drowsiness • Upset stomach • Constipations • Sore throat/infection • Dizziness/unsteadiness • Slurred speech

  43. Antibiotic • Purpose treat infections given for 4-10 days. It is important to take all medication. • Side effects • Rash or hives • Itching • Nausea or vomiting

  44. Analgesics • Relieve pain • Side effects • Drowsiness • Constipation • Headache • Nausea/vomiting • Slow respirations

  45. Psychotropic • Reduce symptoms of emotional disorders • Side effects • Nausea and loss of appetite • Weight gain and metabolic syndrome (diabetes and high cholesterol) • Diarrhea

  46. Hormones • Stimulate metabolism • Birth Control • Insulin • Steroids • Hormone replacement therapy.

  47. Antacid • Relieve upset stomach • Side effect • Constipation

  48. Anti hypertensive • Cardiovascular • Anti-inflammatory • Protein pump inhibitors

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